Tag: fucking

I Hope Jeremy Didnt Hear

Chris heard the door opening slowly and quickly adjusted his position, pulling the sheets up around him.

“How did I get here?” he wondered, almost aloud.

What the hell was he doing, in other words, taking these kinds of risks? Full out jerking off, not even under the covers, not even having closed the door fully first. Much less with a plan of where we would cum, how he would make it down the hall to the bathroom to clean himself without being seen. It was almost like he wanted to get caught, which of course, in his fantasies, he did.

He couldn’t think, he couldn’t calm himself. All he was was a bundle of lust. His giant hard-on pressed against the blanket, he made sure to keep his hands on the blanket too, on his legs, casually (he thought), applying pressure to keep his stiff cock as concealed as possible, to prevent it from making the blanket stick up and even wag uncontrollably back and forth. That’s right, his hard prick was jumping with excitement. He could feel a little pre-cum oozing out.

Mrs. Anderson, as he knew her, or just Elaine, as she knew herself, asked if everything was OK. She just wanted to check if he needed anything before she went to bed.

“Yes,” he said, everything was OK, and, “no,” he didn’t need anything.

But he could see her nipples in her white silk nightgown. How could everything be OK? He didn’t care that she was his friend’s mother. She was separated from her husband and still beautiful. She must have needs and he wanted her in a crazy frenzied way.

She, of course, had heard the sudden rustle and adjustment as she opened the door, and had smiled to herself. The silly boy actually thought he was concealing something. As if she hadn’t heard him from well down the hall, furiously wanking his 19 year old cock. She would have to teach him to slow down a bit, to savour his strokes instead of rushing, to really get the most out of his body and its wonderful sensations.

She smiled to herself, picturing his young firm body, before any of the corruptions that would come much later, the sagging, the balding. He was fit and in a great time in his life, ready to embark on sexual explorations. He was at the perfect point to learn to give and receive pleasure. As she pictured his young sweet dick, his naked ass, the deep dimples that showed when he smiled, she considered barging in and taking him between her legs right then and there.


Jessicas Massage

For the hundredth time, I told my husband, Terry, I wouldn’t fuck another man and that was that! He had been pestering me for months because he thought it would be great to watch me being fucked by another man – after all his friends had told him it was the absolute best so he wanted me to try it.

I am a very private person – Jessica is my name. I have recently turned 28 and we have been married for just 3 years and already this bastard wanted to watch me get fucked by another man – it just wasn’t on.

Terry gets very carried away when his friends tell him stories and he believes them all. This obsession about me and another man started after reading an article in a magazine and then he just had to ask his mates what it would be like and they all told him they had made their wives fuck other men and it was great! What an arsehole! I said earlier I was a private person because I had never been with another man, although I had dated a couple of lads but they weren’t allowed to get up to any tricks with me. I was a virgin when Terry fucked me for the first time and he is the only man who has had me. I think I finally got the message across to Terry this time – I threatened not to sleep with him for a month if he mentioned one more word about me getting fucked. I love sex as much as anyone else but I would gladly go without for a month if it would stop Terry asking me!

He changed tack after that. He gradually thought up something else for me to do! He now suggests I get a full body massage from a male masseur and then I can come home and tell him everything the man does to me – as if I would tell him all the details anyway – he can go and jump in the river! I must admit I was relieved he had stopped talking about me getting fucked but this was starting to get on my nerves.

I am quite pretty and have a good figure (even though I say all this) and I think, when I stand in front of my mirror naked, that I don’t look too bad at all. In fact I look great. My legs are long and have very nice curves in all the right places. My hips, waist and breasts are all in proportion so I think I look good. When I am standing in front of the mirror I see my almost black pubic triangle showing very prominently on my otherwise fair skin. The hair on my head is much lighter than my pubic hair but it is natural and I don’t color it at all.

Truth be told I started to get a little bit interested in the idea of a massage. I had never had a massage and seriously wondered what it would be like having a man rub his hands all over my body – my naked body – and just the thought of it started to make me wet between my legs. I said I had never had a massage and really didn’t know very much about it at all. Questions flooded my mind – would I be naked at first? Would I wear clothes and then take them off? Would he use a sheet to cover me? Would the sheet be over me all the time? Should I shave my pubic hair off?

All of these questions were buzzing around in my head and I knew I had to find the answers before I could even consider having a massage. I am a member of the local women’s golf club and I play regularly but I never go into the showers afterwards preferring to have a drink and then quickly head for home for a nice shower there. Today I resolved to go to the golf club and play but I would go to the showers afterwards and see if the women had shaved their pubic hair off – that would at least give me an idea of what I should do. I played quite well and was pleased with myself. I headed to the showers with the other women I played with and as soon as we reached the showers the women started to strip off their clothes. Well, I could see there were all sorts of bodies around me. There must have been at least 30 women in the showers and in the dressing section and a quick survey showed me almost all of them retained their pubic bushes! Admittedly some of them were trimmed back a bit making them more triangular but the majority was just wild hairy bushes. I had my shower and knew I had one of my answers.

As I sat down beginning the dressing routine I groaned and told my golf partner I had stretched myself a bit today and probably should have a massage. She told me the in-house massage room was available but there was only a female doing the massaging today and she winked at me and said, “Can you wait for tomorrow – Ben will be back here then!” I snapped up the opportunity to ask more questions. I started off by asking if she would help me with some answers to my questions and she agreed without hesitation. Yes, she always stripped off all of her clothes and walked into the massage room (and Ben) naked although she always carried a towel in case she accidentally bumped into someone she knew. She told me Ben always starts the massage with a sheet over her but soon gets rid of that and then she is naked as he massages her body. She also told me I was worrying about nothing at all but I should make it clear to Ben what sort of massage I wanted before he started as he would always want to know what he needed for the massage. I thought all massages would be the same so I asked what could be different? She said, with a twinkle in her eyes, that it depended on how far the massage was to go. She always made sure she got off at least once and many times she had gone for the whole works!

I was busting to ask what the whole works was all about but didn’t dare. I thanked her and continued dressing and did some careful thinking on the way home. Terry wasn’t home when I arrived so I immediately rang the golf club and asked for a booking with Ben for tomorrow morning. The receptionist asked me if I wanted a private massage or would I prefer the group massage. Of course I told her I wanted the private massage and now I had cooked my goose – so to speak – and unless I actually cancelled the appointment, I was committed to attend my first massage.

Next morning I shaved my legs all the way up to my thighs and also shaved my underarms and then I showered and prettied myself up ready for this massage. I figured if I had the massage first I would then know what I could and couldn’t tell Terry when I had the massage he wanted me to have. I reckoned I was looking pretty good and slipped on a golfing shirt (this has the club insignia on it and also it is a bit thick so I could go without my bra and no one would notice) and golf skirt. I didn’t bother with golfing socks and shoes preferring to wear a slip-on sandal. Of course I wore my tiniest panties which barely covered my pussy and didn’t cover my pubic bush very much at all. I thought of trimming it along the sides but finally thought I would leave it as it was! Now I am ready to have my first massage.

When I checked in at the counter I was given a towel and instructed to go to room 7 and wait there for Ben. I wanted to ask if I should get undressed while waiting but didn’t want to make it look as though this was my first massage so I wandered off to room 7. I thought 7 might be my lucky number – I hoped so. The room was very small, not much bigger than my pantry at home and it had two chairs as furniture as well as a couple of clothes hooks on the walls. It was painted in lovely pastel colors and looked a very comfortable room. There was a door opposite the one I entered through and presumed that was where the massage would take place. I waited for almost 10 minutes and was getting very fidgety and nervous wondering what would happen to me while I was in with Ben.

At last the second door opened and this gorgeous hunk of a man walked through and sat down beside me. He introduced himself as Ben and told me he would give me my massage today. He presumed it was my first massage – I guess I was so nervous – and told me to relax. He then asked what sort of massage I wanted and I blushed furiously but he smiled at me and said, “Today I will give you a full body massage and one bonus. If you make a second booking in a couple of days, mentioning the bonus, I will give you a second bonus and so on until you have 4 bonuses and then you get the real treatment!” I was still completely in the dark but agreed that would be the best and handed over my credit card. Ben told me to undress and come through to the massage room when I had all my clothes off. He wasn’t a bit shy but I made up for the both of us.

He left the room and closed the door so I started slipping off my clothes. Soon I was completely naked and, holding the towel in front of me, I knocked lightly on the door and then opened it and walked into this big room with the massage table right in the center. It was too late now so I had to go ahead with it. He was standing alongside the table and motioned for me to climb up onto the table. There was a small stool alongside the table and I tried to step up onto stool and then the table in one smooth movement but the towel got between me and the table and I stumbled but Ben caught me. He just took the towel away from me and told me he would see me naked while massaging me so I should forget my modesty and relax.

He laid me down on my belly and I was relieved to see a hole in the end of the table so I could place my face in there and not have my neck craning upwards. He didn’t cover me with a sheet and next I felt some warm oil pouring onto my back and shoulders. He was standing alongside me and began massaging my shoulders first and the relief was almost instant. I felt wonderful as he pushed and pulled my body and I wondered why I hadn’t done this before. He worked down my back until he came to my buttocks and then he massaged my bum cheeks but not touching me between my legs or bum crack at all. He then worked down my legs starting at my knees and reaching my ankles and feet. He made them feel very good and then started again at my knees and worked his way up my thighs. The higher he went the more turned on I became and I was starting to get nervous that I might have an orgasm and embarrass myself and Ben.

He was massaging the very tops of the insides of my thighs when he moved my legs apart so he had better access to the upper thighs. Oh, boy, I was very hot at this stage but bravely bit my lip and waited to see what he would do next. He didn’t touch my pussy but I knew he was looking right at it with my legs apart as they were.

When he had finished my upper thighs – both inside and out – he asked me to roll over on my back. This was when I became very embarrassed because I was now lying completely naked in front of him. He arranged a pillow for my head and then started with my ankles and worked his way up to my thighs. He left the inner thighs and worked on my hips and then my belly and Oh. No, he started massaging my breasts. I was really getting turned on now as he massaged my breasts and afterwards my nipples. I just love having my nipples played with and can cum, given the right circumstances, just from playing and sucking on my nipples. He moved away and concentrated on my shoulders and neck and I was feeling extremely good. I know lots of people have massages and I am sorry I am going into detail but this was a first for me and I have to tell it as it was.

Although he had massaged my belly it was, I realized, only from my navel upwards – he had not touched my lower belly nor my bush. Now he poured some more oil on my belly and I could feel it running down into my pubic hair and also slowly seeping through to my pussy. He began massaging my lower belly and I started to get very excited especially as he worked his way down until he was rubbing his hands through my pubic bush. Then, without any warning, he slipped his fingers right down onto my cunt lips and started massaging me there but he didn’t enter me. I didn’t know what to do and was blushing furiously but he continued to stroke me gradually moving up until he was playing with my clit! I was so worked up I started to cum almost straight away. I had my legs apart – this was my own doing – as he played with me. I had probably the biggest orgasm I have ever had from clitoral stimulation! I was gushing juices everywhere and my body was shaking with excitement. He continued to stroke me until I just had to stop him – I couldn’t stand it anymore! Ben then smiled at me and said, “Well, now you have received bonus No. 1. I will give you the second bonus on your next visit!” With that he leaned over my still shaking body and kissed me lightly on the lips and then left the room! It took me several minutes before I was able to climb down off the table and return to the dressing room! I had had my first massage and an orgasm (which wasn’t expected) and I felt really good!

Three days later I was back in the same dressing room undressing and waiting for Ben to come into the room and get me. The procedure was exactly the same. He massaged me completely and when he eventually reached my clit again his fingers produced an orgasm just about equal to the first the other day. I was still trembling when he moved up alongside me but still keeping his fingers on my clit and he reached over and took one of my nipples in his mouth! He rolled my nipple in his lips and then began sucking it – at the same time he was stroking my clit again! I was still turned on from the first orgasm but now this was building up to a tremendous orgasm. I could feel my body responding to his fingers and his mouth and then it hit me! This was without doubt the biggest orgasm I had ever had! My body shook and I didn’t know what to do with my hands and so I threw them around his neck and kept his mouth on my nipple! Once I stopped shaking he stood up and told me I had received bonus No. 2 and the third would be waiting for me at the next massage. With that he kissed me again and walked out of the room! It took me much longer to get down off the table and back to the dressing room but I managed.

