Category: group sex

Three Way Date

One night I decided that I was going to have a threesome with Tony and Kevin as soon as I possibly could. Having sex outside of our marriage was an idea I would never have thought of myself, but my husband had suggested opening up our marriage and since I knew he’d waste no time getting a woman, I wasted no time getting two men.

I work with a guy named Tony who’s a real ladies’ man and has probably banged half the girls in our office. We’ve been good friends and he’s never hit on me—I let him know I wasn’t on the market at our first lunch together—but we always talk candidly about sex and the sexual experiences we’ve had. At a recent lunch he told me that he and his friend Justin took one of Justin’s girlfriends out one night. He explained that it all started innocently enough with a poker game that turned into a strip poker game that turned into a three-way. He and Justin apparently turned her every way but loose, from double blowjobs to a double entry. They kept it going until they were all drained.

Although I feigned some good-natured disgust, the story set my imagination racing. The idea of being with two guys made me warm all over. I imagined two guys making me do nasty things like giving them each blowjobs then fucking them both at once without my husband there for the first time. At any rate, I told him about my husband and I deciding to fuck other people. Tony was enthusiastic and suggested that since we were good friends and didn’t have to worry about becoming romantically involved, he would be a natural to start with.

I said, “I don’t think an office affair would work, but if I change my mind, I’ll let you know.”

A week later, he asked me out for a drink after work and I accepted. I asked him if it would be just us or if I should bring a deck of cards, hoping he’d get the hint.


The Boys Locker Room

Sierra hung back in the locker room, watching as her fellow dancers finished getting dressed and left. No one said a word to her-not that she expected they would, since none of them liked her at all. They hated her for being beautiful, with long jet black hair and big icy blue eyes, C-cup breasts and a tiny waist, long legs that went on for forever and a devilishly charming smile. They hated her for being the favorite, the one who brought all the guys to the games, the one who got all the attention.

Quite simply, they hated that she was so obvious about being a slut, while they had to sneak around and pretend they weren’t fucking whoever took them to the movies. She would have with them being in college now, they’d be a little more open with their sexuality.

She let her lips curl into a slow smile as the last one swished past her with her nose in the air. “Bitch,” Sierra muttered under her breath. She despised the trust-fund snobs as much as they despised her, but the dance squad gig was a sweet deal. Not that she really needed an excuse to find her way into the football players’ locker room after dance practice, but it helped.

She waited a minute to make sure no one was going to come back and surprise her, then moved quickly across the hall and slowly pushed open the door to the boys’ locker room. She heard the laughter and the sounds of running water and felt the steam roll out to her. The heat hit her and instantly made her wet.

“Hey boys!” she called out, grinning slyly as she stepped back into the inner sanctum.

There were only five of the guys still there, and they all looked up in anticipation when they heard her voice.

“Hey, Sierra,” Brett drawled. The tall brunette’s eyes sparkled as he shifted his hips, the towel that was loosely knotted around them dropping to the floor. Sierra licked her lips as she eagerly eyed his cock. It was still soft, but that was changing rapidly. “I was beginning to wonder if you weren’t coming today.”

Sierra laughed. “I plan on cumming quite a bit today,” she said with a wink. She walked closer to him and slid her hand down his chest and stomach, wrapping her fingers around his cock and stroking it slowly. He groaned and arched into her hand as his cock hardened.


Bus Ride

What I thought was going to be a little bit of innocent groping on the bus turned out to be much more. But then you never know when these magical moments might arrive, so you must act on every one as if it might turn into something extraordinary.

I was on the number 5 bus, heading home from work. The number 5 is always crowded at that time of day. Business men take it from downtown to the fancier parts of town where they can retreat into their houses, take off their ties, and unwind from the day. Today was no different, and the bus was packed so tightly that my body was pressed up against several other people.

The bus driver stopped at the last stop on the way out of the financial district and I groaned, looking at the bus stop and wondering how any of those people would fit into the crowded bus. But the doors opened and a few more people managed to press into the crowd, one of them being a young girl that did not belong on that bus.

She looked like a college student, young and innocent, and not at all like a business woman. Maybe 19 or 20, she had long, messy brown hair, and wore a scrap of short blue shorts that barely covered the round firmness of her ass, and a sheer tank top that clearly showed her pert breasts, and the fact that she was not wearing any sort of bra. She was cute, in the way that all young coeds tend to be, and I found myself staring without restraint into her cleavage, as she stared straight ahead into the chest of another man.

As I have said, the bus was very crowded, and I noticed that it was all men my age pressed in next to this cute young thing, my age being 35. We were so closely packed together that nothing below our briefcases could really be noticed. That thought popped into my mind about the same time as the desire to feel her round, surely firm ass. I must admit that I have been known, or rather unknown, to take certain opportunities to brush up against women on the bus before, playing it off as an accident as I graze their chest with my forearm or their behind with my fingertips. I get a certain rush from them being uncertain as to whether or not my touch was actually an accident. But this time was slightly different. I decided that I wanted her to be sure that I was doing it on purpose. I figured that she would glare at me with distaste and I would remove my hand, but doubted that she would make much of a commotion.

Hesitating only for a moment, I reached my hand forward and placed it solidly on the roundness of her ass. I gave it a little squeeze, rewarded by the confirmation that it was as firm as I had imagined it, and then left my hand squarely where it was.

She tensed at my touch, and turned her head to see whose hand was violating her space. She scanned the faces of the men behind her, and then settled her dark green eyes on my gentle smirk.

Here it comes, I thought, She is going to tell me off…

But to my utter surprise and amazement she just smiled, her lips looking full and pouty, then turned around again.

I could not believe my luck. This girl was a little slut, giving me permission to grope her in public. I was not about to waste the invitation, and wanted to see how far I could go before she would make me stop.

I slid my hand down her ass to her exposed thighs. Her shorts were very short, and lose, so there was not much fabric to cover before I reached the warmth of her flesh. Her skin was hot to the touch, and smooth. I reached my fingers up under her shorts, revealing the curve of her ass to my hand. Again, surprising me, the girl shifted her weight, moving her feet apart and allowing me access to the sweet spot between her legs. I wasted no time and soon my fingers found that she was not wearing underwear beneath her shorts, and she was already sopping wet. I plunged a finger into her tight pussy and began to slowly pump her.

Of course the motion of my hand was not something that could go as easily unnoticed as an innocent placement on her ass. The man next to me felt the flexing of my forearm and looked down to see what I was doing. His jaw dropped in surprise when he saw that I was fingering this young hottie. He looked around the bus to see if anyone else had noticed yet, but no one had.

He watched for a bit before giving me a wink and motioning for me to let him give her a try. I couldn’t think of a reason why not. After all, she was not my slut. So I removed my hand and allowed him access.

She immediately felt the difference in stroke and turned around to see who was fingering her now. She seemed satisfied when she saw who it was, but her sharp motion had attracted some attention, and now all of the men that were surrounding her were aware of what was going on.

None of them stopped us though.

Freed from having to hide what I was doing I reached my hand around to the front of the girl and plunged it down into her shorts. While the man next to me fingered her hole from behind I found the nub of her clit with my finger and began to work it fiercely. This caused her breathing to accelerate and she began to moan. In order to silence herself she reached her head forward and began to kiss the unsuspecting man in front of her. He complied without complaint.

By now she was writhing and her nipples were straining against the soft fabric of her top. I wanted so badly to reach up and pinch them, but hesitated to release my hand from its prime spot atop her pussy. I nodded to a young man, watching with shock on his face.

He reached out and grabbed a tit, squeezing it roughly and causing her to moan, kissing the man in front of her harder. This reaction was not enough for the young man and he pulled her shirt up over her breasts, revealing their round pertness and swollen pink nipples. He continued to massage her breast while the man on the other side of me reached down with his mouth and took her other nipple between his teeth.

By now what we were doing was obvious to the whole bus. Her moans were turning into cute screams of pleasure and I knew that she was about to orgasm. Men on the bus were staring openly, and hands drifted to rest near tents in trousers that were twitching. Some of the women were licking their lips, others had their heads turned away, but no one said anything.

The man that the girl had decided to kiss was not satisfied with his role, so he reached down and knocked the other man’s fingers out of the girl’s pussy. He was much faster and harder about fingering her, and the other man, being displaced, found the next available hole, the round tightness of her ass.

It did not take long before she came, with fingers working each hole and her clit, and both of her tits being roughly handled. She screamed without reservation and collapsed into the cradling of our hands. And it was good that it did not take long, because the bus stopped, and she extracted herself from our grip and made her way to the front, to a cheer of catcalls.

Of course, the bus didn’t know that they were cheering for me, the man who started it all. So I encourage you, the next time an opportunity presents itself to grope a young coed comes along, take it. You never know just how far those little sluts will let you go.

Bachelor Party Fuck Up

Ever think you have the perfect ideal to take care of a problem. You know one of those ideals that makes perfect sense in you head, but when you go through with it falls apart or worst it fucks everything up. Boy did I have one of those. Here is how it all went down.

It was the weekend before Rob, my cousin’s bachelor party, Katie the bride to be and my best friend, found out about the plans by read an email detailing the plans and came to me.

The email talked about how my brother Tim was going get some his buddies and Rob’s buddies together and take Rob out for happy hour and hit a few bars to get Rob drunk, then to go to a strip club before heading back to Tim’s apartment where another stripper would show up.

Katie thought it was strange that they would hire a stripper to go to Tim’s apartment after coming from a strip club. Not understanding that she came to me asking me, why not just stay there?

That’s when I told her that knowing Tim, he had hired the stripper to fuck Rob and taking him to the strip club is just to get him drunk and horny. My brother is a big jerk. He thinks life is too short to be tied to only one piece of ass. So I was sure Tim wanted to give our cousin Rob one last taste of another woman before he was tied to Katie.

Katie got so angry and scared at that thought and wanted to tell Rob he couldn’t go. I told her that would only cause problems and problems like that were not the why to start a marriage.

