Category: lesbian sex

Fuck The Teacher

Amy Carter was the new English teacher at Piedmont High. She was very young and very attractive. She was the hottest teacher in school. All of the guys would drool after her. Rumors swirled around the school that she was screwing every guy there from the principal to all of the football team. Eve though those rumors were untrue, Amy loved the attention. Valentine’s Day started an eventful experience for Ms. Carter.

Amy walked into her room that morning, and saw two dozen roses sitting on her desk. There were no cards indicating who they were from. The roses looked and smelled wonderful. She asked around all day, but no one knew about the mystery roses.

Amy thought and thought all weekend, “Who sent me those roses?”

Monday morning, she walked into her room, and a giant white teddy bear, with a red stomach and nose was sitting on her desk. Once again, there was no indication to who it was from. Once again, no one knew who sent it.

This went on all week. Every morning, flowers, candy, expensive perfumes, and such would all be waiting on her in her room. Friday, there was a heart shaped box of chocolates on her desk. She spent the whole weekend devouring them. When she finished them, there was an envelope in the bottom of the box. She opened them, there were several pictures in them. The first picture was fuzzy to make out, but it looked like a woman’s pussy! She looked at the next one, it was a little bit more clear, it was woman’s pussy! Was her secret admirer a woman? The next picture was of a pair of legs, the next was of the upper body. “Who ever this person was, she has big breasts,” Amy noted. The next few pictures were of the hair and face. It wasn’t until the last picture, that she knew who this person was. She was lying on her back nude, using a vibrator on herself. It was Harley, The girl in her Senior English Lit. class, and barely 18 years old! She was in shock! At the same time she was something else, but she was to shocked to admit it to herself. She didn’t know why, but she kept looking through all the pictures several times. She stopped when she felt “dirty.”

Amy took a shower and wet to bed. That night she dreamed of Harley. She woke up the next morning like she hadn’t slept at all, she felt like shit. She went to school. There were the roses, three dozen this time. These had cards from Harley expressing her love for her teacher. All through her first class, Amy tried not to make eye contact with Harley. She wasn’t a lesbian, and even if she was, she couldn’t carry on an affair with her student. The day as restless, but Amy was glad it was over at two o’clock. She was sitting at her desk reading a magazine. She heard a knock on the door. She told them to come in. It was Harley.

“Hi Ms. Carter.”

“Hi. What can I do for you?”

Amy noticed how Harley was dressed. She was wearing a short plaid skirt and a see through blouse, and if she wasn’t mistaken, she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“It’s not what you can do for me, it’s what I can do for you.”

“Harley I-”

“You look so tense, let me help you.”

Harley walked behind her teacher and began to give her a massage on her shoulders. Amy melted. The massage felt so good. Harley had a very good touch. Amy woke up when she felt her kissing her neck.

“Harley stop. We can’t-”

“Can’t what? I can’t make you feel good again? I can’t worship your body?”

Harley’s hands traveled down Amy’s blouse. She rubbed her breasts. Amy was melting even more. Harley spun her around in her chair.

“You want me to strip for you Amy?”

Harley took off her blouse, freeing her breasts. Amy couldn’t take her eyes of her big fat nipples. Harley rubbed herself asking:

“I bet you want to wrap your lips around these, don’t you?”

Amy couldn’t explain it, but she did want to suck those tits. Amy was swaying her hips when she lifted her skirt to indicate that she wasn’t wearing panties. Her pussy was shaven and wet.

“You will in due time.”

Harley got on her knees, and stuck her hands under Amy’s skirt, and removed her panties. She stuck her head under her skirt, and began to eat out her pussy. Harley was going to town on her teacher’s pussy. Amy was enjoying the tongue lashing her pussy was getting. She was moaning louder and louder, on the brink of an orgasm, when she heard the intercom, it was the Principal.

“Ms. Carter? Your two thirty parent teacher meeting is here.”

“Oh! What? Uh okay.”

Amy had forgotten all about the meeting she was going to have with Roger Stewart’s parents. She was caught in a trap. Harley motioned that she would get under her desk. She took their clothes with her. The parents came in the room, and Amy tried to have an intelligent conversation with them about their son’s grade. It was tough because Harley didn’t have enough of her pussy the first time. She started eating her pussy again. Harley stifled her moans as best she could. When she couldn’t, she would claim she was feeling sick. If only that boy’s parents would have known that Amy came twice while she was talking with her.

Just as soon as they left, Harley got out of her hiding place fully clothed, or as clothed as she was when she first came in. She kissed her teacher on the lips. Amy tasted her cum on her student’s lips. Harley walked out of the classroom, and left her teacher in a sexual mess.

Amy collected herself, and tried to find her panties. She couldn’t. She left for her apartment. She got to her apartment, and was shocked to find her door was unlocked. She opened the door and nearly fainted when she saw Harley sitting on her couch in her panties that she couldn’t find in her room.

“How did you get in here?”

“I told your landlord that you were tutoring me.”

“We have to talk.”

“No! We have to fuck!”

Harley walked to her teacher and laid a kiss on her that would have melted her elastic in her panties, if she was wearing them. Harley took off the panties.

“Amy, let me help you get nude.”

Harley unbuttoned and removed Amy’s blouse. Then she freed her titties from her prison like bra. She helped her out of her skirt, panty hose, and high heels. Harley let her tongue travel up and down Amy’s legs. Harley got back on her feet, an kissed her again on the lips.