For the third massage, in the following week, he massaged me much as before but this time he started with my feet with me lying on my back. He worked his way up my legs until he was playing with my cunt lips and my clit – this was almost straight away and I wasn’t ready for it! This time, however, he pushed his fingers inside my cunt and started massaging me in there. This is a very erotic area for me and I came very quickly but he continued to play with my clit with his other hand keeping the first inside my cunt! I was in heaven. He then proceeded with the normal massage with me lying on my belly and it was the same as the other times. This time, however, when he started massaging my breasts and sucking my nipples, he took my hand and moved it over the side of the table and placed it on his very hard cock which he must have removed from his shorts when I wasn’t looking. I had another man’s cock in my hand and he was sucking my nipples making me ever so excited. I stroked his cock because that was the natural thing to do as he continued to suck my nipples and play with my clit. I came again this time like the first – a huge orgasm. He then turned my head to the side nearest him and he moved up near my mouth and placed his cock against my lips for me to suck! I had never sucked another man’s cock – I rarely sucked Terry’s cock although I must admit I didn’t mind sucking his but I objected to having him cum in my mouth. Ben’s cock was much larger than Terry’s cock and he was gently moving it in and out of my mouth while he was stroking my clit. I was unable to control myself and started to cum again but just then, Ben started to shake and then shot a huge load of cum into my mouth! I was terrified I might bite him while I was having my orgasm but I didn’t and when I had swallowed all of his cum, he withdrew from my mouth, leaned over and kissed my nipples in turn and then kissed me hard on the lips. He then told me I was ready for the big bonus which would be ready with my next massage!

Disaster came for the next week – I was having my period and I really hated my body because it stopped me from having my next massage when I wanted it. I waited my time and then when I stopped bleeding I made the next appointment.

This massage was similar to the last with the exception that the table was lower than before – I had less difficulty getting up on it – and he started massaging my belly first. He had me on my back and he poured the oil into my navel and then massaged it down into my pubic hair and to my pussy lips. He played with me and quickly brought me to orgasm as he also sucked my nipples. This made me feel great. He then rolled me over and worked on my back. This time as he was massaging my upper thighs he played with my cunt lips and worked his fingers inside me and played with me there. I had spread my legs to help him. He didn’t touch my clit at all but he brought me off again just by rubbing his fingers inside my pussy. I was getting so used to having orgasms while on his table I sort of knew when the next one was coming. Once he had turned me over and massaged my whole front, including my breasts and clit bringing me off yet again, he told me I was ready for my Big Bonus!

I hadn’t noticed but he had taken his shorts off and was standing next to me with only his undershirt on. He moved to the end of the table between my legs and pulled me down the table until my butt was just resting on the edge. He then told me he wanted me to enjoy my Big Bonus and with that, he pulled my legs up in the air, spread them very widely and then moved up to me and pushing his very hard, long cock into my cunt! I was actually going to be fucked by another man! Well, fuck me he did! He pumped me and played with my nipples at the same time and then moved his fingers to my clit bringing me off several times while he was fucking me! I knew it was wrong to just lie there and be fucked but there wasn’t a force on earth which would make me stop now. He fucked me as I continued to cum and then he squeezed my breasts hard and quickened his strokes and shot his load of cum deep into my cunt! I had just been fucked by Ben and I loved every moment of it! Ben leaned over me and kept his cock in me as long as he could before it eventually softened and slipped out of me. He grinned at me and told me I could now start all over again and start to build up my bonus points until I had enough for another Big Bonus! He kissed me passionately and then left the room.

It took me a long while to get back to the dressing room. I had a cunt full of cum to deal with and my legs were so shaky I could hardly walk. I sat in the dressing room using up a large number of tissues to try to stop the flow of his cum out of me. I made it home and showered and cleaned myself up and gradually settled myself down enough to be normal when Terry returned home from work. I greeted his wearing only my thin housecoat and nothing else and once he was in the door, I slipped it off and told him I wanted him to fuck me right now! He did that and I was now fucked for the second time in the one day!

Massages became a very regular occurrence for me. I reached my Big Bonus reward exactly 10 times before I allowed myself to let Terry think he had talked me into having a massage. When he asked me for the millionth time to have a massage and tell him all about it, and I agreed, he nearly shit himself with excitement. He told me the masseur would probably fuck me and I was to tell him all about it. I made sure I was only on my first bonus point when I had this massage for Terry. I was able to come home and tell him exactly what Ben had done to me – Terry became very excited when he learned Ben had sucked my nipples and played with my clit. He was, however, bitterly disappointed Ben hadn’t fucked me!

I went back and used up my bonus points with Ben but only told Terry he had played with me and made me cum. I also asked Terry if he really wanted me to be fucked by another man and when he told me he did, I took it upon myself to ask Ben if I could use my Big Bonus points, due next massage, at my home. I explained to Ben that my stupid husband wanted to see me fucked by another man and this was one way we could do it! Ben willingly agreed to come to our home but I agreed to give him a big cash bonus for helping me out! I arranged for the massage to be on a Sunday afternoon when Ben wasn’t normally working and this suited Terry too.

Everything was arranged. Ben was to bring his portable table and would be at our home at 3.00pm and everything was in readiness at home. I had shaved my underarms and legs while Terry was watching and he badly wanted to fuck me while I was naked and getting ready. I told him this wasn’t his turn and I might never fuck him again if something went wrong today so he had better behave himself – he knew he could watch but he couldn’t interfere with Ben or myself otherwise it was all off! Poor Terry had such a hard cock all the time I was getting ready I almost sucked him off to give him some relief but thought better of it and made him suffer. I also made him suffer more by walking around the house naked once I had showered while waiting for 3.00pm to come around. Terry thought this was the first time I would be fucked by Ben and he was terribly excited – I wonder what he would be like if he knew Ben had already fucked me 10 times and made me cum hundreds of times through playing with me. Just before 3.00pm. I slipped on my housecoat and sat waiting for Ben. I didn’t do up my housecoat and Terry couldn’t keep his eyes off my naked body as I sat there.

Ben arrived right on time and greeted Terry with a hearty handshake. Terry was very nervous but he carried out his part very well and didn’t say anything out of turn. He simply sat in the corner of our sunroom which is bright and airy while Ben set up his table. When he was ready, I slipped off my housecoat and walked naked over to the massage table. I made it look as thought I wasn’t very familiar with what I had to do and Ben helped me up onto the table. He laid me down on my belly and then walked over to Terry and said, “I understand you want to watch as I give your wife a massage and I also understand you want me to go a lot further than only a massage. I need your formal permission to do this so I want you to read this document I have prepared and if you are agreeable, please sign it! Terry scanned quickly through the paper and then signed it and handed it back to Ben. I doubt there would have been any reason Terry wouldn’t have signed the paper with me lying naked on the table waiting for him to sign.

Ben poured his oil on my back and massaged me as he had done lots of times before. When he started to work up between my legs he slipped his fingers into my cunt and I started to get very worked up and Terry could see what was happening but he didn’t say anything. Ben brought me to orgasm and I looked over at Terry and he was smiling like a kid with a new toy! Ben then rolled me over on my back and Terry had a good view of me lying naked on the table with this man running his hands over my body. Ben started with my feet and massaged my legs and then my thighs and soon played with my clit and cunt lips and I had another orgasm. Again I glanced at Terry and he was playing with his cock through his pants. Ben now moved up and started with my shoulders and then down to my breasts and he massaged them and my nipples before he started sucking my nipples, playing with my clit and again he brought me to orgasm.

I knew from experience what was coming next and I looked over at Terry but he was very absorbed with his thought and his own cock and didn’t look at my face – he was looking at my pubic area. Just before Ben pulled me down along the table, as I knew he would, preparatory to fucking me, he turned to Terry and asked him if he was completely sure he wanted him to do this. Terry was shaking and quickly said yes! Ben grabbed my ankles and pulled me down along the table (as he had done many times before) until my butt was at the edge of the table. He then spread my legs, mainly for Terry’s sake because he was watching so intently. He then moved forward as he pulled his hard cock out of his shorts and pushed it into my cunt! Again I looked over at Terry and saw he had his cock out now and was jerking it furiously as Ben was fucking me! Ben certainly took his time fucking me and he had been pumping into me for several minutes when we heard a groan as Terry shot his load of cum up into the air and landed a couple of feet in front of him. The only sound we heard from Terry while I was being fucked was him asking me if it was alright to have Ben fucking me without a condom. I just smiled at Terry and told him this was what he wanted and this was what he was getting.

Ben fucked me for a long time – much longer than he normally fucked me at the club – and I came a number of times as he pistoned himself into me. At last I knew he was starting to cum so I started groaning so I could attract Terry’s attention. He watched intently as I came again as Ben shot his considerable load deep into my cunt! Terry came a second time as Ben shot into me.

Once Ben had withdrawn and was packing up Terry walked over to him and shook his hand and thanked him for giving me such a good fucking and then, to my amazement, he handed Ben $500 for his trouble. I had already paid Ben his bonus and when he turned to me I waved him off and said he had done a very good job and had earned Terry’s money.

Terry was beside himself looking at my well fucked body. He took particular notice as Ben’s cum was starting to run down my legs as I walked about naked long after Ben had left. Terry even knelt down in front of me to look at the lines of cum running down my legs but I didn’t do anything to clean up wanting to allow Terry to see how much Ben had pumped into me. I told Terry there would never be another session like we had just had! I would never fuck another man for him to watch no matter how much he begged me. He had had his fun at my expense (I just loved it) and I wouldn’t do it again, ever!

Ben left, never to come back to our home again, but both Ben and I knew I would be back at the club next week for my next massage. I just couldn’t build up my bonus points quickly enough for my liking. Ben and I continued this program for the next two years before he was transferred to another clinic in another city. I am pleased to say that once Ben had fucked me at home, he abandoned the points system and gave me the Big Bonus treatment every time! I just love massages!

Rough Trade

We often visited the sauna where my wife and I would occasionally indulge in threesomes. My wife Cathy is a petite brunette. She is only 19 and although she had a very limited sex life before we married she has certainly made up for it since.

She prefers men who are well mannered and she can’t abide rowdy types and bad language. Knowing this about her made what happened the other night, such a shock. We were alone in the Jacuzzi at the sauna, when we could hear some loud-mouthed men in the next room. Their voices got louder as they were coming closer. They came down the passage that leads to the Jacuzzi.

They stopped by the Jacuzzi and it was obvious that they were eyeing Cathy up. Only being small, the water came up to her neck but her petite breasts were quite visible under the clear water. The men were whispering to each other and sniggering. They were obviously making crude remarks about my wife.

Then they must have come to the decision to join us in the Jacuzzi as they both removed their towels. I noticed Cathy straining to take a peek at their cocks.

As the men climbed into the Jacuzzi, I said to Cathy ‘Must be time for us to have a drink.’ Giving her the excuse for us to leave. But her reply really knocked me for six. ‘You go and have one, I don’t feel like one yet.’

What! I couldn’t take it in at first, she was telling me to go off into the other room and leave her here with these two obnoxious types. Stunned, I climbed out of the Jacuzzi and got my towel.

‘Are you sure you don’t want a drink?’ I once again asked.

‘No, I’m fine.’ She replied with a captivating smile. ‘I’ll just relax here for a while longer.’

While this conversation had been going on, the men had settled themselves down into the warm bubbly water, one almost facing Cathy and the other by her side. As I went off down the passage, I could hear the men start to engage Cathy in conversation. I turned and made my way back towards the Jacuzzi to see what, if anything, was happening. In the few seconds I had been away, one of the guys was standing and offering his cock to Cathy’s lips and the other guy was obviously feeling her sweet young tits. I was amazed to see her open her mouth and take his big dick inside. Even more surprising was the disgusting things he was saying to her and she didn’t seem to mind at all. Ordinarily she would complain or leave.

‘That’s it! Suck my dick you little slut!’

‘Lets take her to a private room and fuck this horny little bitch.’ The second guy said. The men got out of the Jacuzzi and lifted Cathy up as though she was a rag doll. One guy held her in his arms as though she was a baby. The other guy was rubbing her cunt. ‘You wanna’ get fucked slut?’

‘Yes,’ Cathy replied in an almost whisper.

‘What was that slut?’

‘Yes!’ Cathy almost screamed.

‘Yes what bitch?’

‘I want to get fucked!’ I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. Yes, we had indulged in group sex before but in a nice loving way. I had never seen my wife like this before. Wanting men of this rough type to ‘fuck her’.

They walked off down the passage that led to the private rooms. I crept along behind, it was turning me on to see my Cathy in this abandoned way with rough men. Along the way there were two black guys talking. They turned to look at Cathy and one of them said. ‘Wow! Lovely little fuck bag you’ve got there.’

‘You want some?’ asked the guy who was carrying Cathy.

‘No!’ Screamed Cathy. Seems she was wanting it rough but not quite that rough.

‘Don’t you want some black cock?’ The guy carrying Cathy asked.

‘No!’ Was all she said. The guy stood her down on the floor. She looked even smaller standing in between those 4 big guys.