So I came up with an idea to ruin their plans and told her not to worry I fix my brother and his friends. Or so I thought.

Since the email had the name of the stripper and her number, I call the day of the party and canceled the party with her. Then I called my brother disguised my voice and left a message on his answering machine telling him Maria was sick but Amber would be there to take care of the groom.

My plan was to go to the party and start to strip and when I got down to my black lace bra and panties. I would get down on my knees in front of Rob and then tell him I wanted to give him a blowjob. Then I pretend to get sick and run into the bathroom, then after making sound like I was throwing up I would leave. After the guys left I’d go back and bust my brother then I’d give him hell.

The night of Rob’s bachelor party I showed up to Tim’s apartment in disguise. Neither my brother nor my cousin had seen me since I had dyed my hair platinum blond, so blond it was almost white. Plus I never hung out with Tim or his friends so I felt pretty safe. I also wore a lot of make-up, much more than usual and put in colored contacts. I though, there was no way that they recognize could me.

Plus I knew the guys were not there to look at my face but at my body. So I knew that the black velvet push up bra and match thong panties, plus garter belt and fish net stocks would have their attention as soon as I slip off the skin tight dress.

It was 11:30 when I arrived and as my brother, Tim let me in. he looked at me funny and asked me to turn around. Then he squeezed me ass as he commented how hot I was and the other guys quickly made similar comments. My cousin, Rob was sitting on a chair and looked so wasted. They were so drunk I now felt more comfortable that they wouldn’t recognize me. The guys were all horny and drunk and were eager for me to start stripping right away.

I started to dance for them as soon as they turned on the music. Want to get this over with. I danced as sexy as I could, grinding my hips, shaking my ass, touching and squeezing my breasts, as I slowly removed my dress. As I did I found I was actually getting wet and I was becoming very turned on stripping in front this guys , even though my own brother, and my cousin were there.

Feeling brave I turned around and wiggled my ass in front of guys. Then one of the guys made a comment about the butterfly tattoo on my ass check. I spun around quickly and looked at my brother, remembering he had once seen my tattoo, fearful he had recognized me. But he didn’t have a look on his face like my butterfly had registered with him. Then I thought there had to be a lot on strippers with butterfly tattoos on the asses or lower back or other place.

I started getting back into it and put my foot between Tim’s black friend, Sal’s legs and allowed him to remove the fishnet stocking from that leg. He caressed my leg but I smacked his hand when he tried to rub my crotch. When the stocking was off I wrapped it around his neck like a scarf.

Then I move over to Kevin and repeated that with my other leg. Tim came over and gave me a slap on the ass, which caught me by surprise. I ordered him to his seat and tied the other stocking around his neck and lead him back to his seat. Like the dog he was.

Then they started telling me to take off my bra, I thought I better end this so I danced over toward Rob.

Then Rob’s friend Darren was behind me and Sal stood in front of me. They sandwiched me and began grinding into me. Darren unlatched my bra and Sal quickly removed it. I was startled and didn’t know how to react as the other guys watching including Tim cheered. Both Darren and Sal started fondling my tits and before I could react Darren turned my head around so he could kiss me while Sal began to suck on my tits. I felt Darren’s hard cock pressed against my ass and honestly I was so very turned on, but when I felt one of their hands slide in my panties and begin to rub my pussy I stopped them.

The only thing I could think to say was that I wanted to suck the groom’s cock now.

Sal and Darren obliged but not before my panties were around my ankles. I was kind of embarrassed that I was naked in front of own brother, my cousin and their friends even if they didn’t know it was me. I stepped out of my panties and headed over to Rob naked. I tried to look cool and sexy but I was a little flustered by what just happened.

As I approached Rob knelt down between his legs and he unbuttoned his pants. I looked up into his face, a little disappointed that he would go through with this. He pulled out his semi-hard cock and began stroking his cock it quickly got fully hard.

As I thought now was the time to pretend to get sick, I felt my pussy being penetrated.

I gasped, as I did Rob put his hands on my head and pushed it to his cock. I didn’t know who was behind me, but they had their hands on my hips and their rock-hard cock buried deep in my pussy. The cock felt bigger than what I was use to and I let out a moan as his cock slide in me. One of his friends watching shouted encouragement to Darren and to know who was fucking me got me very hot.

My cousin’s cock was now in my mouth. At this point I was so terrified, but there was no going back now. Darren was fucking me deep and fast. My pussy was so wet. I couldn’t believe how good it felt and began to suck on my cousin’s cock while the other five watched and cheered.

Suddenly Darren began pumping his cum in my pussy and I was surprised because he hadn’t been fucking me long. I was never so glad I was on the pill as I was at that moment. He didn’t stop fucking even after he finished blowing his load inside me though. He just fucked me faster for another five minutes or so until he removed his cock from my cunt and I felt his hot cum shoot onto my ass.

After Darren had cum for a second time he got up and another hard cock immediately slide in my pussy. John was now fucking me right where Darren left off very hard and fast. I was still sucking my brother’s cock. Darren had me on the verge of an orgasm and John put me over the top.

Right before I knew I was about to cum I stopped sucking my cousin’s cock and placed my hands on his thighs and hung my head between his legs. I braced myself, trying to resist the orgasm, but to no avail. My body was overwhelmed by the intensity of a huge orgasm. I was shaking, it was obvious to them all I was climaxing. My cunt clamped down on John’s cock the spasms causing him to lose it, sending yet another load of cum in my used pussy.

Rob had yet to cum, probably because of all the alcohol he drank. When John finished with me, Tim asked Rob if he wanted to fuck me now and Rob responded.

“No, you go ahead and fuck her. She deserves it.”

I looked up into Rob’s face and he winked, did he know it was me? Did he know he was giving his cousin permission to fuck his own sister? I knew there was no way to stop this without embarrassing Tim, Rob and myself, and ruining my relationship with both of them plus my best friend, Katie. So I decide to let my own brother have me.

Tim stood me up and lends in and whispered, “You’re a hot piece of ass and I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Tim led me to the couch and laid me on my back with my legs spread wide. He got on his knees in front of me and I couldn’t help but admire own brother, he is handsome, well build and his cock looked about eight inched long and fairly thick.

The cum that Darren and John had deposited in me was leaking out of my swollen cunt and Tim commented that the two guys he would have preferred a clean pussy to fuck but he wasn’t opposed to sloppy second. With that he inserted the head of his cock in my pussy and slowly pushed it all the way in to his own sister. Tim was much bigger then any guy I had ever been with. I really tried not enjoying his cock but I wasn’t completely recovered from my first orgasm and after a couple of minutes I felt myself building towards another big orgasm.

Tim was squeezing and mauled my nipples pulling on them and twisting them. As he fucked me, the guys watching were commenting what a slut I was. Dirty talk had has always be a weakness of mine.

When I started to cum again Tim encouraged me “Just let go, cum for me slut.”

Which was exactly what I did.

When my orgasm finally subsided I was completely drained, but Tim was still humping me. For another couple minutes I felt so nasty letting my brother use me. Then he finally pulled out and his cum shoot high into the air and falling onto my tits and stomach.

Although I was spent, normally two big orgasms had me ready to curl up and go to sleep. I realized they all wanted to fuck me and they were not going to stop until they did. Dan decided he wanted me next. He sat down next to me on the couch and told me to hop on top of him as he was holding his cock straight up.

I weakly climbed on top of him. As soon as my sloppy pussy engulfed Dan’s cock I grab him by the hair and pushed his face into my breasts. Hoping he want me off him since I was shoving his face into my brother’s cum that was on my tits. Maybe if I pissed him off enough it would break up the party and they kick me out. Instead he squeezed my ass and began rolling his tongue over my tits, and lapping up the cum.

At that point I decided total trap, I had no choice but to let them do what they wanted to me. Figured if I let them all them all have their turn this night would finally be over. So I stupidly said, “do want you want boys, I yours. Come on Fuck this slut, good. I want you all in me.” fuck that was another mistake.

Because then Kevin came up behind me and he told Dan to hold up fucking me. Then I felt him pressing the head of his cock against my asshole. The sensation of my asshole stretching around Kevin’s cock was intense.

I grit my teeth in discomfort. I have had anal sex before and can enjoy it but only after the cock was in me. It hurts getting my hole stretched that way. When Kevin had his cock buried in my ass they both started fucking me. The sensation of having both my holes fucked at the same time was overwhelming. I never had two guys at the same time. They were sliding their cocks in and out of me at different intervals. The pleasure was mixed with a little pain but was so intense. I felt myself cumming for a third time. Kevin announced how tight my asshole felt and I felt his hard cock begin to pulsate as his cum jetted deep in my ass. I have never felt a guy cum in my ass, all the other time I have had anal the guy pulled out and shot his cum on my ass and back. I looked over at Rob who was slowly stroking his cock while watching me get double teamed. He had this big smile on his face and again he winked at me.

When Kevin removed his cock my asshole as it quickly shrunk and the relief of pressure felt so good. Dan was still fucking my cunt and Kevin and Tim encouraged Rob to fuck my ass next saying “Katie is never going to let you fuck her ass, Rob. But if she did she like it, since she has had a stick up her ass for years.”

I almost laughed, Katie was stuck up some, then I almost cried when rob agreed with Kevin and Tim. Then stood and walk behind me.

Again this was something total new I had never had my ass fuck twice in one night by even one guy let alone two different guys.

As Rob got behind me and pushed his cock in my asshole. The cum leak and the fucking my ass had already taking let my cousin’s cock slip up into me easier and less discomfort.

I was lost to the incredible wickedness of what I was doing. My cousin didn’t hold back either; he pounded my ass so hard. Dan now matched Rob’s intensity and the other guy’s marveled at how hard they were fucking me and that I was taking it like porno slut in heat.