The kiss was long and hard. Harley let her lips, mouth and tongue travel down to her breasts. She worshipped them for the longest. But she had to stop, she wanted to taste her prize again.

She rammed her tongue deep into Amy’s pussy. She quickly found her large clit and licked, sucked, and pulled on it. Amy was so sexually excited that she began squirting cum all over Harley. Then without much warning, cum was exploding out of her pussy like the “lava bombs” in the movie Volcano.

When Amy calmed down, she wanted to give Harley the same pleasure. The girls kissed again. Amy hoped that Harley’s pussy tasted as good as her’s did. Amy sucked on Harley’s big fat nipples. Harley was encouraging her lover to go for the gold and eat her pussy.

Amy did, and her inexperienced tongue went crazy on her pussy. Harley noticed that Amy’s licks were a bit different than most, but she was still taking her to the big O.

When Harley came, she covered Amy’s entire face with cum. Some had even dripped down on her breasts. Amy was like a hungry wolf. Harley had to beg her to stop, or she might not ever cum again. Amy had brought her student to at least eight orgasms in a row!

When Amy came back down from her high, she reached into her book bag and pulled out a strapon dildo. She lubed it up with her own cum and put it on. She laid down beside her.

“Amy? I want you. I know I might have sort of freaked you out, but ever since the first day I saw you, I needed you. I needed to fuck you. But if you want to quit, we will, and I promise I’ll keep this between us.”

Amy grabbed Harley, and kissed her.

“No one has ever treated me the way you have this last week or so. Fuck me Harley.”

Amy spread her legs as Harley positioned herself and her eight inch cock over her new lover. She slowly inserted it in her pussy, and Amy moaned loudly.

“Oh, I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“No keep going. Fuck me!!!”

Harley inserted her dick deep into Amy until she swallowed it all up. She slowly and sensuously began fucking her. Amy rode her slowly, but within minutes, they were one big sexual fuck festival. Amy came just as many times as she made Harley, and she was begging for mercy. Harley stopped and pulled her dildo out of her. She took it off, and handed it to Amy. Amy licked her cum off of the dildo while Harley worshipped her body.

The girls shared a bath together. and found out a little more about each other.

“So was that your first time Har?”

“Believe it or not, yes it was. I guess I was so good because of all the practice I got fantasizing about you.” What about you?”

“I was with one guy during college, but you were the first woman I have ever been with, and you were the best.”

“So what are we going to do about us? I know we took a risk at school today, but I’m pretty sure we can’t do that every day.”

“Well, we may occasionally take a risk, just for the excitement of it, but let’s just do this: During school, we will be teacher and student, but after school I’m yours however you want, and your mine however I want. Okay?”

“Okay.! Amy, I love you!”

“I love you too.”

The two shared a kiss and enjoyed their bath.

Just as was promised, Amy and Harley lead a teacher and student existence during school hours. But after hours, it was anything goes! Harley graduated from high school and move in with Amy soon after. She went to college real close so she could stay with Amy. To this day, five years later, the sex is still good, and the two are just as in love. In a couple of years, Harley hopes to be a coworker with her lover. And they are living Happily Ever After.

No Reservations

Brenda Olsen stood a little impatiently in line while waiting to register and get a key to her room. “Finally,” she muttered under her breath, “my turn!” “How may I help you?” the ditsy looking blonde behind the counter asked brightly. Brenda was about to give the woman a zinger but thought better of it and replied, “Olsen, Brenda Olsen, I have a reservation for three nights.” “Uhhhhhh let me see,” the blonde said while punching in her name on the reservations computer terminal. “Hmmmmm, I don’t find it here, let me check one more place………” Brenda nervously tapped her foot while the clerk searched for her name. Finally with her head shaking from side to side the blonde offered slowly, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t find your reservation anywhere, and unfortunately we’re all booked up.” “What?!?” Brenda snapped. “I’ve had a standing reservation at this hotel for three years, I demand to speak to the manager!” Brenda could hear the grumblings from the other people in line, but dammit it couldn’t be helped! She had a reservation and demanded that they live up to it! Ten minutes later after the assistant manager had explained that there was nothing they could do, a feminine voice from the middle of the line said softly, “I have reservations for a double and wouldn’t mind sharing it with you.”
On there way up the elevator to the fifteenth floor Brenda offered, “I really appreciate this, I don’t know what I would have done with the whole city filled up with conventioneers!” “No problem at all,” the middle aged woman replied, “I just hope that if I was ever in your predicament that someone would do the same for me, by the way my name’s Amanda, Amanda Cross!” Brenda reached out to shake Amanda’s extended hand and replied, “Brenda Olsen, oh good, here’s our floor.” “Nice room,” Amanda commented while dropping her bags in the corner. “I always stay at the Elsinore,” Brenda replied, “the service is always top notch, that is until today!” The two of them laughed for a moment before Amanda asked, “Do you mind if I take a shower, it was a long flight and I feel pretty grungy?” “Not at all,” Brenda replied, “you go right ahead while I unpack.” Brenda then proceeded to open her suitcase while in the back ground she could hear the sound of water running in the bathroom.