The two black guys and the two white guys surrounded Cathy and started to maul her sweet young body. Pulling on her nipples and squeezing her tits. One guy was finger fucking her really fast. It didn’t take them long to get a reaction from her. Her lovely little body started to convulse in orgasm. He moans were getting louder and louder. ‘Oh! Ohhhhh! Yess, yesssss. Ohhhhhh, mmmmm!’

As this was happening, one of the black guys started to rub his big black dick across Cathy’s lips. She involuntary opened her mouth to give him use of it. He was not content with that, and grabbed her by the back of her head. Slowly and methodically, he shoved his big black dick inch by inch down my sweet young wife’s throat.

One of the white guys noticed that I was watching, he beckoned me over. As I walked closer, I could see the huge intrusion in Cathy’s throat. ‘Have a feel.’ He said as he took my hand and placed it on Cathy’s throat. I couldn’t believe it, it felt huge. How was she breathing? I could feel the cock moving up and down and the sensation was turning me on. My dick was rock hard. I could feel the cock as it started to extract itself from her throat. He held her head in his two big black hands and started to moan as he emptied his sponk into her willing mouth.

As he withdrew his cock, a strand of sponk stretched from her lips to the end of his cock. I felt a hand on the back of my head pushing me closer to Cathy.

‘I think you wife needs a kiss.’ He said as my mouth came into direct contact with Cathy’s sponky lips. I couldn’t help myself, I stuck my tongue inside her mouth and scooped out loads of sponk and swallowed it all down.

‘Seems we’ve got two sponk junkies here.’ Someone said and they all laughed.

‘We’re going to fuck this little bitch.’ Said the other black guy. ‘You wanna’ watch.’ Without another word, Cathy was whisked off to one of the rooms. I stood there dazed for a few moments. By the time I realised that they had all gone into the room, the door was locked. I had to sit on the floor outside and listen to my sweet young Cathy being brutally fucked. By her screams and moans of pleasure, she was obviously enjoying this new rough type of sex.

Some other men had gathered around the door listening to the wonderful cries of my darling Cathy.

‘Your wife getting fucked in there?’ one man asked.

‘Getting herself some black dick.’ Another one said

‘How many are there?’ another queried. They were having a conversation between themselves.

‘Think we can get a go at the slut?’ the first one ventured.

‘Better ask her husband.’

‘I don’t think it’s anything to do with him.’ One of them said laughing. ‘Seems she has been taken over, we’ll have to see if there is anything left worth having when they’ve finished ploughing her insides with their big cocks.’

Listening to the things they were saying was turning me on even more than listening to Cathy squeals. I was now openly wanking my dick as I sat on the floor surrounded by these strange men who were also wanking on their dicks.

‘Perhaps we won’t have to wait.’ One of them said as he brought his dick to my lips. I was almost out of my head with lust at that moment and didn’t hesitate to suck his dick. They kept their talk going about my ‘slut wife’ and ‘all the dick she was getting’ and how she must be a ‘sponk queen’.

I sucked them all and when they shot their sponk into my mouth, I swallowed it all.

Eventually the door opened and I was dragged inside. They lifted me up and placed me face first between Cathy thighs. I buried my face into a swamp of sponk and cunt juice and slurped away until I had cleaned her lovely young cunt.

She was lifted up and carried out of the room.

‘We’ll bring her home tomorrow.’ Said one of the black guys. ‘We have some friends who would like the use of this little slut tonight.’

That was the start of our new way of life. After that we would go to pubs by the docks or clubs in black areas, anywhere were we could both get used roughly.

Bachelor Party Fuck Up

Ever think you have the perfect ideal to take care of a problem. You know one of those ideals that makes perfect sense in you head, but when you go through with it falls apart or worst it fucks everything up. Boy did I have one of those. Here is how it all went down.

It was the weekend before Rob, my cousin’s bachelor party, Katie the bride to be and my best friend, found out about the plans by read an email detailing the plans and came to me.

The email talked about how my brother Tim was going get some his buddies and Rob’s buddies together and take Rob out for happy hour and hit a few bars to get Rob drunk, then to go to a strip club before heading back to Tim’s apartment where another stripper would show up.

Katie thought it was strange that they would hire a stripper to go to Tim’s apartment after coming from a strip club. Not understanding that she came to me asking me, why not just stay there?

That’s when I told her that knowing Tim, he had hired the stripper to fuck Rob and taking him to the strip club is just to get him drunk and horny. My brother is a big jerk. He thinks life is too short to be tied to only one piece of ass. So I was sure Tim wanted to give our cousin Rob one last taste of another woman before he was tied to Katie.

Katie got so angry and scared at that thought and wanted to tell Rob he couldn’t go. I told her that would only cause problems and problems like that were not the why to start a marriage.

So I came up with an idea to ruin their plans and told her not to worry I fix my brother and his friends. Or so I thought.

Since the email had the name of the stripper and her number, I call the day of the party and canceled the party with her. Then I called my brother disguised my voice and left a message on his answering machine telling him Maria was sick but Amber would be there to take care of the groom.

My plan was to go to the party and start to strip and when I got down to my black lace bra and panties. I would get down on my knees in front of Rob and then tell him I wanted to give him a blowjob. Then I pretend to get sick and run into the bathroom, then after making sound like I was throwing up I would leave. After the guys left I’d go back and bust my brother then I’d give him hell.

The night of Rob’s bachelor party I showed up to Tim’s apartment in disguise. Neither my brother nor my cousin had seen me since I had dyed my hair platinum blond, so blond it was almost white. Plus I never hung out with Tim or his friends so I felt pretty safe. I also wore a lot of make-up, much more than usual and put in colored contacts. I though, there was no way that they recognize could me.

Plus I knew the guys were not there to look at my face but at my body. So I knew that the black velvet push up bra and match thong panties, plus garter belt and fish net stocks would have their attention as soon as I slip off the skin tight dress.

It was 11:30 when I arrived and as my brother, Tim let me in. he looked at me funny and asked me to turn around. Then he squeezed me ass as he commented how hot I was and the other guys quickly made similar comments. My cousin, Rob was sitting on a chair and looked so wasted. They were so drunk I now felt more comfortable that they wouldn’t recognize me. The guys were all horny and drunk and were eager for me to start stripping right away.

I started to dance for them as soon as they turned on the music. Want to get this over with. I danced as sexy as I could, grinding my hips, shaking my ass, touching and squeezing my breasts, as I slowly removed my dress. As I did I found I was actually getting wet and I was becoming very turned on stripping in front this guys , even though my own brother, and my cousin were there.

Feeling brave I turned around and wiggled my ass in front of guys. Then one of the guys made a comment about the butterfly tattoo on my ass check. I spun around quickly and looked at my brother, remembering he had once seen my tattoo, fearful he had recognized me. But he didn’t have a look on his face like my butterfly had registered with him. Then I thought there had to be a lot on strippers with butterfly tattoos on the asses or lower back or other place.

I started getting back into it and put my foot between Tim’s black friend, Sal’s legs and allowed him to remove the fishnet stocking from that leg. He caressed my leg but I smacked his hand when he tried to rub my crotch. When the stocking was off I wrapped it around his neck like a scarf.

Then I move over to Kevin and repeated that with my other leg. Tim came over and gave me a slap on the ass, which caught me by surprise. I ordered him to his seat and tied the other stocking around his neck and lead him back to his seat. Like the dog he was.

Then they started telling me to take off my bra, I thought I better end this so I danced over toward Rob.

Then Rob’s friend Darren was behind me and Sal stood in front of me. They sandwiched me and began grinding into me. Darren unlatched my bra and Sal quickly removed it. I was startled and didn’t know how to react as the other guys watching including Tim cheered. Both Darren and Sal started fondling my tits and before I could react Darren turned my head around so he could kiss me while Sal began to suck on my tits. I felt Darren’s hard cock pressed against my ass and honestly I was so very turned on, but when I felt one of their hands slide in my panties and begin to rub my pussy I stopped them.

The only thing I could think to say was that I wanted to suck the groom’s cock now.

Sal and Darren obliged but not before my panties were around my ankles. I was kind of embarrassed that I was naked in front of own brother, my cousin and their friends even if they didn’t know it was me. I stepped out of my panties and headed over to Rob naked. I tried to look cool and sexy but I was a little flustered by what just happened.

As I approached Rob knelt down between his legs and he unbuttoned his pants. I looked up into his face, a little disappointed that he would go through with this. He pulled out his semi-hard cock and began stroking his cock it quickly got fully hard.

As I thought now was the time to pretend to get sick, I felt my pussy being penetrated.

I gasped, as I did Rob put his hands on my head and pushed it to his cock. I didn’t know who was behind me, but they had their hands on my hips and their rock-hard cock buried deep in my pussy. The cock felt bigger than what I was use to and I let out a moan as his cock slide in me. One of his friends watching shouted encouragement to Darren and to know who was fucking me got me very hot.

My cousin’s cock was now in my mouth. At this point I was so terrified, but there was no going back now. Darren was fucking me deep and fast. My pussy was so wet. I couldn’t believe how good it felt and began to suck on my cousin’s cock while the other five watched and cheered.

Suddenly Darren began pumping his cum in my pussy and I was surprised because he hadn’t been fucking me long. I was never so glad I was on the pill as I was at that moment. He didn’t stop fucking even after he finished blowing his load inside me though. He just fucked me faster for another five minutes or so until he removed his cock from my cunt and I felt his hot cum shoot onto my ass.

After Darren had cum for a second time he got up and another hard cock immediately slide in my pussy. John was now fucking me right where Darren left off very hard and fast. I was still sucking my brother’s cock. Darren had me on the verge of an orgasm and John put me over the top.

Right before I knew I was about to cum I stopped sucking my cousin’s cock and placed my hands on his thighs and hung my head between his legs. I braced myself, trying to resist the orgasm, but to no avail. My body was overwhelmed by the intensity of a huge orgasm. I was shaking, it was obvious to them all I was climaxing. My cunt clamped down on John’s cock the spasms causing him to lose it, sending yet another load of cum in my used pussy.

Rob had yet to cum, probably because of all the alcohol he drank. When John finished with me, Tim asked Rob if he wanted to fuck me now and Rob responded.

“No, you go ahead and fuck her. She deserves it.”

I looked up into Rob’s face and he winked, did he know it was me? Did he know he was giving his cousin permission to fuck his own sister? I knew there was no way to stop this without embarrassing Tim, Rob and myself, and ruining my relationship with both of them plus my best friend, Katie. So I decide to let my own brother have me.

Tim stood me up and lends in and whispered, “You’re a hot piece of ass and I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Tim led me to the couch and laid me on my back with my legs spread wide. He got on his knees in front of me and I couldn’t help but admire own brother, he is handsome, well build and his cock looked about eight inched long and fairly thick.

The cum that Darren and John had deposited in me was leaking out of my swollen cunt and Tim commented that the two guys he would have preferred a clean pussy to fuck but he wasn’t opposed to sloppy second. With that he inserted the head of his cock in my pussy and slowly pushed it all the way in to his own sister. Tim was much bigger then any guy I had ever been with. I really tried not enjoying his cock but I wasn’t completely recovered from my first orgasm and after a couple of minutes I felt myself building towards another big orgasm.

Tim was squeezing and mauled my nipples pulling on them and twisting them. As he fucked me, the guys watching were commenting what a slut I was. Dirty talk had has always be a weakness of mine.

When I started to cum again Tim encouraged me “Just let go, cum for me slut.”

Which was exactly what I did.

When my orgasm finally subsided I was completely drained, but Tim was still humping me. For another couple minutes I felt so nasty letting my brother use me. Then he finally pulled out and his cum shoot high into the air and falling onto my tits and stomach.

Although I was spent, normally two big orgasms had me ready to curl up and go to sleep. I realized they all wanted to fuck me and they were not going to stop until they did. Dan decided he wanted me next. He sat down next to me on the couch and told me to hop on top of him as he was holding his cock straight up.

I weakly climbed on top of him. As soon as my sloppy pussy engulfed Dan’s cock I grab him by the hair and pushed his face into my breasts. Hoping he want me off him since I was shoving his face into my brother’s cum that was on my tits. Maybe if I pissed him off enough it would break up the party and they kick me out. Instead he squeezed my ass and began rolling his tongue over my tits, and lapping up the cum.

At that point I decided total trap, I had no choice but to let them do what they wanted to me. Figured if I let them all them all have their turn this night would finally be over. So I stupidly said, “do want you want boys, I yours. Come on Fuck this slut, good. I want you all in me.” fuck that was another mistake.

Because then Kevin came up behind me and he told Dan to hold up fucking me. Then I felt him pressing the head of his cock against my asshole. The sensation of my asshole stretching around Kevin’s cock was intense.