I had never felt like this before I was clearly moaning and begging to be use like a cheap slut, both men pounding both my holes hard. Slowly the pleasure gave way to more and more pain, as the tenderness parts of her body were assaulted over and over again.

Neither Rob nor Kevin let up until they were ready to cum. Rob blow his load first followed quickly by Kevin. They both pulled their cocks out of their respective holes and I took my cousin’s warm cum over my ass and back while Kevin plastered my tits with his cum.

The only guy who hadn’t fucked me yet was Sal, which was not by accident. Apparently they were saving him for last because he had the biggest cock of all the guys and they wanted to watch him finish me off or maybe it was just none of them wanted to fuck me after he did.

When I saw it I was speechless. It was huge. I was told it was 12 inches long and it was easily that, plus very thick. It was without a doubt the biggest cock I’ve seen and even though I was exhausted and sore from being fucked so many guys straight but I was consumed with lust. I wanted be fuck with Sal’s big cock.

I only wish they started me off with Sal because my pussy was so worn out and tender that I knew it was going to hurt but I didn’t care.

Sal had me suck and lick his huge cock for a few minutes before he started fucking me. As I was giving him the blowjob he wanted, I stopped and just had to tell him out loud and in amazement how huge his cock was. I could tell from his reaction he had heard that from many girls but could also tell he liked hearing it. He said he loved hearing white girls moan on his big dick as he laughed.

After sucking his massive cock till it was wet with my spit and having rub it against my face, he gave me the orders to climb on top of his fat cock. I eagerly obeyed. I grabbed his shaft at its base and slowly lowered myself onto it. My tender pussy never felt so filled. My cunt was being stretched out so much to accommodate his large cock. I couldn’t help but moan and even though I was sore I loved having Sal’s huge cock in my cunt.

I was fucking him very slow and as I did I licked the cum off one of my tits. All the guys loved watching me doing that and when I licked it clean Sal then started sucking on them. so hard was he sucking I knew I have hicks all over my tits.

Darren then stood on the couch next to us and turned my head towards him. He put his hard cock in my mouth and I started sucking on it. After a few minutes Darren started to moan very loud and I knew he was about to cum. He held my head down on his cock as he gave me a mouth full of his cum, and didn’t let go until I swallowed it down.

Sal now wanted to fuck me faster. He stood up with his massive cock still buried in me and began to impaling on his fat cock. Sal was a big guy so he manhandled me easily. I whimpered and tears run down my face as he dropped me over and over onto his spike. I hugged him tightly and we both began to cum together. It was such an intense and amazing orgasm for both of us, perhaps one of the best ones I’ve ever had.

When he finished filling my pussy with his cum he lowered me to my feet. My legs were shaky and almost feel over.

I lend against the couch, Tim quickly turned me around and bent me over. I was barely able to stand. I had to hold onto the armrest of the couch to stay on my feet and not collapse. Tim wasted no time shoving his cock back in my cunt. He was fucking me from behind and John then hopped on the couch and shoved his cock into my face. My weak protest only allowed him to shove his cock in my mouth.

Tim reached under me and grabbed me my swing tits again punishing my nipples as he jack-hammered my cunt. After a few minutes he stopped removed his cock from my cunt, I started to whimper. Glad my brother was out of me by then scream as he pushed it against my abused asshole. Three guys in one night had fucked my ass now, John was now cumming in my mouth as I mumbled to Tim to stop fucking my ass. He didn’t stop but luckily shot his warm cum up my ass shortly and then removed his cock.

After that I collapsed tell the guys I had had it. I couldn’t take any more. I made to the bathroom to clean up on shaky legs. I was whimpered as I cleaned up my cunt and ass were so sore. I knew it would be days before I feel better. Couldn’t believe what I had just done. The only good thing was I don’t think any of them knew it was me. I thought about Katie I knew she what to know if my plans had work to break up the party. I knew I have to lie and tell that they did but I have to do it over the phone I would be able to look her in the eyes and lie.

I also thought how could I have enjoyed being fucked by all of them so much?

I slipped on only the dress. I just wanted to leave as quickly as possible. When I got out of the bathroom Tim handed me an envelope of money and told me how wonderful I was. I didn’t bother to count it and just got out of there as quick as I could.

When I got home I counted $1,500 in the envelope. I fucked six of Tim and Rob’s friends and made $1,500, and had more orgasms in one night then I had had in the last six months.

The next day, I had my hair dyed a different color and cut short and had a spa treatment to relax my sore body. I was very nervous for days that Tim or Rob or one their friends recognized me, at wedding rehearsal or at the wedding. I almost fainted when Sal asked me to dance at the wedding and I did get wet dancing with him. No one had brought up the bachelor party I felt I was home free. Then Tim called me a few days later and asked if Amber was available for the night.

Bachelor Party Cuckold

This true story is about how I became a cuckold. When I became engaged, despite my objections my friends decided to hold a bachelor party for me. Since they knew I would object, they had to trick me into coming. My best friend John called me and asked if I wanted to watch the Redskins football game on his big screen TV the following Sunday. Being a huge Skins fan, I jumped at the chance and arranged to meet him at his house at 12:00 sharp so we could catch the pre-game show on ESPN!

I should have known something was up when the beer and snacks were flowing freely and more and more of my friends started showing up “unexpectedly”. The Skins were crushing the hated Cowboys and I was getting totally trashed. At the end of the game I was much too drunk to drive and was sitting in a big soft armchair when a beautiful woman in a trench coat walked in. I wasn’t too drunk to see what was coming, but I was too drunk to stop it. She whipped off the coat and underneath was dressed (kind of) in white bustier, stockings, thong and spiked heels.

As she danced in front of me taking off her bustier, I tried to get up and leave, but several of my friends held me down and I was helpless to move. Two more friends pulled my pants down and the stripper climbed up into the chair until she was sitting on my lap.

As much as I wanted to leave, I began thinking with my small head and when the stripper started rubbing up and down on my penis, I stopped offering even token resistance. Eventually I couldn’t help myself and began thrusting my hips so I was rubbing my throbbing cock against her silk thong and was soon on the verge of coming. She leaned over and began rubbing her magnificent 36C breasts into face. This was all too much for me and with my friends standing around cheering I shot the biggest load of my life all over the stripper. Unfortunately, just as the last of my load was dripping down the strippers’ stomach, my fiancé Sharon walked in.

When I looked up and saw the look on her face, I knew I was in the biggest trouble of my life. As Sharon turned to walk out, I pushed the stripper off my lap and tried to run after her. Unfortunately, between my drunken condition and my pants down around my ankles, I tripped and by the time I got my pants up she was gone.

For the next several days I left numerous messages on Sharon’s answering machine, but she refused to accept my calls and would not answer the door when I went to her apartment. I was sure that the wedding was off, but didn’t know what to do.

Finally, she called me and said that we needed to meet to discuss this. I was so desperate I would have done anything to put our relationship back together and agreed to her meeting. I went to her apartment ready to make any compromise. You can image my surprise when I showed up and she was acting as if there was no problem. She said that she understood that I had been tricked into what happened and that after thinking things over she wasn’t mad at all. As a matter of fact, she said that in order to prove there were no hard feelings she wanted to have a party we could both enjoy.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune and she arranged to have a party the following Sunday at her place and invited all of my friends. At first it seemed like a replay of the infamous bachelor party. The Skins were kicking ass and the beer was flowing. After the game, I was sitting on the couch and when I looked up Sharon was coming out of the bedroom in a trench coat! She took it off and was wearing an outfit identical to the stripper. My fiancé is very attractive, she has great 36C breasts, a tiny waist and nice legs that come together at a clean shaven vagina. You can’t imagine my humiliation seeing her on display for all of my friends. I was also very surprised when I saw the stripper from the first party walk out behind her.

Sharon introduced me to Marcia and said that since I had gotten a chance to see her with no cloths on, it was only fair that she get to see me with no cloths on. . Drunk as I was I tried to get up off my chair and two of my friends grabbed me and tied to the chair I was sitting in. As I sat there helpless my other friends pulled my cloths off and I was left there with my dick on display for all to see.

Marcia walked up behind me and began to message my dick. Sharon said that I had one chance for her not to take her cloths off for everyone. She was going to start a striptease and would stop when I came. With that, she began to walk from man to man, rubbing her tits and thighs and get everyone horny. Marcia was purposely stroking my dick too slowly and holding it too lightly to let me cum. After several minutes Sharon said that it was obvious that I wanted her to take something off and to the delight of the crowd, she exposed a single breast.

As humiliated as I was, my erection got even larger which did not go unnoticed by my friends and fiancé. She said that it looked like I was enjoying this and reached up and took her bustier off. When her 36C’s were let free for the whole room to enjoy, a cheer went up. She said that I could stop this at any time by cumming. She also said that if I didn’t cum soon that she would have to start giving lap dances.

Although I was trying desperately to cum, Marcia was apparently an expert at keeping a man on the edge for a long period of time. Being tied to the chair didn’t help. I was trying to strain to make myself cum, but with very little movement available, I was not very successful.

Sharon lay on the couch posing this way and that. She pulled her thong aside to let everyone have a good look. I was totally humiliated to have all of my friends see her beautiful pussy. She sat on the couch and pulled her legs up to her chest while she rubbed her pussy for all to see. She looked like she was really getting into this.

After a few more minutes, she declared since I still hadn’t cum that it was time for a lap dance. She went over and sat on my first friends lap facing him. She pulled his dick out of his pants and began rubbing up and down against her silk thong while leaning over and letting him rub and lick her nipples. They were bouncing so hard that his dick slipped behind the thong and was rubbing directly against her pussy. He finally shot his load all over her stomach and she got up and asked who was next.

She walked right up to one of my friends who was sitting on the coach and sat on his lap facing him. She started to grind against his crotch and he started to grind back My fiancé looked over and said that I had better get comfortable because it looked like it was going to be a long afternoon. She intended to give every one of my friends a lap dance until I came. Although I was trying to cum so hard my face was red, Sharon broke up the room by saying that she thought I liked watching my friends cum on her. She pointed out that all I had to do to stop this was to cum and that with a beautiful woman stroking my cock, cumming shouldn’t be too difficult.