“It’s all yours,” Amanda said while coming out through the bathroom door. Brenda turned around to answer but her chin practically hit the floor when she saw a totally naked Amanda standing in the middle of the room toweling herself off! “Go ahead,” the big titted older woman said casually, “the water’s hot!” Brenda quickly regained her senses and replied, “T-thanks, I think I will.” Once under the stingy rays of water Brenda forgot all about the incident with Amanda and luxuriated in the warm gushing water. “Ohhhh that feels so nice,” she said to herself as her mind drifted off into space. She was in fact so relaxed that she never even noticed when the door to the shower slowly opened and Amanda joined her inside. “Mmmmm, you look so sexy under that spray!” the older woman whispered. “W-what are you doing in here?” a befuddled Brenda asked shakily. “I just thought that you might need some help,” Amanda replied gently while reaching out to caress the younger woman’s smooth belly. Now recoiling with a little bit of fear Brenda answered a little more forcefully, “I can assure you that I am quite capable of taking my own shower, thank you!”

“I’m sure that you are,” Amanda replied smoothly while letting her hands roam all over the frightened woman’s firm breasts, “but you look so sexy I just couldn’t help myself!” “W-well just help yourself out of here,” Brenda stammered, “I don’t go in for this type of thing!” “Really?” Amanda asked softly. “Just look at your nipples, they seem to be “going for it”!” Amanda quickly moved closer to her target and forced her hand between the stunned young woman’s legs and began firmly fingering the smoothly shaved pussy. “O-ohhhhhh,” Brenda gasped, “s-stop that this instant!” “You mean stop this?” Amanda asked softly while flicking her finger over the mewling woman’s hard clit. Brenda was now pinned up against the shower stall wall and with little or no chance of escape closed her eyes and let the fiftyish dyke have her way with her! The tension in Brenda’s pussy was now growing to a fever pitch! She was trying desperately not to enjoy the experience, but knowing how sensitive her pussy was to any kind of stimulus she knew instinctively that she would do what ever Amanda asked of her!

Now hovering on the ragged edge of orgasm, Brenda’s eyes literally were rolling back in her head when Amanda kissed her on the ear and whispered, “Have you ever sucked a pussy?” “N-no!!!” Brenda recoiled, for the first time figuring out exactly what was going to happen next. “That’s good, real good,” Amanda cooed while pressing her heavy chest into Brenda’s perfectly shaped B-cups. “I just love having a virgin mouth do my hairy cunt, it’s oh so exhilarating!!!” “I don’t want to,” Brenda cried weakly, “p-please, don’t make me!” “Please don’t make me,” Amanda mimicked in high pitched little girl’s voice. “Now get your ass down there and suck me off, little bitch!” Seconds later Brenda was on her knees staring at the hairiest pussy she had ever seen in her twenty seven years of life! Amanda grabbed her roughly by the head, and with little or no fanfare pulled her mouth directly to the bulging slit.

Secretly Brenda had always wondered what it would be like to orally satisfy another woman and now here she was actually getting her chance! Of course she had tasted her own juice on the peckers of her lovers but this was totally different and much more intense! Gingerly at first she let her tongue slip up and down Amanda’s plump outer lips, taking special care to flick across her erect clit! Hearing the older woman moan with each stroke emboldened the neo-cunt lapper! Now reaching around to grab Amanda’s fat ass cheeks for leverage she bored in hard, alternating between tongue fucking the old bitch and driving her wild with hard licks on her distended clitty. “G-good fucking god,” Amanda moaned while grabbing the towel bar for support, “you’re a fucking cunt lapping genius!” Brenda would feel a change coming over her as the old woman rocketed to a leg wobbling orgasm! She could tell instantly that this would not be the last pussy she would suck while Amanda literally ground her spasming cunt lips into her wide open mouth!

Amanda gasped for breath as her blood pressure slowly returned to normal. Come with me,” she ordered while pulling Brenda to her feet. After drying off Amanda led the aroused young woman to one of the beds and had her lay down with her legs spread wide apart. Brenda closed her eyes and softly twisted her hard nipples while waiting for her new lover to bring her to a cum of her own. “Now we’re ready,” Amanda announced while towering over the bed. Brenda slowly opened her eyes only to feel her heart leap to her throat as she stared at a monstrous strap on dildo hanging menacingly between the old cunt’s legs!!!

Even though she was terrified at the thought of such a huge organ penetrating her vagina, she could only whimper softly while Amanda mounted her while pressing the giant head against her now straining opening! “B-be gentle,” Brenda gasped, “please, don’t hurt me!” Amanda smiled at the shaking woman and replied softly, “But the pain can be so gooooood!” And then without any warning at all, she slammed her hips forward, driving the rubber and latex spike nine inches deep into her unsuspecting pussy! To keep her from screaming out loud Amanda put her arm over Brenda’s mouth and began powering in and out of the helpless cunt like a battering ram! Unbelievably, true to Amanda’s prediction the mixture of pleasure and pain soon became lost in a gigantic orgasmic cauldron that roiled hotter and hotter by the second! When it became apparent that she wouldn’t scream, Amanda removed her arm only to have Brenda beg, “Oh, please, h-harder, fuck me harder!!!” A broad smile spread over Amanda’s face and she whispered, “my little baby is going to have a big one, no!?!” Brenda attempted to answer, but it was too late. At that very moment her cunt collapsed around the invading monster while a climax of unreal dimensions slammed into her cunt like a guided missle!!! “I-I’m fucking cummmmmmming,” she finally managed to moan, “so fucking hard!!!”

Then it was over. The two of them lay together for a long time with the huge dildo still buried deep in Brenda’s over heated cunt! “I’m absolutely shell shocked,” Brenda sighed while caressing one of Amanda’s large breasts, “that was just incredible!!!” Amanda kissed the now satiated woman on the cheek and replied softly, “And remember, we still have three more days!” “Mmmmmm, yes,” Brenda sighed, “three more days, and don’t forget the nights!!!”