I grit my teeth in discomfort. I have had anal sex before and can enjoy it but only after the cock was in me. It hurts getting my hole stretched that way. When Kevin had his cock buried in my ass they both started fucking me. The sensation of having both my holes fucked at the same time was overwhelming. I never had two guys at the same time. They were sliding their cocks in and out of me at different intervals. The pleasure was mixed with a little pain but was so intense. I felt myself cumming for a third time. Kevin announced how tight my asshole felt and I felt his hard cock begin to pulsate as his cum jetted deep in my ass. I have never felt a guy cum in my ass, all the other time I have had anal the guy pulled out and shot his cum on my ass and back. I looked over at Rob who was slowly stroking his cock while watching me get double teamed. He had this big smile on his face and again he winked at me.

When Kevin removed his cock my asshole as it quickly shrunk and the relief of pressure felt so good. Dan was still fucking my cunt and Kevin and Tim encouraged Rob to fuck my ass next saying “Katie is never going to let you fuck her ass, Rob. But if she did she like it, since she has had a stick up her ass for years.”

I almost laughed, Katie was stuck up some, then I almost cried when rob agreed with Kevin and Tim. Then stood and walk behind me.

Again this was something total new I had never had my ass fuck twice in one night by even one guy let alone two different guys.

As Rob got behind me and pushed his cock in my asshole. The cum leak and the fucking my ass had already taking let my cousin’s cock slip up into me easier and less discomfort.

I was lost to the incredible wickedness of what I was doing. My cousin didn’t hold back either; he pounded my ass so hard. Dan now matched Rob’s intensity and the other guy’s marveled at how hard they were fucking me and that I was taking it like porno slut in heat.

I had never felt like this before I was clearly moaning and begging to be use like a cheap slut, both men pounding both my holes hard. Slowly the pleasure gave way to more and more pain, as the tenderness parts of her body were assaulted over and over again.

Neither Rob nor Kevin let up until they were ready to cum. Rob blow his load first followed quickly by Kevin. They both pulled their cocks out of their respective holes and I took my cousin’s warm cum over my ass and back while Kevin plastered my tits with his cum.

The only guy who hadn’t fucked me yet was Sal, which was not by accident. Apparently they were saving him for last because he had the biggest cock of all the guys and they wanted to watch him finish me off or maybe it was just none of them wanted to fuck me after he did.

When I saw it I was speechless. It was huge. I was told it was 12 inches long and it was easily that, plus very thick. It was without a doubt the biggest cock I’ve seen and even though I was exhausted and sore from being fucked so many guys straight but I was consumed with lust. I wanted be fuck with Sal’s big cock.

I only wish they started me off with Sal because my pussy was so worn out and tender that I knew it was going to hurt but I didn’t care.

Sal had me suck and lick his huge cock for a few minutes before he started fucking me. As I was giving him the blowjob he wanted, I stopped and just had to tell him out loud and in amazement how huge his cock was. I could tell from his reaction he had heard that from many girls but could also tell he liked hearing it. He said he loved hearing white girls moan on his big dick as he laughed.

After sucking his massive cock till it was wet with my spit and having rub it against my face, he gave me the orders to climb on top of his fat cock. I eagerly obeyed. I grabbed his shaft at its base and slowly lowered myself onto it. My tender pussy never felt so filled. My cunt was being stretched out so much to accommodate his large cock. I couldn’t help but moan and even though I was sore I loved having Sal’s huge cock in my cunt.

I was fucking him very slow and as I did I licked the cum off one of my tits. All the guys loved watching me doing that and when I licked it clean Sal then started sucking on them. so hard was he sucking I knew I have hicks all over my tits.

Darren then stood on the couch next to us and turned my head towards him. He put his hard cock in my mouth and I started sucking on it. After a few minutes Darren started to moan very loud and I knew he was about to cum. He held my head down on his cock as he gave me a mouth full of his cum, and didn’t let go until I swallowed it down.

Sal now wanted to fuck me faster. He stood up with his massive cock still buried in me and began to impaling on his fat cock. Sal was a big guy so he manhandled me easily. I whimpered and tears run down my face as he dropped me over and over onto his spike. I hugged him tightly and we both began to cum together. It was such an intense and amazing orgasm for both of us, perhaps one of the best ones I’ve ever had.

When he finished filling my pussy with his cum he lowered me to my feet. My legs were shaky and almost feel over.

I lend against the couch, Tim quickly turned me around and bent me over. I was barely able to stand. I had to hold onto the armrest of the couch to stay on my feet and not collapse. Tim wasted no time shoving his cock back in my cunt. He was fucking me from behind and John then hopped on the couch and shoved his cock into my face. My weak protest only allowed him to shove his cock in my mouth.

Tim reached under me and grabbed me my swing tits again punishing my nipples as he jack-hammered my cunt. After a few minutes he stopped removed his cock from my cunt, I started to whimper. Glad my brother was out of me by then scream as he pushed it against my abused asshole. Three guys in one night had fucked my ass now, John was now cumming in my mouth as I mumbled to Tim to stop fucking my ass. He didn’t stop but luckily shot his warm cum up my ass shortly and then removed his cock.

After that I collapsed tell the guys I had had it. I couldn’t take any more. I made to the bathroom to clean up on shaky legs. I was whimpered as I cleaned up my cunt and ass were so sore. I knew it would be days before I feel better. Couldn’t believe what I had just done. The only good thing was I don’t think any of them knew it was me. I thought about Katie I knew she what to know if my plans had work to break up the party. I knew I have to lie and tell that they did but I have to do it over the phone I would be able to look her in the eyes and lie.

I also thought how could I have enjoyed being fucked by all of them so much?

I slipped on only the dress. I just wanted to leave as quickly as possible. When I got out of the bathroom Tim handed me an envelope of money and told me how wonderful I was. I didn’t bother to count it and just got out of there as quick as I could.

When I got home I counted $1,500 in the envelope. I fucked six of Tim and Rob’s friends and made $1,500, and had more orgasms in one night then I had had in the last six months.

The next day, I had my hair dyed a different color and cut short and had a spa treatment to relax my sore body. I was very nervous for days that Tim or Rob or one their friends recognized me, at wedding rehearsal or at the wedding. I almost fainted when Sal asked me to dance at the wedding and I did get wet dancing with him. No one had brought up the bachelor party I felt I was home free. Then Tim called me a few days later and asked if Amber was available for the night.

Anal Virgin Gets Ass Fucked

Lauren examined her body carefully in the mirror. Tonight was special and she had to look perfect. She ran her hands gently over her round breasts, pausing to linger on her hard nipples. She continued moving her hand south across her flat stomach and into her soft and smooth pussy searching for her clit. It was easy to find because it was already swollen from the excitement of the events planned for tonight. A soft moan escaped her lips as she brushed a finger across it. She turned and looked at her round ass. She reached around and grabbed her cheeks and spread them so she could get a good look at her asshole. A warm rush filled her body. This is what was making tonight special. She was going to let Brandon fuck her ass. It is something she had never done, but Brandon loved it and had been begging her for months to let his cock invade her ass. Finally, she had agreed. She couldn’t resist him any longer. While keeping her left hand on her ass to keep it spread, she ran her right hand up between her legs. She paused to slip a finger in her wet pussy and then she began to play with her asshole. She explored the soft skin around it first. God, it felt so good! She softly pushed one shy fingertip into her ass. Her excitement reached a new high as she watched her asshole swallow her finger. She couldn’t wait to feel Brandon’s cock slide into her like she her finger had.

Oh God! Brandon! He would be there any second! Lauren grabbed the sheer black nightgown she had purchased for tonight and threw it over her head. She took one last look in the mirror to admire the way her breasts pressed against the fabric and how inviting her cream colored thighs looked. She straightened her hair and ran to the kitchen. She pulled the bottle of wine from the ice bucket and opened it. As she was reaching for the glasses, she heard the front door open. Brandon had arrived. He walked into the kitchen as she was pouring the wine. A hungry smile crept across his face as he looked her over.

Lauren gave him her most seductive smile as she handed him his glass. “How was your day”, she asked as nonchalantly as she could.

The hungry smile became a full grin as lust filled Brandon’s eyes. “It just got a lot better”, he answered in his deep voice.

Lauren felt his strong arms reaching around her and she fell into his hard chest. His hands began to move up and down her back and she could feel his hard on through his slacks. She lifted her head and his lips met hers in an explosion of passion. His lips covered hers and his tongue traveled across her lips and into her mouth. She slowly massaged his tongue as she reached down and unzipped his pants. She pulled away so she could reach inside and feel his cock. It was so huge! Lauren couldn’t wait any longer. She dropped to her knees and pulled his cock out. She stared at it in wonder. Brandon had the perfect cock. It was long and thick. And perfectly symmetrical, with a big fat smooth head. Lauren licked her lips and began to tease his cock with the tip of her tongue. She started at his head, slowly kissing and licking the tip of his dick. When she looked up, she saw the look of delight on his face so she continued to move down his cock. She licked and kissed every inch of his cock as she worked her way down to his balls. Brandon’s balls were big and hard, just like the rest of him. Lauren slide one into her mouth as she continued to stroke his slippery cock with her hands. She let his ball slide across her tongue and she moaned as it filled her mouth. The vibrations made Brandon moan and he reached down and ran his fingers through her hair. Lauren released his ball so she could wet the other one. She kissed her way over to the other side and ran her tongue underneath his sack as she pulled his ball into her mouth with her tongue. Another moan from Brandon let Lauren know she was giving him exactly what he needed. She let go of his ball and began to slide her tongue back up to the top of Brandon’s cock, but he had other ideas.

“You can have more of that later”, he said. In one smooth motion, he pulled her up off the floor and into his arms. He lifted her off of her feet and carried her into the bedroom where he laid her on the bed.

Lauren lay trembling as Brandon undressed. She loved watching him. He was the sexiest man she had ever seen as he pulled his pants off and ripped his shirt over his head. His long hair flowed down his back and Lauren’s heart rate increased. Brandon then crawled up between Lauren’s legs. She could feel his hair tickling her inner thighs and his hot breath on her pussy. “Look at those lips”, he said, “How can anyone look at those lips and not want to make out with them?”

An electric whimper escaped Lauren’s mouth as Brandon’s tongue parted her pussy lips. He sucked each lip into his mouth and softly nibbled on each one until they were as hot and swollen as her clit. Brandon loved feeling her lips swell under his teeth and tongue, but Lauren couldn’t take anymore. “Please Baby”, she said, “Please suck on my clit. Oh please make me cum. I need to cum!”

Brandon swiftly found her clit and pulled it between his lips. He could feel Lauren’s excitement rising and reached up to grab her hips. Lauren’s moans grew loader and more intense. Her legs started shaking and Brandon prepared for her orgasm. He held her clit with his teeth and attacked it with the tip of his tongue until Lauren’s hips bucked and every muscle in her abdomen began to convulse, but Brandon wasn’t done. He ran his tongue down between her lips and down more until he had found her ass. Lauren gasped in pleasure as she felt his tongue circle the sensitive skin she had been fingering a short time before. Her finger felt good, but his tongue was amazing! She could feel her pussy getting hotter as his tongue dug deeper and deeper into her ass. She couldn’t stop the orgasm when she felt his soft tongue push into her ass. He held her onto his tongue so she could feel her asshole squeezing his tongue as she came.

Before Lauren could recover, Brandon had her clit back between his teeth. He slid a finger into her saturated pussy and once it was good and wet he moved that finger to her ass. Lauren could feel her ass stretch as Brandon forced his finger inside. Lauren began to fuck Brandon’s finger with her ass. She couldn’t get enough of his finger. “Want to try it with two fingers”, Brandon asked.

Lauren could only respond with a moan, but Brandon knew she wanted it. He moved anther finger into her pussy and then he slipped it in her ass with the other finger. Lauren’s moans were uncontrollable. Brandon kept his tongue on her clit while he slowly fucked her ass with his index and middle fingers. Lauren could not keep still. She pushed her ass down onto his fingers and rolled her hips until she was shaken by another violent orgasm. “Your cock”, Lauren gasped, “I need your cock inside me right now!”

Brandon quickly climbed on top of Lauren. The desire in her eyes burned into him as he shoved his huge cock into her throbbing pussy. Her muscles grabbed him and pulled him deeper and deeper inside of him as her hips rocked with his in perfect unison. He watched the orgasm build on her face. He reached down and pulled her right leg up over his shoulder so he could reach even deeper inside her. Lauren’s breath came out in fast gasps and he could see her heart pounding through her beautiful breast. Brandon fucked her harder to force the orgasm out of her. Lauren’s back arched as she cried out and came all over his massive cock.

Lauren could feel her cum dripping down her ass. She was shaking as she looked Brandon in the eye and said, “Please Baby, please fuck my ass.”