John, my supposed best friend, said he was next, but that he thought she should clean up before the next lap dance. Looking down at the huge load of cum dripping down her stomach to her pussy, she said that she thought that was a good idea. She walked over to me and told me that since this was my party, I could clean up the mess. When I looked at her questioningly, she walked up and rubbed her cum filled stomach into my face. I shut my lips tightly until I felt Marcia squeezing my balls. Sharon told me if I didn’t start licking, Marcia would squeeze my balls until they popped. As my friends looked on and cheered, I reluctantly began to lick the load of cum off of Sharon’s stomach and genitals.

When I was done, she hopped on to John’s lap and began to grind away. She then said that she really wanted to get this party started and pulled out John’s throbbing cock and wrapped her hand around it while she rubbed it against her thong clad pussy. After a minute she decided that the thong was just getting in the way and took it off. She was now naked except for her stockings and spike heeled shoes and rubbed his cock directly against her pussy. Despite my embarrassment, I was harder than I had ever been in my life. As she was rubbing, his cock accidentally slipped directly into her pussy and she began to ride his cock like there was no tomorrow.

At this point all of my friends began to take their cloths off and stood behind her in line. She called them over and began to service them three at a time. While she rode one, she would be jerking and sucking two others. Whenever someone came, they would shoot their loads all over her tits. This went on for several hours with some people taking several turns and when she was done she was covered with cum dripping down her breasts, out of her pussy and down her legs. All this time Marcia was slowly stroking my dick and whispering in my ear that it looked like Sharon was having a good time and that I must want her to keep fucking other men otherwise I would cum for her. Sharon finally came over and made me lick every drop of sperm off of her until she was as clean as when she started.

As a final humiliation she said that there was one more mess to take care of. She laid me on the couch in front of all of my friends and swung my legs above me head so that my cock was pointing directly at my face. Marcia then jerked me off right into my mouth and made me swallow every drop. I had been kept on the edge for so long that I shot squirt after squirt into my mouth until it began to run down the side of my face. Marcia scooped up every drop and made sure that I ate it all. As I lay on the couch mentally beaten and defeated, my friends got dressed and Sharon sent each of them off with a deep French kiss and stroke of their cocks.

When they were all gone, Sharon sent Marcia into the bedroom. She told me that if I ever cheated on her again I could expect more of the same. She then spent the night with Marcia while I slept on a wet couch that smelled like cum. When I woke up Marcia was gone. Sharon never mentioned what happed that night, but it has been the source of many a beat off session for me. Although I have been faithful ever since, what she has done is another story!

Hot Tub Surprise

My wife T and I have some friends that are going through a bit of struggle so to give the wife, Karen, a chance to vent and a shoulder to cry on T decided to invite her over for dinner one evening. T thought that an evening away without having to always be confronted by her husband would give Karen a chance to open up and see things a bit more clearly.

We had a wonderful steak dinner and had opened the third bottle of wine as we cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher when T suggested that we take our next glass of wine out to the hot tub. It was a nice fall evening with a temperature in the 50’s so it was almost a perfect setting to relax in the hot tub and enjoy the cool fall weather.

We usually get into the hot tub nude, but always have a supply of swimsuits around for when the kids and grand kids come around. T found something that fit Karen and we all moved out to the back yard and into the hot tub.

By now we were all joking and laughing about how relaxing this was and as the wine was having an affect on everyone we started to discuss Karen’s husband and their relationship. He was a rather pompous ass that was convinced he knew everything about everything, when in fact he couldn’t see the reality of life in front of him.

Karen made some comment about his self serving ways and when I responded that “he couldn’t find his dick with both hands” we all laughed and then she made the remark that he couldn’t find her pussy either! This quickly got T going as she asked Karen how long it had been since she’d had sex, and finally Karen admitted that it had been many weeks since they’d done anything, but what she missed the most was that it had been years since she’d gotten an orgasm orally her husband.

T quickly offered that I could fix that for her! I was shocked! I’m always trying to get my wife to show off or let other guys fool around with her body, but this was the first time she’d ever suggested that I do something.

Both Karen and I asked if she was sure about this, and when T suggested that Karen might like it since I enjoyed giving oral sex so much that it could be a real treat for her. See also said that she didn’t mind at all sharing me, and that she was willing to go first to show Karen how we’ve done it in the past while in the hot tub.

With that T stood up and started to peel off her swim suit and by the time she had taken it off and tossed it aside I’d already taken mine off as well. We both looked over at Karen as she just shrugged her shoulders, said why not, and peeled off her suit as well.

Normally this is where people who write stories tell you how the women had 38DD or 42D size tits…unfortunately that’s not ever close to reality…and all to often the 38DD tits come with a 42 D belly fat as well!

We were all in our mid 50’s and although none of us were overweight none of us still had the body of a 20 year old either. Karen was a bit thinner than T, and was much smaller up top as well. She wasn’t normally the type of woman that I would get excited about, but sitting in the hot tub with 2 naked women makes for an very different atmosphere that normal.

T and I often have had oral sex while using the hot tub, so we’ve got the positions all figured out by now. T had slide out of the water and was sitting on the corner of the surround with her legs spread wide. This is her favorite spot and she called me over and told Karen to just watch.

As soon as my lips and tongue touched T’s pussy I could tell that she was hot and ready to go. I wasn’t sure why she was so turned on, until she told me later that she was hoping she’d be able to get Karen naked so I could have a treat. It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes and T quickly squeezed my head with her thighs and held me tight as she enjoyed her orgasm. After another minute or two she let me go and slide down into the water in front of me. We kissed for a couple on minutes and then T turned and told Karen to take her place.

Karen slid around us and was soon sitting on the edge of the hot tub. As T moved to the side she told me to enjoy myself and do a good job on her friend. As I turned back towards Karen I was directly facing her pussy. Although this wasn’t something I had set up I still wanted to enjoy the opportunity and at the same time make it memorable for everyone.

I started to slowly lick Karen’s pussy from top to bottom and then back up and down again. I continued this several times before I reached out and took her hands and had her hold her pussy open for me as I tried to reach my tongue as far into her as I could. It was pretty obvious that she wasn’t going to last very long either.

She was starting to rub her pussy against my face as she continued to hold her pussy open for me to lick. I then moved up to her clit put two fingers into her cunt and started to alternate licking her clit as I pumped her pussy with first two fingers, then 3 and finally four. We settled into a nice motion as she rocked back and forth on my fingers and my tongue.

Everything was going great so I took my other hand and pushed my fingers up against her ass hole. I wasn’t sure what Karen would do but as soon as one finger started to slide into her ass she grabbed my hand and pulled it towards her. I managed to get two fingers in her ass, and had four in her pussy, as I kept licking her clit. It didn’t last long as she very quickly grabbed my head and held it still as her pussy and ass started to twitch and spasm.

After a few moments she pushed me away and with a quiet thanks slipped back into the water. T suggested that now it was my turn to get out and sit on the edge of the hot tub. Since I was about ready to explode I didn’t need any more encouragement than that.

I quickly moved up out of the water as T started to suck my cock as she’s done so many times in the past. She was doing her best to prolong my orgasm since she would stop and start and nibble a little instead of just getting to it and sucking me off. I was wondering why she was doing this but when she turned to Karen and asked her to finish me off I realized why she had been delaying my orgasm.

Karen asked T if she was sure, and then asked me if I was ok with it (a dumb question) and after we both said yes T and Karen changed places. T didn’t move too far away as she wanted to have a good view of what was happening. As Karen moved between my legs and grabbed a hold of my cock I knew that I had no hope of lasting a long time.

To my surprise Karen didn’t waste any effort but simply opened her mouth and sucked in my cock. I was surprised that within three or four strokes she had managed to swallow my cock completely! This woman must really have a big mouth or no gag reflex at all as every time she went down on my cock her nose would bury itself into my pubic hair. She was deep throating me more than anyone ever had in the past. I keep thinking was a jerk her husband must be that he’s not taking advantage of his cock sucking wife all the time!

I was determined to make this last as long as possible, but determination and reality don’t always match and too soon I knew that this blow job would end. I grabbed Karen by the head on her way down and held her there as I managed to unload as deeply into her throat as I could. I should add that I didn’t have to do much holding at all as she tried to swallow and much of my cock and cum as she could as the same time.

After I let go of her head she continued to hold her position as I could feel her throat try and swallow my cum and breathe through her nose at the same time. It wasn’t until I started to soften up that she let go and I settled back into the hot tub.

Karen was wiping a bit of cum off her lips as T and I snuggled in the hot water. We all took turns thanking each other for the fun evening, and T reminded us both that this kind of behavior won’t happen again unless she’s around to plan it and participate.

I told her that sounded more like an offer than a threat and she told me to just wait and see what might happen.

College Girls Level 1

As a new college professor, I was still getting used to being back on a campus. I had spent a few years after graduating in private industry before deciding to go back for my doctoral studies. During those studies, I knew that my calling lied in teaching and started looking for a university position. I certainly enjoyed the academic portion of my profession, but seeing the beautiful young coeds prance around campus was a big bonus!

I first met Lori at teacher/student interviews after the first week of classes. She was in one of my larger philosophy classes, so I hadn’t noticed her sitting in the back. We talked for nearly two hours and got along famously. I was intrigued by her playful yet intelligent demeanor and how engrossed she was in the conversation. Mature beyond her years, Lori talked about everything from school to hobbies to the sorority she had joined last semester, when she was still a freshman. Now that she was an “upperclassman,” she was thrilled to have a “little sister” that was pledging the sorority.