Interesting Summer Job

Zoey slowed her car to crawl as she checked the house numbers as she slowly rolled down the quiet shaded street. “Let me see now,” she muttered under her breath, “115, 121, 127, ahhhhhhh, here we are, 133!” She parked her car in a under the shade of a large oak tree, and after checking to make sure that she had everything in her black attache case she headed up the front walk to the large colonial house that stood proudly amongst the large stand of trees surrounding the property. She checked one last time the name on the order form and rang the bell and waited. A few moments later a pretty red haired pregnant lady of about thirty or so answered the door and invited her inside. “You must be Zoey,” she said with a smile while extending her hand. “And you must be Mrs. Gordon,” Zoey replied while setting down her brief case. “Call me Lisa,” the rotund woman answered while ushering Zoey into the large well appointed living room, “please, have a seat.” Zoey picked out a large plush easy chair and plopped herself down while Lisa did the same on the long sofa. “I was a little reluctant to call your company,” Lisa began, “but it’s gotten to the point where I just need some help!” Zoey smiled her radiant smile and replied gently, “Well, it’s good that you called us, that’s what we’re here for!” “How long have you been with the company?” Lisa asked. “I’m a senior at State U.,” Zoey replied, “this is just a summer job, but I certainly enjoy it, so what do you say we get down to business.”
“So, what exactly is it you want me to do?” Zoey asked softly. “Well, uh, you see it’s like this,” Lisa stammered. “My husband is a very busy man, and since I became pregnant…….” “Since you became pregnant,” Zoey interjected, “he’s become shall we say less attentive to your needs.” “That’s exactly right,” a grateful Lisa replied. “Do you think you can help me?” Of course I can,” the young woman replied, “that’s what I’m here for, so if you don’t mind I’d like you to remove all of your clothing!” “Y-you mean right here?” Lisa asked nervously. “Why not?” Zoey asked. “Are you expecting someone else?” “Er, no,” a red faced Lisa replied, “I guess not.” “Okay then, let’s get started,” Zoey ordered. Lisa struggled to her feet and began removing her clothing. When she was finally naked she revealed a pair of huge breasts that rested on her distended belly, which in turn hung over a crotch full of fiery red pubic hair. Zoey crossed the room and ran her delicate hands all over Lisa’s lush body, taking extra time to examine her huge boobs. Right away Zoey could see that the first thing that needed to be done was to ease the pressure in Lisa’s incredibly engorged breasts via the use of a breast pump. “Please sit down,” Zoey said while fishing the pump out of her bag, “this should make you feel better right away!”

After the hoses where firmly attached to Lisa’s turgid nipples Zoey flipped on the pump. Almost instantly the milk began surging through the hoses and into the collection bottle. “Oh, my” Lisa sighed, “that feels so nice, you can’t believe how heavy they feel.” Zoey sat down on the couch next to Lisa and while gently caressing her round tummy asked, “How may months are you along now?” “Ohhhhhh, about seven and a half,” the overly ripe woman replied. “You look very beautiful,” Zoey commented. “When’s the last time you and your husband made love?” “Over two months ago,” Lisa replied sadly while tears welled up in her eyes, “I don’t think he loves me anymore!” “I’m sure that the pregnancy has thrown him off his game,” Zoey replied, “now just relax and let Zoey take care of everything!”

With the pump humming softly in the back ground Zoey reached into her bag of tricks and produced a short but very thick dildo that had a small vibrator hidden inside. “Now I’m going to help you get rid of all that pent up tension,” Zoey whispered while gently pushing the red head’s thighs apart, “and I think this will do the trick.” She carefully spread the hairy mound apart and slowly worked the fat head inside of the now drooling organ. “O-oh goodness gracious!” Lisa moaned. “That feels just wonderful, please, don’t stop, more, more!!!” Zoey always used a short dildo in the cases where pregnant women were involved, but it was the diameter that usually got them going as it was at least two and a half inches thick! With about four inches of rubber cock stuck in Lisa’s pussy, Zoey caressed her cheek and whispered, “Now, how does this feel?” At that moment Zoey turned on the mini vibe, sending poor Lisa’s pussy pin wheeling completely out of control! Lisa automatically arched her back and shoved her fat cunt forward as a tidal wave of orgasms build deep in the pit of her stomach!

“So that feels good, huh?” Zoey asked softly. Lisa was barely coherent, but she managed to nod her head in the affirmative as a small river of drool ran out of the corner of her mouth! Zoey continued to push the thick little invader in and out of Lisa’s pussy, and just as the passion was building to a crescendo pitch Zoey whispered into the panting woman’s ear, “Do you remember the day you got pregnant?” With her head spinning like a top, the poor woman could hardly comprehend a thing Zoey was saying and stammered, “W-what did you say?!?” “I just ask if you could remember the time when you hubby made you pregnant?” Lisa made and audible gulp as the suction on her nipples and the humming in her pussy drove her ever so close to the edge, but after giving it a moment’s thought replied, “Y-essssss, I remember, it was after a party, Dan took me right inside of the entry way, we never even made it to the bedroom!”