Brandon leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips as he pulled he cock out of her drenched pussy and positioned it on her asshole. Lauren moaned as she felt the smooth head of his cock push against her slippery ass. “Be gentle,” she pleaded.

Brandon nodded as he held her leg over his shoulder and slowly pushed his cock into Lauren’s ass. He watched Lauren’s eyes grow wide as his girth forced its way into her virgin asshole, pausing every few seconds to let her adjust to his size. Lauren reached down and started fingering her pussy as Brandon began to fuck her ass with a slow and steady rhythm. She couldn’t believe how full she felt. It was thrilling to feel his cock in her ass. She could see his pleasure on his face and it only turned her on more. She could feel her own orgasm building as Brandon watched his cock slide in and out of Lauren’s ass. She wondered how her ass looked with Brandon’s cock stuffed in it. She was sure it looked amazing. Her orgasm tore through her body with a vengeance. Every muscle flexed and twitched as her pussy overflowed with cum. Brandon’s breath was hot on her ear. “Where do you want me to cum,” he asked.

“My mouth. Come in my mouth so I can swallow every last drop of you”, Lauren answered eagerly.

Brandon pulled his cock out of her ass and into Lauren’s waiting mouth. She swallowed his head and began to run her tongue around his cock. Back and forth and circling the head of his cock. She used one hand to stroke his thick shaft while she tickled his balls with the other. She moaned loudly on his dick as he fucked her face. Brandon’s moans got loader as his orgasm got closer. A masculine growl ripped out of his lungs as he came. He thrust forward and his cock slide down the back of Lauren’s mouth where he shot a huge load down her throat.

Brandon climbed off of Lauren and pulled her into his arms as he lay beside her. “Maybe next time we should tie you up,” he said with a grin.

“Anything you want,” Lauren answered with a matching grin.

4th Of July

She has been a hotwife for about a year now, but mostly we have only played with couples or single men met through the internet. Most recently she has been pretty regular with one man whom she fucks and sucks one or twice a week (and the occasional MFM with me). She has never been into the flashing, or obvious flirting and teasing – until now that is. Last Friday evening at a 4th of July party she started what may become a fun, new trend.

The party was hosted by a guy I worked with over 10 years ago. We kept in touch and he invited us over to his house for a cookout. Jennifer grabbed a large bottle of her favorite wine and we headed over. The party started at 4pm, and by 6pm she had probably 2-3 plastic cups of wine in her and had a gentle buzz going. While hanging out in the kitchen, one of my friend’s neighbors, Sam, was making strawberry daiquiris. Jen and I started talking with him and he made a rather potent one for Jen. The talking started turning sexual (as drinking talk usually does), and Jen admitted she has a pierced belly button. For the record, Jen is 5’3″, 115#, and brunette, with a 34B. She keeps her pussy in a landing strip style with the area around her lips waxed smooth. She was wearing a form fitting t-shirt dress with no bra (showing her nipples), and a flag thong for 4th of July.

Well, Sam didn’t hesitate to ask to see her belly button ring and Jen nearly just grabbed her dress and pulled it up when she realized she would be flashing an awful lot to a lot of folks. Sam smiled, as did I, when Jen said, “maybe later.” Throughout the rest of the evening, Jen was rarely far from Sam and the two of them were obviously flirting with each other. Her body language, movements and gestures were a dead give-away.

Later in the evening Sam invited us over to his house to show me some of his computer stuff (we are both geeks). Jen was more than ready to go and within minutes of entering his house, she stood in front of him and lifted her dress up from the front and said, “Here it is. See!” Sam’s jaw just dropped to see my wife standing there with her dress pulled up to her chest, showing her belly button and her thong. He just went, “Very nice,” and Jen dropped her dress. As we headed up to his office, Jen said she needed to use the bathroom and Sam directed her to one downstairs. After a few minutes, she joined Sam and me in her office and sat down next to me facing Sam. She had her legs up a little and they were spread apart so her crotch was on full display to him. Since he already saw her panties, I figured she was still just teasing him. I did notice Sam kept staring at her crotch and really couldn’t concentrate. After he finished showing me the computer stuff we decided to head back to the party. On the way downstairs, Jen grabbed my hand and handed me something soft. When I opened my hand, I realized it was her thong! She had been showing Sam her pussy in his office. No wonder he couldn’t concentrate! She just turned to me and smiled.

When we got back downstairs, the beer had gotten the better of me and I asked to use the bathroom. Jen pointed it out to me and said they would wait in the kitchen. I could barely pee I was so hard, but once I calmed down and finished, I quietly opened the door and slowly walked back to the kitchen. And there was the sight I didn’t expect! Jen was sitting on a counter top with her legs up and spread wide open and was playing with her pussy with one hand, while stroking Sam’s dick (which was out) with the other. She saw me at the corner but didn’t say anything to Sam. She pulled him closer to her and started to direct his penis to her pussy. He was ready and her wetness made it easy to slide right in. He was just the right height to fit well and he really started to pound her, sliding out nearly all the way then slamming into her hard. I watched as she started to roll her eyes back and hold onto his arms, which were suspending her legs. She started to moan like she was going to cum, which when she drinks, isn’t very easy. This worked on Sam I guess, as he started to change his pace. She did start to cum and started squealing and howling in what had to be two or three orgasms. Sam then started to cum, and Jen pulled him into her to let him release his load in her bareback (I found out later he had a vasectomy and had told her, so pregnancy wasn’t a worry).

I let them finish and let her pull her dress down before I walked in. He looked sheepish, but I just said to them that I hoped they had a good time, but we should get back to the party. Jen smiled and me and gave me a big kiss and we headed back. I was wearing a loose pair of shorts which almost hid my erection and I let Jen know I needed to be taken care of. She said she would get to me later, but we needed to get back to the party now. I was a little upset since I love a fresh creampie or sloppy seconds, but it would have to wait. Perhaps the best part of the night was later on I saw Jen standing on my friend’s deck and there was a stream of cum dribbling down her leg. She was doing nothing to hide it and I can only imagine what the other people who saw it thought.

Later that night in bed, Jen was an animal and we fucked like we did when we first started in the lifestyle. I asked her what motivated her for the evening and she really couldn’t answer. She said the teasing and flashing really had her going, and while she really wasn’t too attracted to Sam, she was so hot to just do it, she just decided to try and see if she liked it. Fortunately, the answer was yes, she did like it and we are now plotting to find other ways to pull off something like this again.

Bachelor Party Cuckold

This true story is about how I became a cuckold. When I became engaged, despite my objections my friends decided to hold a bachelor party for me. Since they knew I would object, they had to trick me into coming. My best friend John called me and asked if I wanted to watch the Redskins football game on his big screen TV the following Sunday. Being a huge Skins fan, I jumped at the chance and arranged to meet him at his house at 12:00 sharp so we could catch the pre-game show on ESPN!

I should have known something was up when the beer and snacks were flowing freely and more and more of my friends started showing up “unexpectedly”. The Skins were crushing the hated Cowboys and I was getting totally trashed. At the end of the game I was much too drunk to drive and was sitting in a big soft armchair when a beautiful woman in a trench coat walked in. I wasn’t too drunk to see what was coming, but I was too drunk to stop it. She whipped off the coat and underneath was dressed (kind of) in white bustier, stockings, thong and spiked heels.

As she danced in front of me taking off her bustier, I tried to get up and leave, but several of my friends held me down and I was helpless to move. Two more friends pulled my pants down and the stripper climbed up into the chair until she was sitting on my lap.

As much as I wanted to leave, I began thinking with my small head and when the stripper started rubbing up and down on my penis, I stopped offering even token resistance. Eventually I couldn’t help myself and began thrusting my hips so I was rubbing my throbbing cock against her silk thong and was soon on the verge of coming. She leaned over and began rubbing her magnificent 36C breasts into face. This was all too much for me and with my friends standing around cheering I shot the biggest load of my life all over the stripper. Unfortunately, just as the last of my load was dripping down the strippers’ stomach, my fiancé Sharon walked in.

When I looked up and saw the look on her face, I knew I was in the biggest trouble of my life. As Sharon turned to walk out, I pushed the stripper off my lap and tried to run after her. Unfortunately, between my drunken condition and my pants down around my ankles, I tripped and by the time I got my pants up she was gone.

For the next several days I left numerous messages on Sharon’s answering machine, but she refused to accept my calls and would not answer the door when I went to her apartment. I was sure that the wedding was off, but didn’t know what to do.

Finally, she called me and said that we needed to meet to discuss this. I was so desperate I would have done anything to put our relationship back together and agreed to her meeting. I went to her apartment ready to make any compromise. You can image my surprise when I showed up and she was acting as if there was no problem. She said that she understood that I had been tricked into what happened and that after thinking things over she wasn’t mad at all. As a matter of fact, she said that in order to prove there were no hard feelings she wanted to have a party we could both enjoy.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune and she arranged to have a party the following Sunday at her place and invited all of my friends. At first it seemed like a replay of the infamous bachelor party. The Skins were kicking ass and the beer was flowing. After the game, I was sitting on the couch and when I looked up Sharon was coming out of the bedroom in a trench coat! She took it off and was wearing an outfit identical to the stripper. My fiancé is very attractive, she has great 36C breasts, a tiny waist and nice legs that come together at a clean shaven vagina. You can’t imagine my humiliation seeing her on display for all of my friends. I was also very surprised when I saw the stripper from the first party walk out behind her.

Sharon introduced me to Marcia and said that since I had gotten a chance to see her with no cloths on, it was only fair that she get to see me with no cloths on. . Drunk as I was I tried to get up off my chair and two of my friends grabbed me and tied to the chair I was sitting in. As I sat there helpless my other friends pulled my cloths off and I was left there with my dick on display for all to see.

Marcia walked up behind me and began to message my dick. Sharon said that I had one chance for her not to take her cloths off for everyone. She was going to start a striptease and would stop when I came. With that, she began to walk from man to man, rubbing her tits and thighs and get everyone horny. Marcia was purposely stroking my dick too slowly and holding it too lightly to let me cum. After several minutes Sharon said that it was obvious that I wanted her to take something off and to the delight of the crowd, she exposed a single breast.

As humiliated as I was, my erection got even larger which did not go unnoticed by my friends and fiancé. She said that it looked like I was enjoying this and reached up and took her bustier off. When her 36C’s were let free for the whole room to enjoy, a cheer went up. She said that I could stop this at any time by cumming. She also said that if I didn’t cum soon that she would have to start giving lap dances.

Although I was trying desperately to cum, Marcia was apparently an expert at keeping a man on the edge for a long period of time. Being tied to the chair didn’t help. I was trying to strain to make myself cum, but with very little movement available, I was not very successful.

Sharon lay on the couch posing this way and that. She pulled her thong aside to let everyone have a good look. I was totally humiliated to have all of my friends see her beautiful pussy. She sat on the couch and pulled her legs up to her chest while she rubbed her pussy for all to see. She looked like she was really getting into this.

After a few more minutes, she declared since I still hadn’t cum that it was time for a lap dance. She went over and sat on my first friends lap facing him. She pulled his dick out of his pants and began rubbing up and down against her silk thong while leaning over and letting him rub and lick her nipples. They were bouncing so hard that his dick slipped behind the thong and was rubbing directly against her pussy. He finally shot his load all over her stomach and she got up and asked who was next.

She walked right up to one of my friends who was sitting on the coach and sat on his lap facing him. She started to grind against his crotch and he started to grind back My fiancé looked over and said that I had better get comfortable because it looked like it was going to be a long afternoon. She intended to give every one of my friends a lap dance until I came. Although I was trying to cum so hard my face was red, Sharon broke up the room by saying that she thought I liked watching my friends cum on her. She pointed out that all I had to do to stop this was to cum and that with a beautiful woman stroking my cock, cumming shouldn’t be too difficult.

John, my supposed best friend, said he was next, but that he thought she should clean up before the next lap dance. Looking down at the huge load of cum dripping down her stomach to her pussy, she said that she thought that was a good idea. She walked over to me and told me that since this was my party, I could clean up the mess. When I looked at her questioningly, she walked up and rubbed her cum filled stomach into my face. I shut my lips tightly until I felt Marcia squeezing my balls. Sharon told me if I didn’t start licking, Marcia would squeeze my balls until they popped. As my friends looked on and cheered, I reluctantly began to lick the load of cum off of Sharon’s stomach and genitals.

When I was done, she hopped on to John’s lap and began to grind away. She then said that she really wanted to get this party started and pulled out John’s throbbing cock and wrapped her hand around it while she rubbed it against her thong clad pussy. After a minute she decided that the thong was just getting in the way and took it off. She was now naked except for her stockings and spike heeled shoes and rubbed his cock directly against her pussy. Despite my embarrassment, I was harder than I had ever been in my life. As she was rubbing, his cock accidentally slipped directly into her pussy and she began to ride his cock like there was no tomorrow.