Of course, much of my interest in Lori was based on her looks. A stunning 19-year old sophomore, she reminded me of one of my favorite old-school porn stars, Lexus Locklear. Lori wore extremely short jeans shorts that exposed her long, tan and shapely teen legs. The green Abercrombie & Fitch tank top hugged her well shaped breasts. I could see the straps of a purple bra underneath and was sure that it contained some of the finest tits on campus.

Lori ended up being one of my most enthusiastic and successful students. We talked after class for a few minutes at least once a week, but always about academics. Of course as much as I wanted to get in her pants, I still had to abide by the college’s student/teacher relationship clause. I was also sure that she got plenty of attention from the boys on campus and had no interest in a professor 10 years her senior. It wasn’t until I ran into Lori and her little sister, Erica, at a bar on Friday night that I even thought about the possibility of sex (ok, I had thought about it numerous times, but not seriously!). Being there with several of my colleagues, though, I knew that I couldn’t act on my beer-induced desires.

Lori saw me from across the bar and came over to introduce me to Erica. Erica was a freshman engineering major, not normally the educational discipline for Tri-Delt sorority girls. She was, of course, the hottest engineering student I had ever laid eyes on. A delicate brunette, she was a shy stunner with pale skin, freckles and a fabulous figure shown off in a flouncy pink miniskirt and a white mid-riff top. I checked out her incredible legs and saw that she was wearing a pair of 4-inch white heels with straps that ran up her calves. A very well-coordinated outfit, it was just a little trampy too. In fact, with her back to me, I almost thought that her skirt was short enough that I caught a glimpse of the cheeks of her ass.

Despite holding up a conversation, my mind was thinking solely about how hot Lori looked. She too was dressed in sorority-girl uniform: jeans micro-mini skirt, tight black shirt that showed a lot of cleavage and a little bit of mid-riff, and black strappy heels. The heels looked so good on her french-manicured feet…I imagined how they would look on either side of my head!

As I snapped back to reality, Erica was asking about the other classes that I taught. It sounded like she was burned out by the heavy engineering workload and wanted to take an elective course next semester. Halfway through the conversation, a new song started up on the dance floor and Lori pulled Erica behind her to dance. They looked extremely hot dancing together, occasionally touching one another on the arm or holding hands. I knew that they were there to pick up frat boys or football players, so I reluctantly turned back to the conversation with my less-interesting colleagues.

After another hour or so, we’d had about enough and decided to leave. As we said farewell to one another in the parking lot, I realized that I’d left my credit card with the bartender. I went back inside to retrieve it and was met by Lori coming off the dance floor.

“I saw you leave and thought you weren’t going to say goodbye,” she said with a fake pout.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were off dancing with your friends,” I replied. “I enjoyed talking with you tonight. Will I see you in class on Monday?”

“What, you can’t leave, yet!” she shouted over the music. “The party hasn’t even started!” She had a gleam in her eye that more than intrigued me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the dance floor and the thumping music.

I looked around, feeling guilty about the student/teacher fraternization issue, but realized there wasn’t any other faculty there and most of the college-age students there had no idea I was Lori’s professor. She spun around and started dancing and I was amazed at how hot her body was. I truly saw the image of a naked Lexus Locklear standing in front of me and was jealous of the frat boys who had had a chance to explore her firm young body.

After only one or two songs, Lori was moving closer and closer to me, at several times grinding against my obviously rock hard dick. I finally got the courage (perhaps it was the beer) to slide my hands to her hips and pull her into me. She grinded hard backwards and I even let my right hand slip over her flat, smooth tummy, sliding one finger into the waistband of her hip-hugging miniskirt. She started thrusting back with the beat of the music and it felt like we were almost having sex right there on the dance floor. After having spent my twenties in relationships with well-developed women, Lori felt unbelievably slender and petite. I put both hands on her hips and wondered what it would feel like to have her naked in that position and fuck her doggy style.

I spotted Erica across the room, dancing with a frat boy. He looked to be about her age, an 18-year old pledge from Alpha Chi, the Tri-Delt’s brother fraternity. They were locked together in embrace, dancing hard to the music. I watched as the guy slipped his hand underneath her skirt and cupped one ass cheek, pulling her against him even harder. I was sure that Erica would end up going home with this lucky young man. Meanwhile, I was contemplating my chances of bedding Lori and wondering if I should even risk my job over such a hottie. My brain was undecided but my dick was definitely in favor of taking her back to my house.

She turned around, kissed me, and said,” let’s get out of here.” I wasn’t going to argue.

As we gathered our things, Erica rushed over from a gathering of their sorority sisters. “No luck tonight,” she told Lori. “Can I get a ride back to the house with you?”

“We’re actually headed over to Mark’s house,” she said, smiling devilishly at me. “You should come with us rather than going back to the house alone.”

Initially, I was bummed that this freshman might break the trance that Lori and I were sharing. My worries disappeared, though, when the two drunk girls leaned in and kissed each other, tongues visibly wrestling. My heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight, especially noticing that Erica had a blue and white metal tongue stud. Many young girls these days have their tongues pierced, theoretically as a fashion statement. Most girls probably knew that they brought intense pleasure when giving head, either to a male or female partner. One of my dreams had always been to cum on a pierced tongue and I was going to make sure that that dream came true tonight!

The girls both hopped in the front seat of my pickup truck and we were all smashed in pretty tight. Neither of their short skirts did anything to hide their shapely long legs. That didn’t seem to bother them since their hands started to roam over each others legs and under one another’s skirt. I couldn’t believe my luck and drove quickly to the house, enjoying the show along the way.

We hurried into the house and barely got the door closed before both teens were on their knees in front of me, fishing out my prick and sucking it down. They took their time sucking and licking, kissing each other around my cock. The sight of Erica’s tongue stud under my dick nearly made me come, but I forced myself to hold on and wait until I got to fuck at least one of them.

I looked down at the girls, both sets of eyes locked onto mine while they sucked away. They both had beautifully manicured fingernails and Lori had one hand pumping the base of my dick while Erica sucked away at the head. I noticed that they both had a hand jammed inside their panties, feverishly frigging their pussies. It’s of course satisfying to know that the girl sucking you off enjoys it so much that she wants to masturbate herself at the same time. The thought of two girls doing this to me simultaneously almost made me come again.

To avoid ending the party too soon, I pulled them off my dick and finished undressing myself, eagerly looking forward to finding out what was under their cute little skirts. I told Lori to get up onto the couch and spread her legs open for me. She didn’t resist in the least and plopped down on the couch. She held her long legs up straight up in the air, ankles crossed just below the slutty black heels she wore, and then spread them straight out to the side. She must have been a cheerleader or gymnast in high school because of the flexibility and grace of the move. Her jeans mini-skirt migrated up to her waist, exposing a tiny, but ornate, pair of black lace panties. They were extremely low-cut to match the hip hugging skirt. It was readily apparent through the flimsy material that her pussy was fully shaved.

I got down on my knees next to the couch, pulled aside the front of her panties with one finger, and began to feast on the sexiest pussy I had ever laid eyes on. I was surprised when Erica kneeled next to me and ran her hands up and down Lori’s smooth legs, holding them back for me while I continued to eat her out. Lori was on another planet from all of the pleasure, but Erica began whispering dirty suggestions into my ear, far too naughty for an 18-year old college freshman. Without a doubt, Erica had been the high school slut who’d had no inhibitions. Whether or not she’d ever double-teamed a guy before remained to be seen, but she gave a double blow job like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Lori brought her legs together and Erica leaned in and grabbed the waistband of her panties, pulling them off to reveal a tiny g-string. Erica leaned back in and began to tongue the bald cunt in front of her. As I saw her tongue stud graze against Lori’s beautiful pink pussy, my dick got harder than it had ever been. It felt like it must have doubled in size from the erotic sight before me. Ready to try out one of these young pussies, I positioned myself behind Erica and flopped her flouncy pink skirt up over her back to reveal a matching pink Victoria’s Secret V-string. I pulled the lace panties down to her knees and she lifted each one for me to remove the lingerie. I put my fingers on the straps of her shoes to remove them when Lori cautioned me against it.

“She didn’t wear those fuck-me heels tonight just to have you take them off right before you fuck her. Now open up her little pussy and stick that beautiful cock in her tight little hole.”

Her filthy language spurred me on. I lined up behind Erica again and grabbed her slender little ass cheeks. I spread them apart to reveal another shaved, freckled pussy. Because of her light complexion, it looked so innocent, yet so dirty. I gave her pussy a couple of licks and then her bare ass-hole and then slid my prick straight into her. I pounded her into Erica’s snatch, eliciting moans from both girls. The sight before me was incredible. No matter how great it felt to fuck this little red-head, the object of my desire for weeks lay straight ahead of me with her legs spread and miniskirt around her waist. She had taken off her shirt and bra, exposing her oversized, but firm, tits. She was staring straight at me and intensified the feeling of being in her little sister’s pussy.

I was definitely ready to fuck Lori. Erica pulled off my dick and then finished taking her clothes off, leaving on her sexy heels. She laid against the corner of the couch and slid Lori over to between her legs. The thought of those two, wet and shaved pussies being so close together gave me goose bumps. Erica grabbed Lori’s legs and spread them back apart for me, inviting me to fuck her friend. First I dangled my prink in front of Lori’s mouth and she inhaled it, vigorously cleaning off Erica’s juices. As I entered Lori, I thought about the fact that we weren’t using condoms, but I figured such talented and experienced sorority girls were probably on the pill. Plus, I didn’t have any intention of coming in their pussies. I was saving that for Erica’s tongue.

Lori’s legs were still in a ‘v’ while I fucked her. Erica’s french-manicured fingers roamed all across her tan body. She cupped Lori’s breasts and caressed across her incredibly flat stomach. They worked their way down to Lori’s pussy, frigging her friend off while I plunged in and out of the tight channel. It proved to be too much for Lori as she screamed out in orgasm.