Zoey gave the dildo a couple of quick thrusts before continuing on, “Did you cum hard, I mean when he stuck his cock into your pussy did you have a big one!?!” “Oh yes,” she gasped, “h-he came in my mouth first though, and then after just a minute or two he leaned me face first against the wall and fucked me doggy style! “Is he hung?” Zoey asked. “Does he have a nice big cock!?!” “God, you should see it,” Lisa panted, “he’s eight inches long and thick as my wrist, he makes me cum so fucking hard!!!” “Do you love his pecker?” Zoey asked. “O-oh yesssss, I just love his big cock, it makes me feel like such a pussy!” Lisa stammered. Lisa was now so close to orgasm she could almost taste it! Zoey sensing that this was it, flicked the little vibe to the high setting and watched in wonder as the pregnant woman’s eyes nearly popped out of her head while a devastating climax literally shredded her poor pussy into confetti!!!

Lisa was so shell shocked that she was unable to move even a muscle! Zoey turned off the breast pump and detached the suction cups from puffy nipples and then carefully removed the fat dildo from the red haired cunt! “Thank you so much,” Lisa managed to mumble softly, “y-you don’t know how much I need that!” “I think I do,” Zoey said with a smile after putting everything back into her bag. “Shall I put you down for the same time next week?!?” With her pussy still gaping wide open Lisa sighed, “Same time, same channel!!!”

The Secretary

Julia Foxx slammed down the receiver and muttered under her breath, “Idiots, the world is full of idiots!!!” She rifled through the multitude of papers that were spread all over her large desk, and finally in exasperation punched the intercom button and ordered, “Marge, get in here, I need some help!” Marge Owens set aside the letter she was typing and went directly into Julia Foxx’s office. “What’s up boss?” she asked brightly. “You remember the Cambridge file?” Julia asked without looking up. “I know it’s here somewhere, but for the life of me I just can’t find the damn thing!” Marge slipped back out the door and retrieved the needed document from her own desk and returned while asking, “Is this what you’re looking for?” “Thank god,” Julia said while slumping back into her chair, “I was certain that I had left it at home.” Marge walked over around the back of desk and began rubbing Julia’s shoulders while whispering softly, “I think you need a break, your so tense!” Julia closed her eyes for a moment and sighed, “I don’t know how that fool Roberts ever became and attorney, if I ever have the urge to get involved with him again just shoot me!” “Let’s not think about him,” Marge said soothingly, “in fact, isn’t about time you went potty?”
“Ohhhhh, you’re right,” Julia replied while getting to her feet. “I do have to go!” The two women disappeared into Julia Foxx’s private washroom, whereupon Julia pulled up the hem of her skirt, allowing Marge to carefully pull down her frilly white panties! “Mmmmm,” Marge hummed, “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen these before, they’re very pretty!” “Thanks,” Julia replied while sitting her plump bottom on toilet seat, “I just got them last weekend.” With her legs spread wide apart Julia sighed as Marge gently opened the lips of her smoothly shaved vagina and held them apart while a stream of hot golden pee rocketed from her full bladder! “Feeling better?” Marge asked softly. “Ohhhhh, yes,” Julia said, “so much better!” As the last bit of pee dripped from Julia’s labia, Marge took a piece of tissue paper and gently dabbed at the full lips until it was clean as a whistle. As was usually the case, Julia caressed the young woman’s head in her arms while guiding her mouth directly to her bulging cunt! “Okay, baby, be a good secretary and suck Julia off!” “Of all the fringe benefits this job offered, “Sucking Julia Foxx’s pussy was number one!” Marge could never get enough of the over developed organ, and after taking in a deep breath of her intoxicating aroma she let her tongue slither into the gaping slit and find it’s way directly to her hard engorged clitty!!!

What was even better was how Julia Foxx framed her perfect pussy! Instead of wearing drab old panty hose she always wore a garter belt coupled with a shear pair of silk stockings! It was as if her pussy were in a picture frame, and even though she was on the north side of forty years of age, Julia Foxx had the kind of body that simply oozed sensuality! Slightly plump with a firm legs, a full ass, rounded tummy, almost huge breasts, and a very pretty face framed by a long mane of dark brown hair! On the occasions when she let her pussy go to seed, an incredible forest of pubic hair would cover her crotch from her ass hole all the way up to a super wide vee and then to a thin trail of fur up to her cute navel. It was her huge clit, however, that drove Marge completely mad! When it was engorged to the hilt it stood proud and strong, poking it’s glans out from between the folds of Julia’s pussy practically begging to be sucked! Marge bored in on the erect little organ, and while wrapping her tongue around it’s head, Julia’s body tensed up while long low moan escaped her lips as a stunning string of orgasms wrenched her pussy until it was totally spent!

“Good grief, someday you’re gonna kill me when you do that,” Julia Foxx sighed while the tingling in her pussy slowly subsided. “And what a delightful way to go,” Marge giggled while leaning up to kiss the her big titted boss full of the lips. “Mmmmmm,” Julia hummed while her secretary probed her mouth with her insistent tongue. “I have and idea,” Marge whispered after pulling their lips apart!” “W-what, what idea?” Julia asked hoarsely. “Hurry up and tell me!” “It’s just this,” Marge replied breathlessly while unbuttoning her boss’s white silk blouse. “I think it would be heavenly to rub our nipples together, don’t you?” “Oh yessssss,” Julia hissed through clenched teeth, “let’s do it!” Every time Marge saw Julia’s massive breasts encased in her sheer bras was just as exciting as the first time, and as a result she sucked a gulp of air and moaned softly while caressing the massive mammaries through the pretty fabric! “L-let me see yours,” Julia gasped, “hurry up and take your top off!!!”