At this point all of my friends began to take their cloths off and stood behind her in line. She called them over and began to service them three at a time. While she rode one, she would be jerking and sucking two others. Whenever someone came, they would shoot their loads all over her tits. This went on for several hours with some people taking several turns and when she was done she was covered with cum dripping down her breasts, out of her pussy and down her legs. All this time Marcia was slowly stroking my dick and whispering in my ear that it looked like Sharon was having a good time and that I must want her to keep fucking other men otherwise I would cum for her. Sharon finally came over and made me lick every drop of sperm off of her until she was as clean as when she started.

As a final humiliation she said that there was one more mess to take care of. She laid me on the couch in front of all of my friends and swung my legs above me head so that my cock was pointing directly at my face. Marcia then jerked me off right into my mouth and made me swallow every drop. I had been kept on the edge for so long that I shot squirt after squirt into my mouth until it began to run down the side of my face. Marcia scooped up every drop and made sure that I ate it all. As I lay on the couch mentally beaten and defeated, my friends got dressed and Sharon sent each of them off with a deep French kiss and stroke of their cocks.

When they were all gone, Sharon sent Marcia into the bedroom. She told me that if I ever cheated on her again I could expect more of the same. She then spent the night with Marcia while I slept on a wet couch that smelled like cum. When I woke up Marcia was gone. Sharon never mentioned what happed that night, but it has been the source of many a beat off session for me. Although I have been faithful ever since, what she has done is another story!

College Girls Level 1

As a new college professor, I was still getting used to being back on a campus. I had spent a few years after graduating in private industry before deciding to go back for my doctoral studies. During those studies, I knew that my calling lied in teaching and started looking for a university position. I certainly enjoyed the academic portion of my profession, but seeing the beautiful young coeds prance around campus was a big bonus!

I first met Lori at teacher/student interviews after the first week of classes. She was in one of my larger philosophy classes, so I hadn’t noticed her sitting in the back. We talked for nearly two hours and got along famously. I was intrigued by her playful yet intelligent demeanor and how engrossed she was in the conversation. Mature beyond her years, Lori talked about everything from school to hobbies to the sorority she had joined last semester, when she was still a freshman. Now that she was an “upperclassman,” she was thrilled to have a “little sister” that was pledging the sorority.

Of course, much of my interest in Lori was based on her looks. A stunning 19-year old sophomore, she reminded me of one of my favorite old-school porn stars, Lexus Locklear. Lori wore extremely short jeans shorts that exposed her long, tan and shapely teen legs. The green Abercrombie & Fitch tank top hugged her well shaped breasts. I could see the straps of a purple bra underneath and was sure that it contained some of the finest tits on campus.

Lori ended up being one of my most enthusiastic and successful students. We talked after class for a few minutes at least once a week, but always about academics. Of course as much as I wanted to get in her pants, I still had to abide by the college’s student/teacher relationship clause. I was also sure that she got plenty of attention from the boys on campus and had no interest in a professor 10 years her senior. It wasn’t until I ran into Lori and her little sister, Erica, at a bar on Friday night that I even thought about the possibility of sex (ok, I had thought about it numerous times, but not seriously!). Being there with several of my colleagues, though, I knew that I couldn’t act on my beer-induced desires.

Lori saw me from across the bar and came over to introduce me to Erica. Erica was a freshman engineering major, not normally the educational discipline for Tri-Delt sorority girls. She was, of course, the hottest engineering student I had ever laid eyes on. A delicate brunette, she was a shy stunner with pale skin, freckles and a fabulous figure shown off in a flouncy pink miniskirt and a white mid-riff top. I checked out her incredible legs and saw that she was wearing a pair of 4-inch white heels with straps that ran up her calves. A very well-coordinated outfit, it was just a little trampy too. In fact, with her back to me, I almost thought that her skirt was short enough that I caught a glimpse of the cheeks of her ass.

Despite holding up a conversation, my mind was thinking solely about how hot Lori looked. She too was dressed in sorority-girl uniform: jeans micro-mini skirt, tight black shirt that showed a lot of cleavage and a little bit of mid-riff, and black strappy heels. The heels looked so good on her french-manicured feet…I imagined how they would look on either side of my head!

As I snapped back to reality, Erica was asking about the other classes that I taught. It sounded like she was burned out by the heavy engineering workload and wanted to take an elective course next semester. Halfway through the conversation, a new song started up on the dance floor and Lori pulled Erica behind her to dance. They looked extremely hot dancing together, occasionally touching one another on the arm or holding hands. I knew that they were there to pick up frat boys or football players, so I reluctantly turned back to the conversation with my less-interesting colleagues.

After another hour or so, we’d had about enough and decided to leave. As we said farewell to one another in the parking lot, I realized that I’d left my credit card with the bartender. I went back inside to retrieve it and was met by Lori coming off the dance floor.

“I saw you leave and thought you weren’t going to say goodbye,” she said with a fake pout.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were off dancing with your friends,” I replied. “I enjoyed talking with you tonight. Will I see you in class on Monday?”

“What, you can’t leave, yet!” she shouted over the music. “The party hasn’t even started!” She had a gleam in her eye that more than intrigued me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the dance floor and the thumping music.

I looked around, feeling guilty about the student/teacher fraternization issue, but realized there wasn’t any other faculty there and most of the college-age students there had no idea I was Lori’s professor. She spun around and started dancing and I was amazed at how hot her body was. I truly saw the image of a naked Lexus Locklear standing in front of me and was jealous of the frat boys who had had a chance to explore her firm young body.

After only one or two songs, Lori was moving closer and closer to me, at several times grinding against my obviously rock hard dick. I finally got the courage (perhaps it was the beer) to slide my hands to her hips and pull her into me. She grinded hard backwards and I even let my right hand slip over her flat, smooth tummy, sliding one finger into the waistband of her hip-hugging miniskirt. She started thrusting back with the beat of the music and it felt like we were almost having sex right there on the dance floor. After having spent my twenties in relationships with well-developed women, Lori felt unbelievably slender and petite. I put both hands on her hips and wondered what it would feel like to have her naked in that position and fuck her doggy style.

I spotted Erica across the room, dancing with a frat boy. He looked to be about her age, an 18-year old pledge from Alpha Chi, the Tri-Delt’s brother fraternity. They were locked together in embrace, dancing hard to the music. I watched as the guy slipped his hand underneath her skirt and cupped one ass cheek, pulling her against him even harder. I was sure that Erica would end up going home with this lucky young man. Meanwhile, I was contemplating my chances of bedding Lori and wondering if I should even risk my job over such a hottie. My brain was undecided but my dick was definitely in favor of taking her back to my house.

She turned around, kissed me, and said,” let’s get out of here.” I wasn’t going to argue.

As we gathered our things, Erica rushed over from a gathering of their sorority sisters. “No luck tonight,” she told Lori. “Can I get a ride back to the house with you?”

“We’re actually headed over to Mark’s house,” she said, smiling devilishly at me. “You should come with us rather than going back to the house alone.”

Initially, I was bummed that this freshman might break the trance that Lori and I were sharing. My worries disappeared, though, when the two drunk girls leaned in and kissed each other, tongues visibly wrestling. My heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight, especially noticing that Erica had a blue and white metal tongue stud. Many young girls these days have their tongues pierced, theoretically as a fashion statement. Most girls probably knew that they brought intense pleasure when giving head, either to a male or female partner. One of my dreams had always been to cum on a pierced tongue and I was going to make sure that that dream came true tonight!

The girls both hopped in the front seat of my pickup truck and we were all smashed in pretty tight. Neither of their short skirts did anything to hide their shapely long legs. That didn’t seem to bother them since their hands started to roam over each others legs and under one another’s skirt. I couldn’t believe my luck and drove quickly to the house, enjoying the show along the way.

We hurried into the house and barely got the door closed before both teens were on their knees in front of me, fishing out my prick and sucking it down. They took their time sucking and licking, kissing each other around my cock. The sight of Erica’s tongue stud under my dick nearly made me come, but I forced myself to hold on and wait until I got to fuck at least one of them.

I looked down at the girls, both sets of eyes locked onto mine while they sucked away. They both had beautifully manicured fingernails and Lori had one hand pumping the base of my dick while Erica sucked away at the head. I noticed that they both had a hand jammed inside their panties, feverishly frigging their pussies. It’s of course satisfying to know that the girl sucking you off enjoys it so much that she wants to masturbate herself at the same time. The thought of two girls doing this to me simultaneously almost made me come again.

To avoid ending the party too soon, I pulled them off my dick and finished undressing myself, eagerly looking forward to finding out what was under their cute little skirts. I told Lori to get up onto the couch and spread her legs open for me. She didn’t resist in the least and plopped down on the couch. She held her long legs up straight up in the air, ankles crossed just below the slutty black heels she wore, and then spread them straight out to the side. She must have been a cheerleader or gymnast in high school because of the flexibility and grace of the move. Her jeans mini-skirt migrated up to her waist, exposing a tiny, but ornate, pair of black lace panties. They were extremely low-cut to match the hip hugging skirt. It was readily apparent through the flimsy material that her pussy was fully shaved.

I got down on my knees next to the couch, pulled aside the front of her panties with one finger, and began to feast on the sexiest pussy I had ever laid eyes on. I was surprised when Erica kneeled next to me and ran her hands up and down Lori’s smooth legs, holding them back for me while I continued to eat her out. Lori was on another planet from all of the pleasure, but Erica began whispering dirty suggestions into my ear, far too naughty for an 18-year old college freshman. Without a doubt, Erica had been the high school slut who’d had no inhibitions. Whether or not she’d ever double-teamed a guy before remained to be seen, but she gave a double blow job like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Lori brought her legs together and Erica leaned in and grabbed the waistband of her panties, pulling them off to reveal a tiny g-string. Erica leaned back in and began to tongue the bald cunt in front of her. As I saw her tongue stud graze against Lori’s beautiful pink pussy, my dick got harder than it had ever been. It felt like it must have doubled in size from the erotic sight before me. Ready to try out one of these young pussies, I positioned myself behind Erica and flopped her flouncy pink skirt up over her back to reveal a matching pink Victoria’s Secret V-string. I pulled the lace panties down to her knees and she lifted each one for me to remove the lingerie. I put my fingers on the straps of her shoes to remove them when Lori cautioned me against it.

“She didn’t wear those fuck-me heels tonight just to have you take them off right before you fuck her. Now open up her little pussy and stick that beautiful cock in her tight little hole.”

Her filthy language spurred me on. I lined up behind Erica again and grabbed her slender little ass cheeks. I spread them apart to reveal another shaved, freckled pussy. Because of her light complexion, it looked so innocent, yet so dirty. I gave her pussy a couple of licks and then her bare ass-hole and then slid my prick straight into her. I pounded her into Erica’s snatch, eliciting moans from both girls. The sight before me was incredible. No matter how great it felt to fuck this little red-head, the object of my desire for weeks lay straight ahead of me with her legs spread and miniskirt around her waist. She had taken off her shirt and bra, exposing her oversized, but firm, tits. She was staring straight at me and intensified the feeling of being in her little sister’s pussy.

I was definitely ready to fuck Lori. Erica pulled off my dick and then finished taking her clothes off, leaving on her sexy heels. She laid against the corner of the couch and slid Lori over to between her legs. The thought of those two, wet and shaved pussies being so close together gave me goose bumps. Erica grabbed Lori’s legs and spread them back apart for me, inviting me to fuck her friend. First I dangled my prink in front of Lori’s mouth and she inhaled it, vigorously cleaning off Erica’s juices. As I entered Lori, I thought about the fact that we weren’t using condoms, but I figured such talented and experienced sorority girls were probably on the pill. Plus, I didn’t have any intention of coming in their pussies. I was saving that for Erica’s tongue.

Lori’s legs were still in a ‘v’ while I fucked her. Erica’s french-manicured fingers roamed all across her tan body. She cupped Lori’s breasts and caressed across her incredibly flat stomach. They worked their way down to Lori’s pussy, frigging her friend off while I plunged in and out of the tight channel. It proved to be too much for Lori as she screamed out in orgasm.

I’d had more than enough stimulation, too. Despite wanting to prolong the pleasure forever, the sexy outfits, the almost non-existent lingerie, the ‘fuck-me’ heels, the hard bodies, the perfectly-shaved pussies, the double blow job, and fucking both girls tight holes pushed me over the edge. The girls were in the perfect position for a facial, but I was unsure how these young girls would react. The lure of Erica’s tongue stud was too much to resist, though, so I pulled out and leaned in toward their faces. Both girls instinctively stuck out their tongues as I stroked my cock and exploded over their upturned faces. After giving each girl a couple of pulses on their face, I aimed directly for Erica’s pierced tongue. The sight of me stroking myself into the mouth of an 18-year old with a tongue stud was incredible, and I actually started to come again, leaving plenty of ropes for Lori’s porn star-perfect tits. I finally came down from the best orgasm of my life and sank to my knees in exhaustion.