I’d had more than enough stimulation, too. Despite wanting to prolong the pleasure forever, the sexy outfits, the almost non-existent lingerie, the ‘fuck-me’ heels, the hard bodies, the perfectly-shaved pussies, the double blow job, and fucking both girls tight holes pushed me over the edge. The girls were in the perfect position for a facial, but I was unsure how these young girls would react. The lure of Erica’s tongue stud was too much to resist, though, so I pulled out and leaned in toward their faces. Both girls instinctively stuck out their tongues as I stroked my cock and exploded over their upturned faces. After giving each girl a couple of pulses on their face, I aimed directly for Erica’s pierced tongue. The sight of me stroking myself into the mouth of an 18-year old with a tongue stud was incredible, and I actually started to come again, leaving plenty of ropes for Lori’s porn star-perfect tits. I finally came down from the best orgasm of my life and sank to my knees in exhaustion.

The girls decided to spend the night and we woke up in the morning for another round of amazing sex in my bedroom. I wasn’t sure what would become of Lori and I, but I was certain that I wanted to see her again, the risk to my job be damned!

Shared Military Wife

I was just a young officer’s wife when Scott went through his initial training in the Army after he graduated from ASU ROTC as a second lieutenant. He found a small apartment off base and brought me out to stay with him. He had written and spoken on the phone with me about his new friend and fellow officer, Kenny. My husband joked with me about how large Ken’s cock was and that I should try it. The first weekend spent at our apartment and my introduction to his friend was awkward. Another round of beers was opened and my glass was refilled, and I saw Scott looking at Ken, who just winked. I had a feeling there and then that my tits would soon be out on display to all. Therefore, I decided to break the ice and jump right in.

“Well, can I see it?” I asked, as I took a long drink of my beer.

I was nervous and I really did want to see it. They laughed again and Scott said to Ken, “She does have a nice set of tits,” and then looked at me and smiled. “Show him honey!”

I looked at him, took another drink of my beer and my hands shook as I put the glass back onto the table. I smiled; it was a nervous smile, but I stood up, still smiling, fingers trembling as I lifted up the front of my top to reveal my red lace brassiere. I know I was blushing; I could feel my face go the color of the bra. They were looking at me, I was looking at them. My husband was smiling, no, he was grinning. I took the top off and stood there in front of them dressed in jeans and a bra. I tried to smile, but it was a nervous smile. I cupped my breasts as I looked at them and then I pulled the tops of my 36DD cups down to reveal my breasts. I knew my nipples were hard. I looked at them, Scott still grinning, and Ken with his eyes locked on my now semi naked breasts and hard ½ inch nipples.

“Not enough, Donna, take it off!” Scott said to me.

I looked at him, his face still held the grin. I shrugged my shoulders, reached behind me and unclipped the brassiere, letting it fall to the floor. I now stood there, facing them, topless with my breasts bare for their eyes. I needed another drink, so I reached down for my glass and drank the rest of the beer before replacing the now empty glass. I still stood there in front of them. The blushing had gone, the shaking fingers had gone, the nerves had gone. I smiled at them; my husband’s grin had been replaced with a broad smile, and his eyes sparkled with both pride and lust. I looked at him and then to Ken as I cupped my breasts. I ran my thumbs over my hard nipples as I sat back down and refilled my empty beer glass. As I reached for my top, I looked at Scott and he was still smiling, but also shook his head telling me not to put the top back on. I smiled as I took a drink from my glass. (I was mesmerized at the stare Ken was giving me from my nude display. My nipples were aching and tingling and I saw Scott’s hand go to his groin to adjust himself.

I knew then he was either getting hard or was hard. I wondered if Ken was getting the same way too. I wondered if I would ever get to see this apparent big cock of his. I also wondered what the hell I would do when I did see it, and where all this was going. I put those thoughts out of my mind as I cupped my breasts again, jiggling them as I let out a giggle for my admirers.

“Come on then, fair is only fair!” I said with a pout, as I ran my thumbs over my nipples again and then pinched them with my fingers and thumbs, making sure to make direct eye contact with Ken.

I was still wondering if I would get to see it, and then Scott turned to Ken and said, “Well, I guess she has a point” and he laughed as he stood up and unzipped his jeans.

I was so hoping that Ken was going to do the same. “Hey, that’s cheating; you told me I’d get to see Ken’s cock not yours!” I said, as I watched my husband take out his semi erect cock.

He just laughed as he held it in his hand, and as I reached for my top he sat down and said, “Okay, fair is fair,” and then looked at Ken giving him a wink.

Ken looked at me as he stood up, and already I could see the outline of his growing cock in his jeans and if that wasn’t a pair of socks down there, then he was indeed big. As he reached for his zipper, I reached for more beer, my throat was dry and I licked my lips after taking a drink. I licked my lips again as he reached inside. I squirmed as he pulled it out.

I said, “Fuck!” as I saw it and Scott certainly wasn’t lying; it was big, thick too. “Fuck,” was the only word I could say as he showed me just half of it, and it wasn’t even hard.

My eyes were locked on his cock. I felt my breathing increase, and although I didn’t want to, I couldn’t stop my fingers from playing with my nipples again. “Oh fuck!” was all I said when I saw him open his jeans and the whole length came into view. I’d seen big cocks, but only in the porn movies up to that time of my life, but never one in the flesh so to speak, and this one was all flesh and a lot of it too. My hands cupped my breasts as I stared at Ken’s monster. My fingers took hold of my nipples again. I looked at Scott; he smiled and nodded in the direction of Ken. I gave him a quizzed look for I wasn’t sure what he meant. He nodded again.

“Surely not; surely he didn’t want me to play with it did he?” I thought to myself.

We had dabbled in sex with friends and I had swung with my first husband, but we had only begun discussing an open-marriage recently. I reached for my beer glass again. I needed a drink and now I needed the glass refilled and reached for the nearly empty bottle that was now empty as I poured the rest of the contents into my glass. I took another drink and looked over at Scott. He was still smiling and his semi erect cock was still out of his jeans, as was Ken’s cock. I smiled at them both as I took another deep swig of my beer and put the glass back on the table. My nipples tingled as I took hold of them again. I knew that they were both looking at me, and I was getting a little more excited as I tugged on my nipples. I looked back at my hubby and he smiled as he took hold of his cock and began to play with himself, and that is when I understood his nodding.

He DID want me to play with Ken, and then the tingling increased once I understood that. I now wished I had a skirt on instead of these jeans. I pinched my nipples again as I looked at both cocks and smiled as Scott’s cock stiffened, and then looked at Ken’s cock again and his too was beginning to grow bigger. I couldn’t stop myself from tugging harder on my nipples, pulling on them and I was so wet now it was becoming unbearable. I just sat there, playing with my tits and nipples, watching two men, one a stranger, playing with their cocks. I was wet, very wet, soaking wet in fact. I looked at Scott, he made a motion with his eyes and mouthed what I thought was ‘undress’. I looked at him again, he mouthed the same word. I squeezed my nipples harder, almost letting out a squeal as my fingers tugged on them. I glanced down at ken’s hand that was now running very slowly over his cock. Ken was now very hard and I was very wet.

I stood up and felt their eyes following my fingers as I unzipped my jeans, and then the button holding them together. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and slowly peeled the jeans over my hips. Scott, of course, would have already known that I would be naked underneath my jeans. I was always naked underneath my outer clothes. I never wore any underwear except to work and church. This fact would soon come to Ken’s knowledge too as I slid them over my hips and then down my thighs. I heard an intake of breath and it wasn’t mine as the jeans fell to the floor. I kicked them off and stood there totally naked and feeling very hot and horny. I looked at Scott and smiled as I sat back down and picked up my glass to drain the last of the beer.

“We need some ‘Jack’ Honey,” I said to Scott as I placed the glass back on the table and watched him tuck his cock back into his jeans and stand up. I looked at Ken, well more at his cock, as I leaned back in the chair, spreading my legs as I did, and watched him watching me as my fingers ran up and down my very wet shaved slit. Scott came back with the ‘J.D.’ as my forefinger slipped inside my slit, burying it deep inside my pussy. My husband knows I get openly sexual when drinking whiskey. I didn’t stop fingering myself as he replenished my now empty glass; I was too busy looking at the monster growing and too busy thinking about it buried deep inside me. I watched Scott has he sat back down and his grin returned as he in turn watched me finger fucking myself. I then watched as he unzipped himself and took out his hard cock again. I smiled and smiled again when my hubby nodded in the direction of his friend. I knew what he meant and what he wanted me to do.

I stood up, licked my finger clean as I walked over to Ken and sunk to my knees and rested my hands upon his thighs. I looked at him and smiled as I lowered my mouth to the tip of his cock which he was still holding. As I took the head to the monster cock into my mouth, he thrust his hips upwards, driving his cock into my mouth. I reached up, tugged at the jeans and managed to pull them down to his ankles and then helped him out of them. His cock in my mouth throbbed and I wanted to feel that throbbing inside my very hot and wet pussy. His cock slipped from my mouth as I stood up and placed my legs either side of his thighs; his strong thighs. I took hold of his cock and guided him into my wet pussy. I moaned as I lowered myself onto him. It filled me, filled me wonderfully as I sunk onto him. I let out another moan as he grabbed my hips, slamming upwards, driving his thick hard cock deep and hard into me. I saw Scott stand up, remove his jeans, and move towards me holding his cock. I smiled as his cock brushed my lips; I let out a deep moan as I felt Ken’s fingers take my nipples as my mouth closed around my husband’s cock.

Ken slammed upwards, Scott thrust forwards; both were filling me to the hilt with their shafts. I moaned on Scott’s cock as I felt Ken’s fingers tugging and pulling on my nipples. I enjoyed the pain and pleasure, the exciting pain of having my nipples treated that way. I was enjoying a strange fat cock in my pussy and a hard cock in my mouth. I was enjoying his fingers pulling and twisting my nipples, his upwards thrusting of his hips that powered that big fat cock deep inside me. I enjoyed the throbbing cock of my husband in my mouth, cupping his balls wanting him to cum in my mouth. I didn’t have to wait too long for that to happen as I massaged his balls, and I knew he was close as he groaned out. I sucked harder; I let him fuck my mouth, letting him grasp my hair as he pulled my face down onto his cock; his cock that was ready to shoot his cum into my mouth.