As much as she loved Julia’s chest, Marge was sure that Julia loved hers even more! It was a game they never tired of playing, that being Marge teasing her boss with a slow strip tease that literally whipped her into a frenzy! First came the jacket, then the blouse, and then ever so slowly the black bra that contained her perfect 36C’s! “Jesus I love your boobs,” Julia said while reaching out to caress the pink nippled wonders. “I’m sure that you do,” Marge said lightly while backing up just out her boss’s range, “but you have to promise me one thing!” “W-what, just tell me what you want,” Julia stammered, “anything, just please let me touch them!” “Wellllllll,” Marge replied sweetly, “it’s just a little thing.” “Good fucking god, tell me!” Julia begged. “Ohhhhh, all right,” Marge teased while lifting the hem of her own skirt, “it’s just this, I want you to masturbate my clit with one of your big nipples!” At the sight of her hairy muffy Marge was sure that Julia would pass out, but instead she frantically ripped off her bra and offered a huge nub for her secretary’s use!

A wild look covered Julia’s face while she panted, “Here it is, come and get it from mama!” Julia’s normally pink nipples had taken on an almost purple hue as they stood out hard as little cocks, as if begging for attention! Marge’s pussy lurched at their mere sight, and as much as she wanted to keep on teasing her boss, she knew that it was hopeless to resist any longer! She sighed deeply, and after giving Julia a sweet little girl’s smile, stepped forward with her legs spread wide apart allowing the big titted bitch to run her huge dig up and down her hairy crack! The sensation was incredible! Julia’s hard nip snapped back and forth over erect clit, causing an electric shock to whip through her with each stroke! Now the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak, and it was Julia’s turn to have her way with the sassy cunt! While the fury in her pussy roiled out of control, Julia took her time and purposely avoided connecting her hard nipple with Marge’s hard clit! Desperately Marge tried to maneuver her pussy around to get positive contact, but the wily older woman managed to keep her nipple just out of reach! Finally in desperation Marge grabbed the fat tit from her boss and guided the excited nipple where it would do the most good, directly on her needy clit!

When it happened it washed over her like a waterfall as her pussy convulsed out of control leaving her crashing on the rocks of orgasm city! With her legs wobbly and her knees weak Marge let the huge boob slip from her hands as she leaned heavily against the wall for much needed support! Both women had the dazed look of a deer caught in the head lights of a semi, but Julia managed to pant, “And that is what it’s all about!” Marge dropped her skirt and began helping Julia put herself back together while sighing, I guess that will make you forget about Roberts, huh!” “Roberts who?!?” Julia replied with a chuckle.

The Class

Bay carefully backed her car into a vacant parking space and then checked to make sure that she had all of her class supplies organized before heading into the building. This was second to last natural child birth class and she wondered why this was a mother only class and all husbands and boyfriends were banned for this particular night. With her huge belly leading the way she waddle up the stairs before making her way to the cafeteria of the old grade school that was being used for evening adult education classes. She was almost to the door when a voice from the far end of the corridor sounded out, “Hey, Bay, wait up and I’ll sit with ya!” Bay turned to see who was calling her name and was happy to see that it was Patti. Bay marveled at how petite Patti still looked even though she was already seven and a half months pregnant. “God, I’ll be so glad when this is all over,” Patti said when she approached Bay, “I feel like such a cow!” “Youuuuuu?!?!” Bay exclaimed. “You’re a string bean compared to me, just look at my boobs, they’re literally bigger than your head!” Patti giggled her infectious laugh and replied, “Well, let’s just say we’re both a little on the hefty side!” Bay nodded her head and led the two of them inside where at least twenty other pregnant women were already sitting down on their mats doing stretching exercises.
Up in front of the room Mz. Ellyn Crawford, the teacher of the class, sat going over some papers before she stood up to address the women. “Let me see,” she intoned while scanning the room, “I think we’re all here now!” “Good,” she said while going over and locking the door, “let’s get started!” She returned to the front of the room and went on, “Some of you are probably wondering why we have excluded your husbands and boyfriends from tonight’s class, well there is a perfectly good reason for it!” The room had quieted down the moment Mz. Crawford spoke and everyone waited anxiously to find out what was going on. “Tonight is going to be different than any other phase of our training,” she explained. “There will be a bit of nudity involved with our lesson and I think that having the men in the room would have made some of you very uncomfortable” There was a slight murmur when Ellyn Crawford mentioned the word nudity but everyone sat still waiting for her to explain further.”

“Having a baby is a wonderful experience,” she went on, “but tonight we are going to actually simulate that experience by stripping nude below the waist and having a partner play the doctor or nurse!” The women looked at each other nervously, but when Ellyn Crawford ordered them to pair off they did so without question! Bay and Patti paired up, but even though they had become friendly over the course of the last few months, neither one of them were quite ready for what was going to happen next! “Okay,” Ellyn ordered, “one of you take off your things and lie down on your mat with your legs tucked up to your butt and your legs spread as wide apart as you can get them!” “Geesh,” Patti said nervously, “you wanna go first?” “No, but I will,” Bay replied softly while taking pulling up her loose fitting dress and removing her over sized panties.”