The girls decided to spend the night and we woke up in the morning for another round of amazing sex in my bedroom. I wasn’t sure what would become of Lori and I, but I was certain that I wanted to see her again, the risk to my job be damned!

Blue Moon In Bangkok

Her lips were soft just as I dreamed that they would be. We kissed gently at first almost nervously like a couple of teenagers on a first date then I felt her tongue flick my lips as if looking for permission to enter. I accepted with alacrity and her tongue slipped into my mouth to find mine. I slid my hands under her shirt and up her warm naked back and pulled her into me. Our kisses became deeper and more passionate. On every level this was wrong… I was in a relationship, this was my girlfriend’s friend and also my student but I just couldn’t stop now. From the first day I had met her I had desired this woman and now my fantasy was becoming reality.

I had been living in Thailand for 9 months. I had just turned 41 years old when my 20-year association with a world famous Irish brewery ended with a golden handshake and a cheap gold watch. It was a nice little pay off and I reckoned I could go and lie on a beach somewhere for a while to ponder my future. My marriage had long ended in divorce. We were both so career focused that we never made the time to start a family and the last I heard my ex-wife, Carol was living with someone with tattoos and a lot of body hair… Her name was Tina. I was about to do the typical package holiday to Spain when 2 married friends suggested that I travel a bit further afield.

“Go and teach English in Thailand, China or Vietnam.” Anne added. “You can earn money and not eat into your pension then you can holiday during school breaks.”

I had no teaching experience but in a whirlwind space of 6 weeks I had taken a TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) course, tied up any loose ends and I was leaving for Thailand. I think I emailed my CV to every school in south-east Asia but the highly efficient Mister Paradorn at the south Bangkok language academy was first to reply to me. He posted me a copy of a contract and all the documents needed to get my visa and work permit and I was away. Nerves gripped my stomach muscles as my plane touched down in Bangkok airport on April 25th 2005. I made my way through a sea of eager taxi touts till I seen the sign with my name on it.

“Welcome to Bangkok.” Said the waiting Mister Paradorn, a small thin man with a large grin and a bone-crunching handshake.

Bangkok is an incredible city, from the stunning beauty of Wat Phra Kaow (an ancient temple) to an ultra-modern shopping precinct like Siam Paragon. I couldn’t believe that it had taken me all these years to explore somewhere more exotic than Majorca. On my days off I loved just walking around at a nice leisurely pace. I felt I had put in my time in a highly stressful career and now I reaped the rewards and just wandered about as the locals frantically went about their business. The local women were stunning. I have to admit having a penchant for Asian ladies and this was heaven.

I sometimes wondered if I was the only man that had lived in Bangkok and never sampled the delights of the bar (red light) scene. One night I went to the notorious Patpong road. I went into the “Runway” bar and was joined by two girls. They were very young and one told me she was 19 and the other told me that she was 21. I think I would have taken 2 years off both of them. They were sweet girls with lovely pretty faces. They had been dancing around a chrome pole but when the music finished the mamasan (boss) instructed them to join me. Both of them wore the same bikini and both of them did not have breasts. They tried to talk me into paying a 500 Baht bar fine (a payment where you take a girl away from the bar) each and 2,000 Baht each to take them to a short-time hotel. It was not about the money. A mere 100 Euros would have got me an hour of undoubted pleasure with these 2 sweet girls but that is all they were… Girls! I wanted more… I did not want a girl for 1 hour or 1 night. I wanted a woman for life.

I lasted 5 months in the south Bangkok language academy. The children were just too young for me. They shouted and played chasing and I was popping Tylenol to stop the riot in my head. A Thai teacher would leave her class to help me regain control but in truth I was ill prepared for this and a course with SWAT would have been better preparation than a TEFL course. One hot Monday morning, 20 minutes into a class I calmly gathered my things, walked out the gates, went back to the apartment that the school provided and packed my bags ready to go back to Ireland. I knew Mister Paradorn would come looking for me so like a fugitive I went underground and by 2pm I had checked into a central Bangkok hotel.

It was an irony that I spent 20 years in a brewery but never really indulged in the products. I only had a beer once in a blue moon. Early that evening the blue moon shone over Bangkok. I had enough of the depressing news on BBC World and I just couldn’t watch Die Hard even one more time in my life so I headed to O’Brien’s Irish bar to ponder my next move. With The Dubliners blasting out “The Irish Rover” in the speakers overhead, I sipped my ice-cold Singha beer looking out onto Sukhumvit Road and smiled watching tourists haggle with street vendors over the price of pewter souvenirs, t-shirts, pirate DVD’s and fake Rolex watches.

“How’ya.” A voice boomed in my ear making me jump. I turned sharply to see a giant standing beside me. He parked himself on the padded seat beside me with a force that nearly sent me skywards. His name was Frank. He was 47 years old, about 6 feet 2 inches tall and the wrong side of 300 pounds. His white shirt had 3 buttons open revealing black bushy chest hair and an enormous gold medallion. His hair was long black and greasy making him look more like a Greek Elvis impersonator than any Irishman that I’d ever known.

“The wife is gone shoppin’ with her sister for t-shirts and stuff for the nieces and nephews.” He informed me in a County Kerry accent so strong that he was harder to understand than most Thais.

“I thought I’d drop in here out of the heat and sample the Thai Guinness.” He went on, drawing a big paw across the sweat on his forehead.

We exchanged stories and it transpired that he lived with his wife in Khon Kaen in the northeast and they were just in Bangkok for a 3-day break. After about 30 minutes his wife came in with her sister, they planted bags on the floor and slumped on to the seat opposite in mock exhaustion. I shook hands with Ped (his wife) first then her sister Noi. My miserable day had just become considerably better as a guy from home; his wife and her extremely pretty “little” sister joined me. I remember just locking onto Noi’s gorgeous dark eyes.

Noi was only 28 years old. She was a mere 5 feet tall and of slight build. Her skin was typically Isaan, (North-eastern Thai) very dark brown. She wore her black hair tied back off her face in a ponytail enhancing her lovely facial features. She was friendly and her smile absolutely knocked me out. She spoke very good English and we hit it off straight away.

“You come Khon Kaen with us tomorrow and teach me English more.” She said with a laugh.

Within 24 hours and impetuous as ever that off the cuff remark became reality as I pulled my suitcases from the back of Frank’s Ford Ranger and checked into the KK Mansions apartment complex. That night there was a knock on my door. It was Noi with a small silver suitcase in tow.

“I stay with you tonight?” She asked.

I was delighted that she was here and I let her in secretly chuffed that my flagging self-esteem was boosted at having a new girlfriend that was 13 years younger than me.

Our first night together was not the hot exotic encounter that I imagined it would be. We showered separately and Noi slid into bed beside me with a large towel around her. As she removed the towel she half jokingly told me that she wanted to get a breast enlargement operation but I tried to reassure her that it did not matter. I was lying and I remember that I was disappointed that her bra had been padded and her small breasts were practically non-existent. Physically she had the body of a girl. She was rather timid in bed and did not really like oral sex, either giving or receiving. She also did not like rear entry as she said that it hurt. We had a great relationship outside the bedroom. Noi was funny and a really great girl but after a while our sex life really did bother me and it was usually missionary position with the lights off.

I loved life in Khon Kaen. I was teaching English to some university students privately. They did not play chasing and I hardly ever needed a Tylenol. I was also teaching a nice 45 year-old lady that was going to the USA. As far as women are concerned I was still in heaven. Khon Kaen is light years from Bangkok but the women were no less beautiful. I walked around the markets or the supermarkets and just looked and admired these gorgeous women. I would just sit drinking a cappuccino thinking how lucky I was. 41 years old and living with a really cute Thai girl. I worked a maximum of 4 hours per day then would go to the Angel Plaza and just wallow in my surroundings. You stand out as a foreigner up here so you get a few smiles from really pretty girls. I am no Brad Pitt look-alike but I am 6 foot tall and I always managed to keep myself in good physical condition. I have a good head of hair even if the gray is taking over. My best description of myself is easy on the eye. Your imagination can run riot but I had a nice girlfriend so I was happy enough to just look. I would never touch.

One day Noi told me that a friend of hers wanted to learn English. I thought this was okay as I would never turn down a chance to earn some extra cash and more importantly kill an hour or two. Two days later we met her friend for dinner. Her name was Fon and she was gorgeous. That day when she walked into the restaurant she quite simply took my breath away.

“Sawadee kaa.” (Hello) She said with a Wai. (Thai greeting raising palms together and bowing head).

She was older than Noi at 31 years old. She was about 5 foot 6 inches tall. She had long black shiny hair that draped over her shoulders like black silk curtains. She wore a tight fitting red top that showed off her ample breasts. She wore a loose fitting light blue cotton skirt that went below her knees and swayed with her movements. To top it off she wore a pair of black patent high-heeled open-toed sandals showing off a tidy pair of feet. A little fetish of mine I have to add. She turned a few heads that day.

I tried to ascertain her level of English and it was basic, added to that she had no confidence in speaking English. I was pleased at the realisation that my relationship with this woman (albeit professional) would be quite a long one.

Fon had quite a successful jewellery business but Noi had told me that she was tired of meeting parasitical Thai men that lived off her. Her last Thai man only wanted to drink whiskey and would beat her up. She had just recently visited a dating agency and had been set up with an English guy. Without the agency translating their emails, communication was quite limited. Fon liked this guy and he promised that he would visit her on his next vacation.

The words “Lucky bastard” ran through my head.

“You help I?” She asked me.

“Yes I will be glad to.” I replied.

I tried to be nonchalant in her presence and to be professional but as we went our separate ways that day I watched her walk away sneaking a glance at the most perfect specimen of a female that I ever met. I was in a relationship and this woman was my girlfriend’s friend. My problem was that I was a man and I could not stop having desires and fantasies. I compromised in my mind that I would allow this woman to be my fantasy and nothing more. The same as was Mrs. Quinn; my French teacher was my fantasy when I was 16. I do not know how I got beyond “Comment allez vous?” as in each French lesson all I could see at the blackboard was my teacher in just her high heels. I must have left each lesson holding my books in front of my throbbing erection.

“Soo-ay mai?” (Is she beautiful?) Noi asked me bringing me back to the here and now as this Siamese vision walked down the street.

“Yes she’s quite a nice lady.” I replied in mock nonchalance.

I woke up on the day of Fon’s first lesson and I was in a great mood. My girlfriend kissed me goodbye and went to work and I allowed my mind to drift into a fantasy of Fon stripping and the two of us making love in her bed. I had a shower, chose my best clothes and sprayed on my Chanel Allure aftershave.

At 8.55am I killed the engine of my Isuzu Rodeo and gathered my books off the passenger seat. My heart hammered as I knocked at the door. Fon answered and wai’ed with a “Sawadee kaa” (Hello) and gestured me in. I followed her to the dining room where a large mahogany dining table and 6 chairs almost filled the room. An A4 notebook was open and ready for action so I placed my books on the table and sat in the chair that would be next to her.

“Would you like some dink?” She asked.

“Just water please.” I replied.

I still remember her walking to the fridge and I still see it in slow motion, her every move was so graceful as she walked along the pale grey tiled floor to the gigantic Samsung fridge. Last time that I met her she wore a rather long skirt but today as if to drive me totally crazy she wore a denim mini-skirt. I tried my best to focus on my reason for being here and I opened my folder and took out my lesson for today. I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering just to watch her pour my drink. Her legs were amazing. They were long, well toned and brown. She wore a red and white vest type top that obviously showed more flesh on her arms and plunged in the front revealing more of her tanned breasts. She placed my glass of water in front of me and sat down.

“You have a beautiful home.” I said not sure if she understood me. “Khun ban soo-ay mak mak.” I repeated not sure if my Thai was correct.

“Oh thank you velly much.” She replied. “Khun puud pasa Thai gengh maak.” (Your Thai is excellent.)

Mahogany cabinets adorned the dining room. Family pictures and pictures of Fon at her university graduation sat proudly on them and across the wall along with pictures of the king, the queen and king Rama V (the past and much loved king).

I handed her the book that we would work from and as she turned over some pages I sat back and sneaked a look at her crossed legs and feet beneath the table. Her feet were also flawless and deeply tanned and her toenails were painted crimson red.

“Oh dee maak!” (Very good) She exclaimed bringing me back to reality. “Book velly good.”