I felt my own orgasm building as Ken continued to forcibly fuck me, the pain, the nice pain of his thick cock filling me, stretching me. My own body shook as I felt his cock hold there, clenching my muscles around it, pumping it as my juices began to freely flow over his cock and down the insides of my thighs. I had to let Scott’s cock go as the orgasm ran through me; I had to let out a scream as the flowing juices continued. Scott grabbed my hair again, pulling me roughly back onto his cock, growling at me, to me, telling me to suck it. He slammed his cock into my mouth and held my head still. I felt the pumping; I felt the warm fluids hitting the back of my throat, I had to swallow as fast as I could. I’d never known Scott to shoot that much before, he was flooding my mouth and I was struggling to swallow it all without spilling any. I didn’t stop sucking until I felt Scott push me away. I looked up at him as I swallowed the last drop and he smiled like a Cheshire Cat, knowing his young wife was being filled in both orifices.

Ken’s cock was pounding me so hard it was hurting, but the hurt was a pleasant hurt and one that I was enjoying and one that was so fucking close to bringing me off again. I was closer, he was close, I needed one more before he exploded, just one more, please, just one more. I slammed up and down, feeling the wonderful pain as he stretched me, as he filled me. “Pinch my nipples!” I uttered “Pinch my fucking nipples!” I moaned, and as he did, it sent me over the top and the orgasm hit me, ran through me. I let out a scream as I felt my juices flowing, my legs trembled, and my nipples ached. I sat there, tight on him, his cock buried so deep, so filling. He was close; I knew that as I got off of him and looked down at his cock, a cock covered in my juices. I sunk to my knees, took his cock in my hand and looked up at him, I smiled as my tongue snaked out, licking his shaft, cleaning his cock of my juices as my hand worked up and down on his cock.

I took the head in my pussy and winced as he tried to push his whole cock into my cervix. I worked with my hips and vaginal muscles and suddenly felt him hold my butt cheeks still, his cock worked faster and then I felt it, I felt the first stream, then the second. I milked his shaft eagerly, quickly not wanting to spill a drop. The third stream was followed by the fourth and last as I took his cock as deep as I could, clenching the very life out of it and his balls. I stood, still holding his cock in my womb and then turned to Scott and smiled. I sat back on the couch, my legs wide open, allowing my hubby to see his friend’s huge deposit leaking from his freshly fucked young wife’s vagina. I needed one more, just one more. I closed my eyes, held my pussy open and my fingers worked fast and furious on my clit, rubbing it hard as I bought myself to my final orgasm of the night in front of my two lovers.

I let out a big sigh, a sigh of happiness and contentment as Scott refilled my glass again. I looked at him and said, “When is Ken cumming back? Maybe we’ll invite a third friend!”

We all laughed and clinked glasses.

You Want to Fuck Me Where

When I was 20 years old I had been living with my boy friend for 2 years and relitively speaking still inexperenced in the pleasures that sex had to offer me. Jack was very tall and well built, being an ex-high school football player he has continued to keep himself in pretty good shape. Looking back now I can understand why we eventually went our own way, you see, his cock was rather small, less than 6″ from head to base. But because I had only been with 2 other men up to this time I really had no idea that cocks could be larger and so much more fun.

Jack was always getting rather kinky, like the time I was in the tub bathing and he came in to pee. Yep, you guessed it, he turned from the toilet and sprayed my face with his pee. And he was always trying to talk me into letting him fuck me in the ass. I had no idea what his fasination with my ass was, but every time we made love and would get into the 69 position, he would always lick my ass and put a finger into my ass as he licked my clit. Of coarse this would always get him rock hard, and I did come to enjoy his probings and licking my ass. So it really was no suprise when one day I told him he could fuck me in the ass. It actually felt pretty good, feeling his cock stretching my virgin ass hole open. He really pounded my ass hard and fast and came right inside of my ass. Being the first ass fucking I had experenced I hadn’t douched my ass out first, and his cock was covered with my shit.

Well, about 3 weeks later Jack had 5 of his buddies from work over for pizza and beer while they watched a football game on the TV. I was left to do what ever since I never really got into the football thing. So while they watched the game and drank beer, I was in the bathroom douching my ass really good, I just kept putting the nozzle from the enema bag into my ass and squirting the shitty water out. I must have done this at least a dozzed times, untill I was satisfied that I was nice and clean inside my ass. And just to make sure, as a little test, I fucked a vibrater into my ass for 4 or 5 minutes, then sucked on it to see if there was going to be a shitt taste. To my suprise there wasn’t, infact it tasted clean and fresh. So now I bathed and dressed in a pair of old cut off jeans, really cut high so as to leave nothing to the imagination. I toped this off with a tank-top that showed my titties really nicely.

Walking into the living room dressed like this I stood beside the TV, as if I were looking for something. Of coarse all the guys were looking at me instead of the game at this point. I bent over at the waist to look behind the TV, giving them all a perfict view of my crotch, which wasn’t hardly covered at all. I stayed like this for about 30 seconds, then peeked over the top of the TV and asked if they had a good view of the game and was I in the way. They assured me that I was not in in the way and they all had a perfect view of what they wanted to see. I just said, OK, and went back to looking for my non-existant book. One of the guys came over and offered to help me look, as he knelt beside me I could tell he was enjoying the view of my breasts being exposed in the tank-top. He then put his hand on my ass cheek, and when I didn’t say anything his hand starded exploring my ass and inner thighs.

Then one of the other men behind me said, Sandi, I think I’ve found what you are looking for. When I turned around they were sitting there with their cocks in their hands stroking them. Without another word I walked over to the closest cock and knelt between his legs and started sucking his cock. After a couple minutes I stopped and told them all to strip down and sit on the couch and chairs, and I would take care of each of them in turn. It didn’t take long and there were 6 naked men with hard cocks waiting for me to suck on.

I started at one end of the room and worked my way around, sucking each cock, taking them deep into my mouth and feeling them sliding over my tongue. Each cock tasted so good, and all were bigger than Jack’s. To my suprise and enjoyment I was able to take even the largest cock into my mouth and deep throat it untill my nose was buried into his stomach.

Each cock was throughly licked up and down its length, then sucked some more, then I would suck their heavy cum laden balls into my mouth, then more deep throating. Each cock in turn was lavishly sucked and savored by my lips. When I finally reached the last cock I stood up and stripped what little I had on. I then told them to just sit there and they would have to lick and kiss what ever part of my body I offered to them. They all agreed.

The first man I put my breasts into his face so he would suck my nipples, while his hands explored the rest of my body. His lips sucking and gently nipping my nipples felt really good as his hands felt up between my legs, and his fingers moving over my pussy and into my cunt was really starting to make me breathe harder.

The next guy, I stood on the cushions beside his hips and thrust my cunt into his face. He didn’t hesitate to grab my ass cheeks and pull my cunt harder into his face as he licked my pussy up and down, flicking my clit and sliding his tongue as far into my cunt as he could.

The next guy was Jack, and I turned around and stuck my ass right into his face and told him to lick and finger fuck my ass hole. This he did without hesitation. By the time he was through, he had 3 fingers buried into my ass, fucking me as I moaned with pleasure.

After what seemed like hours of pleasure, but couldn’t have been more than 15 or 20 minutes at the most, I stood in the middle of the room and told one of the guys to lay on his back on the floor. When he did I lowered myself onto his cock, filling my cunt up as his cock was much larger than Jack’s. As he fucked my cunt I looked up and randomly pointed to another man, telling him to fuck my ass. Without hesitation he he was balls deep into my ass in no time, fucking me with slow in and out strokes of his cock. Unbeliveable how exciting it felt to have 2 cocks inside me at the same time like that. Since the others ware just watching, waiting their turn, I told another guy the bring his cock over and fuck my face.

They had formed a line by now, and when the guy fucking my ass pulled out the guy fucking my face took his place to fuck my ass and the next guy shuved his cock into my face to be sucked. The guy under me fucking my cunt didn’t seem to mind that all he was getting was pussy, and I didn’t mind either as I rather enjoyed feeling his big cock inside my cunt, fucking me deeper and harder that I had ever been fucked before.

This went on for quite a while and I know that I was sucking cock that was just a little while ago inside my ass. My thoughts were racing, thinking of all these delishious cocks fucking my ass then getting them sucked deep into my mouth. I know that I came several times druing all of this, as I just felt waves of pleasure washing over my body as I was getting fucked over and over again by these men.

I could tell that they didn’t want it to end and neither did I, but I wanted to taste their cum too, squirting into my mouth, tasting it over my tongue. So I finally told them all to stand around me in a circle and jack off, and when you are ready to cum tell me and I will swallow it all down for you. They liked that idea, and I watched, sitting on the floor, as these 6 cocks were being jacked off right in my face. When the first guy started to cum I leaned over and took his cock into my mouth, feeling and tasting his cum as he orgasmed over and over into my mouth. I didn’t want to release his cock from my mouth as it tasted so good, but then the next guy started cuming and I took his cock into my mouth and felt his jizz shooting over my tongue and I swallowed it as fast as I could so I wouldn’t choake, there was so much.

I was in cock heaven, one after the other giving me a cum cocktail. When they were all finished and I had tasted all of their cock cum, I told them to wait their and I would be right back. When I returned I was holding a wide mouthed tall glass in my hand. I told them if they could come back tomorrow they could cum into this glass after fucking me, and they could watch as I would drink all of their cum from the glass. However, there would be one condition that each of them would have to meet before he could come back and fuck me again. I could tell they were worried that they might not be able to do what I asked, so I just smiled and told them that they would each have to bring one other man with him to fuck me as well.