After she had taken her position on the mat Patti tried not to stare but was totally stunned at the amount of pubic hair that covered Bay’s groin area!” “Okay, ladies, those playing the role of the doctor carefully probe you partner’s vagina to check for the amount of dilation!” Several of the women seemed frozen and unable to move but a sharp rebuke by Ellyn Crawford had all of the “doctors” carefully fingering their “patients”! “Ohhhh,” Bay gasped softly when Patti’s cool finger slid easily into her now very wet pussy. “I’m sorry,” Patti said quickly, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’ll be more careful!” “Y-you didn’t hurt me,” Bay replied softly, “I-it just surprised me!” “Come on, ladies,” Ellyn said evenly, “some of you aren’t doing the job at all, feel those vaginas like your doctor would!” All around the room soft sighs had turned into very audible groans as the pussies of the women began to roil with sexual tension! “That’s very good,” Ellyn Crawford said gently, “now “doctors” press your fingers in as far as they will go while the “patients” should begin to push as if they were having their baby!”

Following Ellyn’s orders, Patti shoved two fingers in to the hilt while Bay gritted her teeth and began flexing her vaginal muscles in an attempt push out the imaginary baby! Almost immediately Bay’s pussy began to lurch out control as a major league orgasm rushed through her pussy causing her to buck up her hips and groan out loud as it completely overwhelmed her!” And she wasn’t alone! From around the room women everywhere were experiencing orgasms of such intensity that some of them were nearly passing out! The smell of fresh pussy juice filled the air, adding an even more sensual aura to an already sexually charged situation! “That’s very good,” Ellyn said softly, “now please exchange places and repeat the process!” This time it was Patti’s turn to have a finger jammed deep into her burning cunt, and just like her partner, Bay, her vagina convulsed hard, inducing a brutal orgasm that made her cry out in utter and total satisfaction!

The women lay on their mats shell shocked from the incredible turn of events that just had occurred only moments before! At this point what ever orders Ellyn Crawford gave them would have be obeyed with out question! So when after giving them five minutes to recuperate she told the women to face each other and them interlock their vaginas so that their pussies were pressed together, not one peep of protest could be heard! In fact, it seemed that most, it not all of them were almost eager to follow her crude bidding! “I-I don’t believe I’m doing this,” Patti stammered as her almost hairless little organ was being devoured by Bay’s huge hair pie! “Me neither,” Bay replied tightly as both of them maneuvered around so as to connect their aching clits! “I can see that everyone seems to be getting with the program,” Ellyn said softly, “now be good “doctors and patients” and make sure that all of your hard little clits are pressing together!”

Soon each pair of women was grinding their pussies together like there was no tomorrow! Hard little clits were now scraping back and forth over each other, literally driving each other insane with pleasure! Patti and Bay had no problem what so ever making clitoral contact, and over the next ten minutes or so each of them had at least three or four massive orgasms! Ellyn had by now lifted up her own skirt only to reveal a pantiless pussy that bulged obscenely open and ready for business! With her ass on the edge of the front table she motioned for a cute twenty something red head to take a place between her wide open legs! The young woman obediently dropped to her knees, and after a signal from the panting instructor buried her mouth into the smoothly shaven quim! With most of the class looking on almost slack jawed, the little red head licked and sucked Ellyn Crawford to several stunning climaxes that resulted in covering the young woman’s face with a layer of her sweet pussy juice!!! When she was completely sated she flopped back onto the desk and just lay there with her open cunt brazenly gaping to anyone who card to look!

After a taking but a few minutes to recuperate, Ellyn sat up and out of nowhere produced a giant strap on dildo. With a look of wanton desire on her face she asked for a volunteer! A huge breasted black woman with a gigantic ass waddled up and without even bothering to put it on, grabbed it out of Ellyn Crawford’s hand and rammed it into her unsuspecting pussy with brutal ferocity! The scream that came from deep inside of her throat would have wakened the dead, but in a matter of seconds she was begging the big assed woman to fuck her even harder! Soon the women on the floor were calling encouragement to their comrade, demanding that she fuck the hot pussied teacher to within and inch of her life! When she could see that she couldn’t take it anymore, and to the cheers of her classmates, the black woman gave Ellyn one last hard fuck and left the monster pecker buried deep in the well fucked pussy of the stunned instructor while she made her way back to her mat to the applause of everyone in the room(that is except for Ellyn who was too far gone to even move)!!!

Now walking back to their cars Patti piped up, “Now that is a class I’d like to take even if I weren’t pregnant!!!” Bay shivered a little against the cold and replied, “You and me both, hon, you and me both!!!”

The Stranger

Dallas Cotter snuggled into her sleeping bag as the wind howled and the snow swirled menacingly outside of her tent! To an outsider, Dallas would have been considered out of her mind to go camping in the High Sierra’s in the middle of January, but for the past ten years she had looked upon it as a challenge to face everything “Mother Nature” could throw at her and keep coming back for more! So adept was she at surviving in this harsh climate, she thought nothing at all at spending two or three weeks at a stretch without any human contact of any kind! So as she curled up in her arctic rated sleeping bag and was just about to drift off to sleep when she snapped to attention at the sound of what she was sure was a very large wild animal! After quietly opening her bag, she slipped on her boots and grabbed a trusty .45 Colt before carefully unzipping the tent door and peering out into the darkness! The embers from the fire still glowed brightly in the fire pit, and as she strained to see what was out there she was absolutely stunned to see young woman lying face down in the snow not more than ten feet from the tent!!!
Dallas shoved the automatic into the waist band of her pants while making her way over to the unconscious visitor. “Hey, honey,” Dallas said urgently, “wake up, you’re gonna freeze to death!” A long low moan gurgled up from the throat of the prostrate woman, and after turning her over onto her back she whispered, “…..lost, no food, no water, c-cold, so cold……” After those few words she slipped back into unconsciousness and with a great deal of effort Dalas dragged the woman through the snow and into her tent! She struck a match and lit the propane lantern and got her first look at lost stranger! “My god,” she gasped, “she’s just a kid, not more than eighteen or nineteen years old!” After sticking her hand inside the young woman’s shirt to check her body temperature, Dallas realized immediately that unless she got warm in a hurry, there was a good chance she would die! It took a good five minutes, but she was finally able to strip the cold wet clothing off and tug the young woman into her sleeping bag. She zipped it up tight and proceeded to make a cup of hot coffee to help in the warming process. She gently slapped the young woman’s face, and after she opened his eyes Dallas offered, “Okay, honey, take a sip of this, it’ll help take the chill off!” Still shaking like a leaf in a wind storm, the freezing woman took a tentative sip before asking, “W-where am I?” “Babe, you’re a long way from anywhere,” Dallas replied, “now take another drink and we’ll talk about it in the morning, and by the way my name’s Dallas!” “T-t-thanks, Dallas,” she shuddered, “I-I’m Tomi!”