I switched back to professional reality and proceeded to go through the lesson. She listened intently to my every word and she repeated what I wanted her to say. We laughed at the words that she struggled with but she eventually made a good attempt at correcting them.

“Boyflend me want I learn English too much.” She informed me. I hated to admit it to myself but the word “Boyfriend” was a knife in my heart. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife says the commandment but I did. He was English, I was Irish, and we were geographical neighbours and I did covet his future wife. As she spoke I studied every inch of her. Her hair, her stunning dark eyes, her snow-white teeth and her perfect mouth. The white of her vest top contrasted her dark brown skin. Northern Thai ladies are sometimes self-conscious of their skin, which they do not like if it is too dark. An irony that western women are white and want to tan, Thai ladies with dark skin want to have brighter skin.

The 1-hour lesson finished all too quickly and I reluctantly got to my feet and gathered my lesson sheets into my folder. She thumbed through her purse for my 300 Baht fee and for the first time ever I felt guilty taking it. I loved every minute of my time with her and I would have gladly spent the day with her and not charged her 1 single Baht.

“Fon call to me darling,” my girlfriend said to me that evening. “She say you good teacher. She want you teach her long time.”

Noi did not know that Fon was beginning to occupy my brain. That night Noi and I made love. In my mind I was somewhere else and I closed my eyes and thought of Fon. Tonight Noi took it from behind. I looked at Noi’s little legs but thought of Fon’s long legs as I slid in and out of her. I imagined what it would sound like for Fon to groan as I entered her. I was almost afraid that I would call out the wrong name as orgasm gripped me and I came inside Noi.

Fon smiled as she showed me in the door for lesson 2. Today she wore a similar vest type top but a pair of white shorts replaced her mini. As she walked to the fridge I used the time it would take her to walk there to take in her every step. The shorts displayed even more flesh on her legs with the added bonus of hugging her buttocks to show just how round and perfect they were.

I began my lesson and once again took on the role of teacher trying desperately to hide my desire for my student. Over two hours went by when I decided to wrap up our lesson.

Every evening with Noi became a charade. I spoke to her about her friend’s progress and made love to her but in my head I was making love to her friend. In the morning I showered, got dressed and thought about what Fon would wear today and thought maybe today was the day when she would declare her love for me.

As each day passed Fon and I did become closer. I took her shopping in Angel Plaza or to lunch to improve her vocabulary. Noi would ring me and I would tell her that today was “The restaurant lesson or the buying clothes lesson.” It never occurred to her that I never went “on location” with a student before. Fon sat beside me in my Isuzu and we would sometimes speak in her bamboo English or my broken Thai. A lot of times we just sat in silence but for me it was never an uncomfortable silence. I loved being with her. Sometimes I asked Fon questions about her boyfriend, which for me was like whipping myself.

“I just want a good man with a kind heart to take care me and love me.” She said in her rapidly improving English.

There were times when I felt like I spoiled the moment by asking about him, so I did not ask again.

I was beginning to believe that Fon felt the same way about me as I did about her. In a mixture of Thai and English we were speaking more about life and what we wanted. My lessons were taking on a more personal touch for us both. I had a battle going on in my head.

“You have a girlfriend,” Said one voice. “And she has a boyfriend.”

“He is in England and you are here,” Replied the other. “Go for it!”

I always think that in situations like this fate will rear its head and there isn’t anything that you can do about it. This started like any other lesson. We sat at the table and we talked through the dialogue that was written on the sheet.

“Ek-cue me,” Fon said, “I turn on fan.”

As she stood up she knocked the table and my glass of water spilled over me. In reaction I jumped to my feet.

“Solly, solly.” She said not knowing what to do next.

“Okay no problem.” I said as the cold water soaked into me. Her hand was now on my shoulder and I instinctively put a hand on her waist. As I looked into her eyes the embarrassment on her face was replaced by a more wanting look. This was it, now or never. I slowly moved my mouth towards hers then felt her silky lips meet mine. As my tongue explored her mouth we just blended into each other. My hands slid under her shirt and I felt her warm soft skin; her hands ran over my back. She whimpered as I kissed her neck.

Fon didn’t say anything she just broke away but took my hand and led me to the stairs. I swallowed hard and watched as she climbed the stairs then I followed, her bare feet not making a sound on the polished mahogany stairs. Her hand turned the doorknob and the door creaked open. Sunlight filled the room and a typically feminine combination of scents now filled my nostrils. I stopped in the doorway as she went to the window to pull the curtains. I looked around admiring how beautiful the room was. A giant tiger rug hung on the wall over her bed. Matching mahogany wardrobes, bedside lockers and lamps gave a symmetrical look to the room.

With the curtains darkening the room she came back, walked past me, closed the door behind me and switched on the ceiling fan. Then she went and sat on the bed. I sat beside her. We just looked into each other’s eyes as if we did not know what to do next. I gently stroked her hair and leaned across to kiss her. Once again we kissed deeply and passionately. Her fingers opened the buttons of my shirt and my heart raced as her hands clawed across my bare chest. I stood up, leaned forward and took hold of her vest top. She raised her arms allowing me to remove it revealing a plain white bra. I threw my shirt to the floor and as I reached behind her back to unhook her bra, she undid my wet jeans. She let me slide off her bra to reveal two gorgeous breasts with large dark brown nipples. Now she pulled down my jeans revealing my tent-like boxers. Even though it had just been drenched in ice-cold water, my cock stood out rock hard. She looked up at me coyly and agonizingly moved her face forward into my groin. I thought I would explode as her hands gripped my buttocks and she delicately moved her face from side to side and up and down my cock. Then she put me out of my misery and gently lowered my boxers.

“Wow, wow,” She said.

Her hand traced delicate lines around my cock as if she had never seen one before. She cupped my balls in one hand then placed tender kisses along the length of my shaft to the top and back down again. I craved for her to take me in her mouth but she didn’t, she just stroked my legs and balls and kissed my cock. She patted the bed for me to sit beside her. I fell to the bed still tied up in jeans and boxers. She laughed then freed me from my denim shackles. She stood up and lowered her shorts revealing a pair of plain white cotton panties then climbed on top of me. We slid in on the bed and she kissed down my chest and once again began kissing my cock. This time I got my wish and she gently gripped my cock and took it in her mouth. Any previous shyness was now well and truly gone as she expertly moved her head and her hand in unison. I tried to watch but had difficulty keeping my eyes open as ecstasy gripped me. As I looked down at her I could see her sideways. At this point I think I thanked God that I was a man as I surveyed every inch of her from her perfect little feet, along her gorgeous brown legs, silky skinned back to the long black hair that fell over her face now hiding what she was doing to me. She paused, pulled her hair over her ear and tilted her head just long enough to let me see what she was doing. As she moved her head up and down on me her tongue made circles around my cock driving me crazy. Then as she moved her head her hair fell back down again.

My 41-year old heart needed a break before it exploded so I sat up and gestured for her to lie down beside me. Her hair spilled over the pillow and I leaned over and kissed her. She whimpered as I kissed her neck and I really took pleasure from kissing every bit of her. I kissed her beautiful breasts and sucked hard on her nipples. I kissed her stomach then playfully rubbed my nose on her mound and kissed every inch of her legs. It was fetish time and she had gorgeous little feet so I kissed them, licked them and took a manicured big toe in my mouth and mimicked oral sex doing to her toes what she had done to my cock. She closed her eyes and she seemed lost in the pleasure that I gave her. Eventually I pulled off her pants and was treated to the sight of her beautiful pussy. I kissed along the inside of her thighs and when I got to her beautiful little cunt she squirmed and moaned as I kissed it and licked it. It was almost sweet from whatever shower-gel she used. I could have stayed there all day as her little love bud came out to play, I slid two fingers inside her on a mission to find her G-Spot massaging her insides as my tongue kept up his job. She gripped the sheets tightly writhing almost making it difficult for me to keep my tongue on the right spot. Then after her body jerked a few times she seemed to have enough. She lay laughing and panting.

“Gengh Mak.” (Excellent/Very good) She said. “Now please.” She added moving her legs apart inviting me in.

I positioned myself between her legs and placed my glistening knob between her cunt-lips. I gently pushed and she jerked as if it hurt. I paused but she bit her lip and nodded for me to continue. Her nails dug into my shoulder as her insides finally surrendered to the intruder. I looked down the length of her body and took in the perfection of her flawless legs and tiny feet as her cunt muscles clamped around my cock.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” She sighed loudly as my length slid inside her.

“Yes, yes please…” She cried in her newly learned language. I could easily have ejaculated after 2 minutes but I wanted to make this last. I wanted to see her in every position imaginable just to savour her beauty. I withdrew from her and as if she could read my mind she got up on all fours parting her long legs letting me enter her from behind. Once again the vocals started and once again I surveyed every perfect inch of her. Her black hair fell forward and I ran my hands and nails down her brown back. Her round brown buttocks shook as my hips banged off them. Whatever way she turned her foot I could see her red painted toes and that gave me the final push over the line and I ejaculated with intensity that also brought a satisfied moan from her.

I collapsed onto the bed fighting for breath in the morning Thai heat as the fan whirred overhead. Fon rolled over and draped herself across me nuzzling her head under my chin. I held her close and breathed in her sweet scent. I watched every revolution of the fan contemplating what would happen next. This was wrong but it felt right. As I ran my hand up and down her silky back I felt her body rise and fall with her every deep breath. I did not want this moment to end. I looked at the clock on the wall and willed it to stop.

“Do not leave me.” Fon whispered kicking my brain into overdrive. I held her tighter feeling somewhat happier that these 4 words now made my decision considerably easier.

That afternoon I was once again packing my bags. I hoped that the next time I put them down that it would be for a long time. My decision was made but I had one final job to do. There was somebody I had to see for what was more than likely the last time.

Restaurant Coworker Fuck

I’m remembering back to a night where we met back up at my place after a nights work at the restaurant…. I had already been home for about an hour, enough time for me to take a shower and slip into a pair of short lounge shorts and a wife beater tank.

You knocked on my door and when I opened it to let you in you were holding a bottle of white wine with a smile on your face. The kind of smile that told me you were happy to see me and knew it was going to be a good night.

You came in and asked to take a quick shower while I would get the wine opened and ready with 2 glasses. I turned on some music, I think it was Enigma, and turned down the lights and lit some candles. I opened up my futon in the living room while you were still in the shower.

When you were done with your shower you came into the living room where I was at and when I turned to you, you were standing there with the towel around your waist just low enough for me to look at your abs and pelvic muscles dripping with shower drops.

I ran my hand down your chest and handed you a glass of wine. You pulled me close to you and kissed me. We sat on the couch and drank some wine in the atmosphere I set for us. We looked at each other in anticipation, wanting what we both new would be coming up next.

We started kissing and the taste of your lips was so good, a mixture of wine and tongue. I went for your towel and undid the tuck exposing your rock hard cock. I took off my tank and pulled down my shorts. You looked at me and said “I’ve wanted to fuck you all night long”.

You laid me down and slowly crawled on top of me pressing your cock on my stomach. I opened up my thighs giving you access to my pussy. You began to tease me with the tip of your cock on my clit. I wanted you inside me so badly but I knew you had other things in mind.

You turned yourself over to lie on your back and asked me to straddle myself over your face. Once I was on my knees with my pussy above your mouth, you handed me my glass of wine and told me to slowly pour it down my chest.

I began to pour it down the front of my neck, it ran between my tits, down my stomach and then down my pussy. Your mouth was pressed up between my lips and you began to drink the wine from inside me.

It felt so fucking amazing. The cold of the wine and the warmth of your tongue at my pussy, my clit began to swell up with excitement. My knees were getting weak and I felt you press up on my ass cheeks with your hands to keep me upright. You moaned loud into me.

When you released my ass, you slid me down your body and guided your cock inside me. I was so wet and you felt so good. The music was putting us in a trance and I rode you to the rhythm of the sounds. Grinding you inside me deeper I felt you pulsing against my walls.

You turned me over onto my back and began fucking me from behind like an animal. Pulling on my long hair like it was your rein. With every pull of my hair you pulled yourself deeper inside me. Moaning and slapping my ass to feel the sting.

You grabbed me from behind and sat yourself down. You made me sit on you with my back to your chest while you squeezed my tits and fucked me. You said you were ready to cum and needed me to cum with you. You put your fingers between my pussy lips from around my waist and began massaging my clit while still inside me. My body started to shake and loose control.

You grabbed me hard and thrusted inside me one final time and said “Fuck…yes!” You were cumming inside me and I could feel you fill me up and I began to cum so hard. I screamed “Oh my God…Yes!”

We fell asleep in the living room naked and sticky and I couldn’t wait for the following night to come to see what was in store for us then.