Riding The Subway

“Fucking son of a bitch!” I yelled as I clicked off my cell phone.

Sometimes having an old fashioned phone would be worth it, just for the satisfaction of slamming it down in someone’s ear.

Jason stood me up again to go hang with his “bros.” Well, it’s likely he wasn’t going to be getting a blowjob or laid by those bros. Hope he has fun with them.

I called up some friends and we arranged to go clubbing together. Several of them had just broken up with their respective partners, so we were ready to go out and have fun. Hopefully we got laid in the process.

I went to my closet, ripping out clothes and discarding them. I was going for a flat out sexy and slutty look. I was going to have fun, despite the asshole’s behavior.

I’m not a stunner. I don’t have a model’s body, nor do I have a face that stops traffic, but I get a fair amount of attention. I rarely buy my own drinks at the bar, and get enough offers for dancing to keep me having a good time.

I finally found an appropriate outfit. The top was a halter style with just a string to tie in the back. Anyone looking at me would know I wasn’t wearing a bra. The skirt was short, just past my rounded ass. And of course, a good old pair of “fuck me” heels. I decided to skip the panties. If I met someone I wanted to fuck, I didn’t want anything getting in the way. It would make bumping and grinding on the dance floor interesting as well.

I made my way to the subway to meet the girls at the club. It was a busy night. The cars were packed and I ended up standing. With people getting on and off, I was getting bumped into and almost fell. I reached up to hold the bar. This caused my skirt to ride up. If it swayed just right, a little glimpse of ass was visible. Knowing that people could see my ass got me a little excited. I don’t mind showing off. My as is one of my best assets.

The feel of the skirt swaying against my bare skin started my pussy twitching. Knowing that men were watching me and maybe even some women…. Well, it got the juices flowing pretty well. My nipples were hard nubs pressing against the fabric of my shirt. It was a fairly sheer material, so they were quite obvious.

As the train jolted to a stop, I felt someone push up against me. This was not unusual in a crowded car. However, I didn’t hear the usual “excuse me.” Instead, I felt a bulging crotch push against my ass. It felt like a decent sized bulge. When I didn’t push him off, his hands grabbed my hips, then snaked around to my front, up my chest, landing on my tits.

Oh damn, that felt so good. I was already tingling before he touched me. I ground my ass against his bulge, while thrusting my tits against his hands.

“You’re looking to get fucked, aren’t you?” I heard in my ear.

I responded by grinding on him some more.

His hands began their work on my tits. One hand massaged, while the other was pinching and rolling my nipple.

I moaned with delight. My body responded to his touch. The juice flowing down my leg was evidence that I wanted more.

I sighed with disappointment as one hand was removed from my tits. When I discovered that hand had been unzipping his pants, I gasped. I felt his hard cock press against me. Sliding it forward, he met my wet slit.

“Oh, that is one wet pussy,” he whispered.

I saw another man working his was toward us. Apparently we had attracted some attention.

I looked around, noticing various people watching. Some were pretending not to watch, others looked on in anger, and others were excited. I saw several men and women rubbing their crotches. I grew even more excited.

The second man stood in front of me, placing his hands over mine to hold me in place, then kissed me. My tongue mingled with his. I groaned as my first orgasm hit me. I was being double teamed and I loved it.

The man in front of me was in a well-cut suit. It showed off his muscular body. He removed his tie, using it to secure my hands to the pole.

The man behind me slid his hand to my pussy, beginning to play with my clit. The man in front of me began to suck my tits through my shirts.

I felt a third set of hands on my body. HOT DAMN!! I came hard all over the man’s fingers. My skin was sucked and stroked as I continued to cum. My moans were fairly loud by now. I didn’t care. Anyone could watch. There were probably several women jealous of what I was getting.

The man behind me managed to find a seat. He sat, pulling me on top of him. My hands were still attached to the pole, but the knot was just loose enough to slide down. The man’s cock slid easily into my cum soaked pussy. It was a full thick cock, stretching me slightly. As he stroked in and out of my slick hole, I felt my legs being spread. When I looked down, I saw a woman lowering her mouth to my pussy.

I had been with women a few times and found them to be damn good lovers. When dealing with the same sex, the partner knows what to do, because she knows what she likes. She teased my clit with just the tip of her tongue. Her head bobbed up and down to keep up with bouncing body as I was getting fucked. My tits jiggled with the motion.

The man in the suit stood next to me, undoing his pants and sliding his cock into my mouth. I had to turn my head to the side to fully take him in. I felt my top being untied and being lifted up. My tits were exposed and being worked by the man in the suit.

How could any woman not want this? Every part of me was being serviced. The woman between my legs was licking the cock as it stroked out of me, then licked my pussy as he stroked in. It gave me enough of a tease to keep me from cumming, yet allowing me to enjoy every bit of what was happening. Sensations were everywhere.

The man in the suit had a cock that fit my mouth beautifully. Just long enough to make me gag a bit, but not too much. I matched the rhythm on his cock to the cock pounding my pussy. Getting my pussy and mouth fucked at the same time heightened my pleasure.

When the woman moved her tongue and set to a full on attack on my clit, I felt my pleasure rise, and rise, and rise, until my pussy clenched around the man’s cock. She locked her mouth over my clit, continuing to tongue me while I rode out the waves of the orgasm. The man fucking my mouth was also pulling on my nipples, giving me a pleasure and pain sensation. With the three of them hitting every spot, the orgasm had just subsided when another one hit.

I cried out as my body was used in the most primitive fashion. I set out to be a slut, and that’s exactly what I was. Fucking three strangers on a subway, and I had a feeling we were far from done.

When the last orgasm faded, the man who had impaled me on his cock, lifted me off. I was surprised since he had not cum yet. His fingers went to my pussy, feeling how wet I was. He spread the juice backward, toward my ass, with the woman helping. Oh, my pussy was pulsing again. Two hands stroking my hot, wet pussy…. Oh… I was damn near cumming again.

The man leaned forward, saying, “You like a nice hard cock in your ass, don’t you?”

“Oooohhhh, yes,” I responded as much from his suggestion as the hands stroking me.

“Fuck my tight ass!”

He slid my ass slightly forward so it was at the edge of the seat.

He looked at the woman, “Open up that tight little ass for my cock.”

Her fingers played at my tight hole as her mouth returned to my clit. Her fingers slid in easily. I was so hot, ready for more. I needed a cock in my ass.

“Oh, you’re going to love this ass. She’s a tight one,” the woman stated.

“Plant that ass on my cock,” he told the woman.

She lifted my hips, guiding his cock toward my tight hole.

As the head played with my entrance, I let out a gasp. I know how large his cock was from fucking my pussy, but it’s different when entering a tighter hole.

I gasped again as he stroked in up to the head. My ass stretched to accommodate him. The woman licked my clit, diving a few fingers into my wet slit and giving me a good old fucking as the man worked his cock into my ass.

My clit was so damn sensitive, it made my ass loosen up, taking the man in.

The man in the suit pulled out of my mouth. He told the woman it was his turn. He stood in front of me, plunging his cock into my pussy in one swift stroke. For a moment he just held there. It allowed me to feel both cocks filling me at the same time. I had never felt such ecstasy.

Their strokes were slow at first. Increasing as I adjusted to take them more fully.

“Oh yes! Fuck me. Your cocks feel so good!” I cried. I was not quiet. I didn’t care who heard. My pleasure was my only care.

I felt the woman place her hands on me. The touch alone made me shudder. My excitement was heightened by the public setting, the multiple partners and the double fucking. Everything felt better, and far more intense. The woman played with my nipples. At first she was gentle, simply caressing and rubbing. She increased the pressure, leading to pinching and pulling.

“Oh yeah, cum baby. You know you want to cum and squeeze those cocks,” the woman whispered to me.

She trailed her mouth over my exposed skin. She alternated between her tongue and her lips.

The men increased their pace, nearly pounding in my holes. I could no longer hold back. My pussy and ass clenched around the cocks in me. The woman pushed her hand to my clit, rubbing it as I came. My body convulsed, spasms hitting me hard.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum,” the man in front of me said.

“Cum on those pretty tits of hers,” the woman instructed.

The man pulled out of my pussy, his hot cum splashing on my chest. Moments later, the man in my ass pushed me forward, his load landing on my ass. My own juice flowed down my legs.

The woman spread the men’s cum across my skin. She took the seat that the man had vacated. Her skirt lifted, showing me the patch of material that covered her own pussy.

“Eat me,” she stated simply as she pushed my head between her legs.

Covered in cum, I squatted in front of her. She pulled her panties to the side, giving me full access to her center. As my tongue lapped at her clit, the men untied one hand, allowing me to touch her. The woman’s pussy was as wet as my own. I tasted her sweet nectar as I dove my tongue deep into her hole.

The men stood on either side, fingering her nipples. She gave little thrusts up against my mouth; squirming as I happily lapped her snatch. With my free hand, I explored her hole. My fingers slid in so easily. I pumped them into her slickness as my tongue continued to pleasure her.

I locked my mouth over her clit, sucking and nibbling the engorged nub of flesh. I continued until she yelled, “Oh fuck yes! Eat that pussy. I’m going to cum!”

My mouth slid slightly down, allowing me to tongue her hole as her cum flowed. My face was flooded, glistening.

I continued pumping my fingers with my tongue running across her skin until the orgasm subsided. She released my head, bending down to kiss me.

I stood, wondering what was coming next. The man in the suit reached around my body, retying my top. My skirt was smoothed back into place. My last hand was untied.

We stood in a foursome, groping and stroking each other until I reached my stop. When I exited the subway, I was covered in cum and happily fucked. When I reached the club and met my friends, I gave them a brief synopsis of the events, telling them, “I’m covered in 3 types of cum besides my own. You girls have some catching up to do.”

We headed to the dance floor, bumping and grinding with men and women, getting ready for the rest of the events of the night.