Dallas decided to leave the light on to provide additional heat to the inside to the tent, and after thinking it over for a moment decided that it would be best if she climbed into the bag with Tomi to offer some additional heat to bring up her low body temperature! After quickly stripping off all of her clothes she hurriedly opened the bag and slid in behind the naked woman! “Good grief you’re so cold,” Dallas whispered into the young woman’s ear, “snuggle up close so you can warm up faster!” “O-oh thank you,” she stammered, “you feel so nice and warm!” Dallas was trying not to think about it, but when she had stripped the young woman of her clothes, she couldn’t help but notice that she had a simply lovely body! Slim and trim without a trace of fat, hairless of course except for the silky blonde pubic hair that puffed out around her bulging pussy, and just the cutest little bottom he had ever seen! Dallas pressed herself against the length of Tomi’s body while instantly drenching her cunt! “Jesus,” Dallas muttered to herself, “this can’t be happening to me, get a hold of yourself, girl!” She knew that this was neither the time nor the place for it, but dammit, the kid was just so fucking beautiful!!! She was just about to pull away and distance herself from the blonde cutie pie when in soft low voice the Tomi asked quietly, “Dallas, are you going to finger my pussy for me, I need it soooooooooo bad?!?”

Dallas was stunned to hear Tomi’s question, but in a hoarse voice asked, “Are you sure, I don’t even know you!?!” For the first time she showed some signs of life and replied quickly, “Don’t worry, honey, I live with an older woman who has ten inches of hard rubber pecker she fucks me with, now please, hurry!” Dallas snuggled back close and began nipping an licking Tomi’s ear while at the same time slipping her hand between the little beauty’s thighs and began gently fingering the tight little cunt hole! “God, you’re so fucking tight,” Dallas whispered, “you were just made for fucking!!!” “That’s what my mama says,” Tomi sighed while being penetrated by Dallas’ insistent middle finger, “she keeps me naked all of the time and fucks and sucks me when ever she gets the urge!” By now Dallas was pressing her own pussy against Tomi’s cute little bottom, and while kissing the young woman’s neck, let her free hand wander over her firm little breasts and down over her flat belly. Tomi simply had a wonderful body, perfectly designed for fucking and sucking! “If you’re wondering,” the blonde pretty woman said with a moan, “I’m almost there!”

Dallas’ own pussy was by now drooling uncontrollably as she nibbled and fingered the hot little bitch that had stumbled into her camp. “I want you on me,” Dallas whispered urgently while rolling over onto her back and pulling the little slip of a girl on top of her. Tomi’s cute little breasts squished into Dallas large boobs and the two woman kissed deeply while grinding their red hot pussies hard together! “Oh myyyyyy,” the young woman gasped as their clits finally found each other, “I just love riding a big titted woman, it makes me feel like such a little pussy!” Dallas let her hands roam up and down Tomi’s back and ass, relishing in the sensation of the firm young bottom in her experienced hands! Tomi moaned loudly as her orgasm wafted throughout her burning pussy until finally going limp in Dallas loving arms!!!

“Mmmmmmmmmm, that was so nice,” Tomi said with a sigh, “I’m just glad you found me in time!” “M-me too, dear,” Dallas gasped through clenched teeth. “I don’t wanna bother you but I’m right on the razor’s edge!” “I’m sorry,” Tomi whispered hoarsely, “would you like me to suck your pussy?!?” “Oh yessssssssss,” Dallas hissed, “p-please, suck me!” The little blonde kissed Dallas once more on the lips before slowly sliding down the older woman’s full lush body until her mouth was only inches from her dripping organ. “I can feel your heat,” Tomi groaned. “now I’m gonna eat you up!!!” That was the last thing that Dallas could remember as the voracious mouth of the young cunt lapper went into over drive! “G-good fucking god,” Dallas shrieked, “you’re fucking eating me alive!!!” Tomi’s tongue quickly found her over ripe clit, and in a series of little nips and hard sucks brought the shaking woman to an absolutely stunning climax!!! Her hips bucked up like a wild horse but the hot mouthed little cunt had attached herself like suction cup to her over heated pussy and wouldn’t let go until every last bit of energy was drained from the satiated cunt!

When she was sure that Dallas was totally satisfied Tomi slid back up and let Dallas take her arms and offer her a nipple as both woman drifted off into a deep satisfying sleep. The last thing Tomi thought about before slipping off into dreamland was the she certainly wasn’t cold anymore!!!”